What really grinds your gears, Sup Forums?

What really grinds your gears, Sup Forums?
>people who pull in front you on the road and immediately slow down
>anons who overuse the word "literally" because their shitty limited vocabulary
>girls/women who are overly-peppy in public, making it obvious that they are truly horrible people
>parents who let their kids scream their heads off in public instead of disciplining them

That sweet spot on the knob of the faucet that is just on the hotter side of the knob, like juuuust over the line to be getting warm, that gets SCALDING FUCKING HOT ON EVERY FUCKING FACET KNON TO MAN FUCK SHIT ASS NIGGERTITS FAGGOTCUNT FUCK

Mexican Americans.

When people complain about a meal that has no sides to it. Like, for fuck's sake, it took me a long-ass time to make this, and I don't have the money, time, or motivation to make any sides. You should just be happy that there's food. Those people piss me off so much.

>people who rant about the imaginary war on Christmas
>bitches who are always on their phone
>people who get mad when you tell them Happy Holidays. New Years exists you inbred mouthbreathers
>my tax money going to support Israel's defense. I don't fucking live there, I don't want to pay to defend it Everytime it starts something it can't finish

Strict/toxic parents. I used to live with my very toxic mom and stepdad. They made my life hell, took my money, made me into a personal butler and cleaning man, and manipulated me so much, even going as far as to spread a rumor that I had severe autism all over half our state and all of Facebook to garner sympathy and social points. But worst of all, is that I was robbed of my adolescence and teen years. I wasn't allowed to leave the house for 3 out of my 4 years of high school, and my social life suffered so much because of it. I like parents that allow their kids to make their own mistakes, and learn from them on their own. Fuck, I hate my life so much some days.

>planned obsolescence
>local government making it illegal to throw away certain items but not providing a single alternative
>people who don't know their state traffic laws
>hero worship of politicians/parties

Example? Is the main meal full of ingredients or is it a slab of baked, unseasoned chicken?

>even going as far as to spread a rumor that I had severe autism all over half our state and all of Facebook to garner sympathy and social points

Seeing threads that look like they belong on the front page or r/askreddit.

I came here for incomprehensibly superior memes, but all I've ever found is porn and Reddit reposts- and only one is good for jacking off to.

It's usually full of ingredients. At the least, 3 or 4.

>people with bad personality

I don't think you realize my pain. Everyone treated me differently when they found out that I was "autistic." I was told that apparently one girl in the hallway said no one should go to prom with me because of my "condition." In the end, I had to clarify with so much people that it was false, and it helped nothing. Some days, I wish I could just an hero, but that would mean that I let everyone win.

mate how old are you now?


Honestly at this point the user bases of most sites overlap so much that what goes on on one happens on the other. Meaning cancer spreads to every meme harvest.

Dank memes need darkness and isolation to grow and mature. Instead they're shitposted to death across FB and Reddit for imaginary internet points. Sup Forums is too autistic to do anything original anymore as well. So we have image macros spammed to death in a 24 hour period and everyone is pretending it's ironic

>Not having a gf
>Sup Forums posters

But, you just posted something on Sup Forums

Yeah you don't need a side if you have a flavorful and balanced main course. Three-cheese macaroni with tomatoes and bacon? You bet your ass I'm not making a side.

what he really means

Welcome to Sup Forums newfriend

>boys in school who think me wearing comfortable shirts and shorts in the summer means they're allowed to stare and make rude comments
>boys on Sup Forums who start screaming about "rules" every time a girl is posting

When there's not enough oil in the engine and the gears grind


Shiet, that actually sounds pretty good.

Thanks, user

>people that think engine oil level affects the transmission

You know the rules...


People who can't fucking MERGE

>people that refuse to follow the flow of traffic on the interstate
>people that block the passing lane
>people that lift their trucks
>people that blast their music at stoplights

People (I've seen mostly teenagers that are like this) that are infuriated all the time. I've met a couple that are like this, where their face always looks scrunched up, they have some curly or long hair, pronounced front teeth, you know the kinds, and they are never calmed down, but always behave like they're either about to fight someone, or like their gf just told them that they found some guy that has a bigger dick.

You. All of you. You have got to be the biggest bunch of cowardly, whinny ass snowflakes. Stop feeling sorry for yourself. Stop looking for validation for your self absorbed pitty parties from other social rejects. Go do something with your life before you fall victim to your own manufactured bullshit.

>implying that you're any different

>people who say "you mad", "butt hurt" or "triggered" as a means of automatically shutting someone down rather than giving a proper argument, its usually always misused anyway, typically when someone shows any ounce of passion when theyre defending whatever the topic of the argument is

>faggots who say "edgy", "cringy" or "cuck", I get they're the internet cool buzzwords now, but again, always misused as a cop out argument. Just because something is even remotely challenging to standard ideals does not mean it's edgy

>politics. Seriously. Fuck politics. Politics should always be used as a tool for people from opposing cultures, religions and political ideals to come together to find a middle ground that can properly fit equally with everyones lives. But instead, its now resorted to just "IM RIGHT YOUR WRONG, IF YOU DONT THIBK LIKE ME YOURE THE ENEMY". The worst part is is that both sides of the argument tend to be fucking oblivious to their hypocrisy and their arguments are always the fucking same, bunch of fear mongering, virtue signaling, circle jerking garbage regurgitated over and over. You're not convincing your opposers to think like you, you're only preaching to the choir and only reaching those that already agree with you in the first place

>identity politics, I couldn't give a single shred of a fuck about the black race or the white race, I barely even can even muster up the energy to even give a fuck about the human race. What should compel me to give a fuck about one specific race? Fuck off.

this guy that think he knows the secret to success and spends his time on Sup Forums

>spending the first 22 years of my life to prove to someone else that my time is worth their money
>still can't get hired
>even if I have a degree in computing and live in Silicon Valley
>have to get a masters degree to get hired
>never had any reasonable amount of money due to inability to get a job so I scrape by
>watching other people get philosophy degrees and knowing they'll be more successful than me because daddy has his own company

Kek, you are the living walking epitome of irony.

Everyone I know who uses this site just shitposts and contributes to threads like this. Calm down with that hypocrisy princess

>Customers that act like they know what your job is and how your system works.
>Customers who go and bitch at your manager over simple mistake
>Customers who butch at your manager cause you had difficulty understanding them cause they can't speak proper fucking english
>Customers who ask about a random product like your the fucking god of all knowledge
>Customers who are entitled cunts.
>Extreemists of all natures
>People who don't know how to chill the fuck out
>People who can't laugh at themselves
>Normies who don't understand basic computers
>People who get frustrated, cause when you're explaining something to them they feel like you're being condescending when YOU'RE JUST TRYING TO EXPLAIN TO THEM HOW TO FIX IT THEMSELVES NEXT TIME.
>Ignorance/Blatently ignoring fact.
This is the majority of the list.

>people killing people.

insecure bitches that ruin their perfect bodies with piercings and tattoos

People who smoke weed in general. I don't hate the idea of legalizing medical weed, and possibly recreational or decriminalized, but I don't like stoners and people who use it all the time. I hate people who say that it needs to be legalized because "it expands my mind," or "it's good for you," even though the person saying it isn't a doctor, but is just some filthy stoner/pothead/social smoker. They aren't the people anyone should listen to if they want to be convinced that weed should be legalized. And I'll admit, I'll probably try weed someday, but I don't want to really get into it. In general, I don't really plan on trying many drugs, but since weed is a bit more mild than others, I may try it, but no guarantee.

listened to young peeps having a bro talk
on their back porch ,only noticing they used 'like' 120 times in 10 minutes of work talk,like, a lot, dude

Girls that talk about how they're so "random and quirky," and think that they're funny by calling themselves a potato. Pretty much every girl that calls herself a potato is, at the least, a 7. Ungrateful bitches. But you have an idea of who I'm referring to. Just a bunch of low self-esteem girls that think they're special or unique, but are just like everyone else.

You seem like you get in alot of internet arguments...

Actually... I’m as close to perfection as a human being can be. I’m here to enlighten your sorry souls

Hipsters in general.

I smoke a bowl every few weeks. I just chill in my backyard on a Friday/Saturday afternoon, smoke and eat, and meditate. If you smoke everyday, you're retarded and degenerate, except if you smoke every night to help you sleep or another medical reason


Mostly in real life, but I get into occasional arguments here too. Mostly with topics I enjoy. Eh. Not often though.

Yeah, I can agree with that.

Being intentionally touched by someone

Eh. I can see your point then

Oh get off your high horse faggot.

>Pretty much every girl that calls herself a potato is, at the least, a 7. Ungrateful bitches. But you have an idea of who I'm referring to.
What the fuck are you saying?

People that say they were "born in the wrong generation." You guys should be familiar with who I'm referring to. You're seen all those 10-21-year-old special snowflake retards on a music YouTube video in the comment section, talking about how they hate their own generation, or talking about how they're the "only ones who still like (random past decade)'s music," or, the classic, "I'm only (10-21), and I love this old music. I'm not like other kids my age, who listen to Nicki Minaj and Justin Bieber! Nope! I listen to (older overrated band, like Queen, Nirvana, Sonic Youth, Beatles, etc.)!" I hate those fucking people. I'll be honest, though, I wish I could see what the 60's and 70's had to offer, and I like older music, too, but I also like newer music as well, and music of just about all genres. I just don't flaunt it to get attention.

First of all, nice trips. Second, haven't you ever heard people saying that? They're everywhere. All over the Internet, especially on tumblr and other normie sites, in middle and high school, places like that? Where have you been?

food packages that list "enjoy" as the last step i preparing it

Stop being such pussies. Your self pity is nauseating.

People that think traps aren't gay.

girls have been doing this since always
>"omg, i'm so ugly!"
>waits for compliments from people

You, like, LITERALLY suck dick.

but it's a feminine dick so it's fine

This whole #NoDAPL thing. I used to live on that reservation, and I can tell everyone from experience that it was a shitty life. It was simple, sure, but that's because it was a reservation, for fuck's sake. The only thing I like about it is because of it's regression, it feels like stepping back into the 2000's. But honestly, this #NoDAPL shit is stupid. That oil is needed for most of the world's products, as well as for cars. Plus, the supporters are terrible. They claim that they're "saving the environment," yet left a giant pile of trash and shit everywhere that will go into the Cannonball River, and, if you go into the towns, you'll see that there's litter every square inch of the place, and stray animals everywhere. I could go on and on, but I'll just leave it at that. Fuck, I hate that place and its residents.

>The light is GREEN. Get off your PHONE. And DRIVE.
Fucking ay. Every time I'm behind someone at a red light, I have to wait 10 seconds after it turns green for them to GO. And when I'm behind five of them, it turns in to 50 seconds.

Pay. Attention.

Doesn't help that my horn is broken.

People who get those retarded septum piercings or a ring that you can see on the side of their nose.

When people rant about how tattoos are somehow worse than blowing up a church or burning babies alive, and claiming that people who get tattoos are eviler than Lucifer.

inb4 I don't have tattoos. Hoping to get some sometime, but I'd rather wait first.

I've been out of public school for a while and I don't hang out on Tumblr/Reddit. So they say potato to mean retard, but won't say retard?

Ah, makes sense. Thanks.

No, they say potato to mean that they are about as attractive as a potato.

Shit, you're still young as fuck. Don't let that shit get to you. Fuck those people. Either into a degree or a trade. Work, save, boost your credit and live life. Travel, move to another state. Make friends and be happy.

Yeah. Luckily, I did that before senior year started. I moved back to my SD hometown without them and started new again. Senior year was mostly alright.

I get it. I smoke every now and then but those stoner culture faggots are pure cancer. It's mostly kids that just discovered it and feel its their duty to preach the weed gospel. Fuck those people. My pipe doesn't have a fucking name, I don't really care what retarded name pot has. Then there are retards that are naturally stupid and lazy. They have no business doing any kind of drugs.

I have one tattoo and regret it. Thankfully I can cover it up easily and its small. Used to think tatted chicks were hot and now they just look like trash. Wait till you get older and when you think you've found the perfect tattoo, even a tribute, wait a year and see if you still want it. Chances are, you won't.