Why do you guys pretend to be religious

why do you guys pretend to be religious



you mean goys

>Implying we do

No one is pretending.

Religion is part of the glue that holds a culture and society together.

Only religion can absorb man's hunger for self-perpetuation and transcendent meaning.


Also reminder that Pinochet dangled leftist Catholic priests over volcanoes too.

1) The infant feels itself omnipotent, a God. It cries, and food and warmth appear from the void, self-created.

"I can imagine that the oceanic feeling could become connected with religion later on." -Sigmund Freud
2) The child eventually learns the truth. It is a bag of flesh, bound by determinism, and subject to decay and death. This causes anxiety and dread.
3) To aid the child in escaping anxiety and dread, society teaches it the vital lies of Character and Culture. Character offers the means to function in society with self-esteem and confidence, through denial of one's fundamental human condition. Culture provides symbolic forms of meaning and purpose, a sense of heroism to serve as a bulwark against death, ranging from the high heroism of a Churchill, to the low heroism of a farmer.

"With the truth, one cannot live. The more man can take appearance as truth, the sounder, the better adjusted, the happier he will be ... this constantly effective process of self-deceiving, pretending, and blundering, is no psychopathologial mechanism." -Otto Rank

"The essence of normality is the refusal of reality." -Ernest Becker
4) With the vital lies of Character and Culture at hand, the individual often loses himself in the immediacy of life. He works, eats, procreates, and lives according to the symbolic ideals and meaning handed to him by society, with entertainment serving as escape. The vast majority of people will remain in this stage until death. Kierkegaard referred to this type as the "immediate" men.

"Philistinism tranquilizes itself in the trivial" -Soren Kierkegaard

I don't pretend to be Christian but if I was a fedora I would just to spite Islam.

deus vult

5) Some people are more sensitive to the lie of cultural life that others are so thoughtlessly and trustingly caught up in, and feel a fundamental contempt for "immediacy." Kierkegaard calls such individuals "introverts." Introversion is impotence, but an impotence which is self-conscious to a degree, and it is this self-consciousness which is troublesome. Such individuals harbor a need to break free from culturally constructed meaning as the basis for the meaning of life. Historically, society instilled the most important ingredient of all: religious faith, which offered the sole means for absolute transcendence. The modern, secular society's loss of faith in the soul and God has broken down the primary cure for existential dread.

"What characterizes modern life is the failure of all traditional immortality ideologies to absorb man's hunger for self-perpetuation and heroism. Neurosis is today a widespread problem because of the disappearance of convincing dramas of heroic apotheosis of man." -Becker

So obviously projection it's not even funny. I don't need a fairy tale to give my life meaning or focus.

6) With introversion and the breaking of culturally constructed meaning comes a recognition of the truth of one's condition. With a recognition of the truth, the anxiety and dread of the child returns. The individual struggles to ease anxiety and dread by searching for legitimate sources of meaning and purpose to replace the lies of Character and Culture.

In the modern age, the individual will typically turn to psychology and medication to cure their natural, neurotic despair. The promise of psychology and pharmocology, like all of modern science, was that it would usher in the era of happiness, by showing us how things worked, how one thing caused another. But now we come up against the fallacy of psychological self-scrutiny. The scientific victory of replacing religious faith with psychological introspection has caused more problems than it solved.

"Psychology, which is gradually trying to supplant religious and moral ideology, is only partially qualified to do this, because it is a preponderantly negative and disintegrating ideology.
"Psychoanalysis failed therapeutically because it aggravated man's psychologizing rather than healed him of his introspection." -Otto Rank

Sin and Neurosis are two ways of talking about the same thing - the complete isolation of the individual, his disharmony with the rest of nature, his hyperindividualism, his attempt to create his own world from within himself, his refusal to recognize his cosmic dependence.

"Both the sinner and the neurotic experience the naturalness of human insufficiency, only today the neurotic is stripped of the symbolic world-view, the God-ideology that would make sense of of his unworthiness and would translate it into heroism." -Becker

Thus the plight of modern man: a sinner with no word for it, who seeks a rational explanation for his isolation in psychology, and thus only aggravates the problem of his separateness and hyperconsciousness.

7) Dread proceeds to categorically destroy all human (finite) ends and purposes, until all that can remain is the infinite.

"Anxiety is the possibility of freedom, because anxiety demolishes all finite aims, and so the man who is educated by possibility is educated in accordance with his infinity.
"Now the dread of possibility holds him as its prey, until it can deliver him saved into the hands of faith. In no other place does he find repose..." -Kierkegaard

The school of anxiety eventually arrives at faith. A faith that despite one's true insignificance, weakness, death, one's existence has meaning in some ultimate sense because it exists within an eternal and infinite scheme of things brought about and maintained to some kind of design by some creative force. Life thereby acquires ultimate value in place of merely social and cultural, historical value.

"So soon as psychology has finished with dread, it has nothing to do but to deliver it over to dogmatics." -Kierkegaard

Yes, you do...

You are in denial of what absolute death means.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is scientifically proven to treat mental illness. I'm in the field and think about psychology all the time and I'm a very happy person.

I'm a Christian athiest. I celebrate Christian holidays, I don't like LGBT people, I don't like abortion, I vote conservative. I just don't believe that there is an afterlife.

I'm not really - but without God there is no real moral basis for anything.
Athiest Liberals inevitability struggle with the question of "why is murder wrong?" because they don't have a moral compass. (Because I don't want to be murdered and because it's against the law aren't reasons why something is wrong)

No I'm not, because I understand it I don't take a second of my life for granted.

>Don't take a second of my life for granted
>I'm on Sup Forums
Okay user. I believe you user.

I don't know if this quote is legit, but I think the sentiment is true. It was certainly my experience.
t. PhD MechEngr (Dynamics and Control)

>atheists don't have a moral compass

One of the cringiest memes here.

get pussy fuck bitches

I refuse to believe that nothing means anything. Getting sneered at by pretentious faux intellectuals doesn't change that.

You can not take your life for granted and kill time on the internet in between doing other things.

>Still on Sup Forums, not taking a single second of my life for granted
Okay user. I still believe you user.

Perhaps not and I don't either, but clearly many people do. If only feminists and niggers had Jesus instead of their wacky cult, we might be able to ignore their non-issues and focus on real ones.


So explain it to me. I believe in right and wrong because God has told me what is right and what is wrong. Lucky for me sticking with this basic idea has created Western Civilization.
So, athiest, what is the reason libs aren't 100% right? They can slide that morality anywhere they want to make you accept fags, incest, poly sex, trans anything. Why not? No God no reason to stop

I think you're confused as to what taking something for granted means.

If you are happy, it is because you are in denial of the human condition. This is one of the points made, read carefully.

Happiness is fundamentally denial. CBT teaches individuals how to engage in denial through positivity training, eg. "changing negative thought patterns."

Those whose eyes are fully open can almost never fully close them. This is the true reason depression is so difficult to treat.

Because normal people don't need to believe in fairy tales to have a sense of right and wrong. Some of it is inherent, some of it is learned.

>Still on Sup Forums trying to convince people I'll never meet I don't take a single second of my life for granted.
Okay user. I promise I still believe you user.

Pretending is for atheists

CBT is not "teaching denial". Lets say you're depressed because you have an overly negative view of yourself, CBT makes you learn how to have a more accurate view of yourself.

>If you are happy, it is because you are in denial of the human condition.

This is seriously textbook projection.

>So explain it to me. I believe in right and wrong because God has told me what is right and what is wrong.

Have you questioned God on why something God thinks is right or wrong or are you just cucking yourself to God?

You don't seem to understand the argument here...

If there is no objective standard, there is no objective right and wrong.

The reason God is necessary is because he provides an objective standard and draws a line beyond which morality cannot cross.

This is not the case with subjective morality. There are no lines, because they are getting moved from one minute to the next. Nothing exists to hold them in place, to serve as a bulwark against absolute relativism.

I'm going to my buddies to have a cookout all day and party all night, I'm just hanging out right now and you still don't understand the concept.

Didn't le black science man do a talk about this

How like everyone else who turns to religion, scientists only do it because of emotional weakness

They get so far into the unknown and want an out for giving up. God dun did it is easier than continuing your work. Then some years later someone else will continue your work and find out that in fact god didn't dun do it

>You don't seem to understand the argument here...
>If there is no objective standard, there is no objective right and wrong.

Yeah no shit, that's reality. The rest of your post is a slippery slope fallacy.

When I was an atheist 2 years ago I tried to carry all the worlds problems on my shoulders. I was a miserable piece of shit. Letting Jesus carry some of that weight is liberating.

>Because normal people don't need to believe in fairy tales
I'm an atheist myself, but this is a fucking stupid argument. In no way are the biblical stories short and meant for kids. They're brutal, bloody and too often too obvious political retellings of a typical "rags to riches" sort of narrative.

>Trying to convince Sup Forums even harder that I don't take a single second of my life for granted.
Okay user. Please don't hurt yourself, I believe you user.

>Inherited morals
The fuck are you talking about? Morals are hardcoded into your DNA? Don't be stupid.
>morals are learned
Only if you teach them Religion. You can tell a child that smoking weed is illegal but he will never think it's wrong. Seriously how do you base your moral compass personally? Because you grew up in a majority Christian Nation and learned by watching others? Great argument you dumbshit

Then you're not a Christian, meaning "little Christ" or "Christ follower"

morals are hardcoded into our DNA

We are hardcoded for altruism and helping others. Being immoral is the same as being a downy

I've studied CBT, I know all about it. You don't need to explain it to me.

You always pick examples that are easy for CBT. "Suppose a depressed person has an overly negative view of himself." Well, obviously that is easy to treat. We have an objective truth (as implied by the words 'overly negative') and we simply have to instill this truth to treat the affliction.

What CBT cannot address are the REAL existential issues which human beings face. The loss of meaning in the face of the absurdity of existence, for example.

If I were to ask a very fundamental question, such as "is existence worth living," CBT would be at a loss, because it is a purely relativistic worldview. It would say it is a matter of perception, not an objective or quantifiable question.

The idea is that it's a made up story about morals told with magic.

>Morals are hardcoded into your DNA? Don't be stupid.

Yeah to some extent that is true fuckass. Morals are not all learned. You don't kill babies or your loved ones because your brain is wired to be repulsed by that.

You should be on your knees thanking God for religion, user. If it wasn't for religion, you'd be praying 10 times a day to a moon god after the mudslimes swept through Europe centuries ago because there were no catholics to stop them.

No I don't question God because other Men who believe in him is why my country isn't a third world rape hellhole.
At least it isn't yet - the battle rages hence why I'm on Sup Forums

>You don't kill babies or your loved ones

This happens daily.

>Three is no objective standard, there is no right or wrong
And you are happy with that? Yo ass needs Jesus

>No I don't question God because other Men who believe in him is why my country isn't a third world rape hellhole.
>What is grammar
>What are Muslim third world countries

So if killing babies makes me happy then it is moral?

What's an athiest I never understood this. Is it a retard's way of saying he is an atheist?

Atheists don't have an objective standard for morality. They don't even understand how to address your question.

They will just say "of course that's not moral," with their justification being that it doesn't FEEL moral to them in this moment.

They fail to recognize that such a flimsy basis for morality is no morality at all.

that's the shtick, we're politically INCORRECT

we're basically competing to be the dumbest and factually wrong, and religion is exactly that

Please, Christian nations are responsible for every nice thing you have. You want to drop all that? Enjoy the Middle East.

Lots of people turn to religion in desperation or fear when they are dissatisfied with the direction their lives are taking, Sup Forums is packed with social outcasts and people who society has abandoned. There being a significant number of religious people here actually make some measure of sense.

I'm not saying only fuckups and outcasts are religious, for the record, just saying it is an emotion crutch that a lot of people lean on when they're depressed or otherwise stressed out by reality.

"my life is shitty but my NEXT life will be better"
"I am increasingly aware of my own insignificance and mortality, but it's ok because there is a supernatural power that cares about me personally and will preserve me through death"
"I fell powerless to alter the unsatisfactory nature of my life, by my all power deity is never powerless, I just need to pray a lot"
"I'd rather live in a comforting lie than a stark, uncaring truth"

The Bible can be interpreted while the Koran is direct interpretation
I've already said I think Christianity has created the western world - obviously that doesn't include Muslims.

Besides they were doing well unil Gengis Khan murdered and raped half the planet including the middle east
>Muh morals are hardcoded in DNA, unless you were raped by a horde of subhumans
You excited about your future sven? Getting invaded and raped has already happened so enjoy the future countrymen who's anti-rape genes have been dominated by BBC genes

Psychology tells us that we have a set of needs and need a sense belonging to be happy. That's what I've gone off of and it's worked perfectly. I don't have existential crises, we're a bunch of apes looking out for our tribe.

God likes to answer questions. But like learning anything, the student needs to be willing to learn for the answer to be effective.

Very rarely per population.

arabs make great food and invented math, christians make newborn baby soup and invent dark ages so we can't progress

No, morality is not determined on an individual basis, it's a group thing.

>Arabs invented math
>Arabs weren't christian
>Arabs were overtaken by mudslimes
>Now middle east is a hellhole.
Get on your knees and thank God, user. You ow him everything.

careful with the no true Scotsman there buddy, but yeah, thats about right. To a point. Most people just get tired of caring, not easy to sustain such a high level of anguish for many many years past the realisation

If you don't have existential crises, you are in denial.

You are literally in stage 4 which I described above. You've bought into the lies of Character and Culture and are utilizing them for your source of meaning and purpose.

Denial works for you, which is why you are happy.



I don't have them anymore, I worked out my purpose of existence and passed my nihilistic phase. Seriously man, this is nonstop projection coming from you.

Allah will be mercifull to your soul,
but his followers wll not be merfciful to your body, infidel

Your perception of history is very banal. I'd recommend you delve into this subject further.
Basically all you wrote is a misconception or inaccurate.

i'll bend to allah before your shitty false god

> Pretending is for atheists
lying is for Christians

never seen so much projection in my whole life. Congrats user.

>God likes to answer questions
Says you?

>nihilistic phase
lol, the fact you consider the basic human condition and fundamental questions of existence a "phase" just proves my point about denial.

You can keep throwing your "projection" buzzword around when you are at a loss for a real argument.

We know. Europe is cucked, and atheists are responsible for it for bowing like little cucks to a moon god.

suck my fat arab cock homo

I'm sure you're sucking plenty on your own time, cuck.

The least christian elements within christian antions are responsible for those things. Bible thumpers do not make technological progress by going to church, scientists and engineers make the progress by working on sundays. Medical technology is advanced through research the religious powers have long deemed Immoral. Religion in the west has long stood firmly in the way of all those "Nice things" you talk about, the culture that has nurtured western science, political thought and individualism is a product of Greek based enlightenment thinking, not the product of worshipping a deity or adhering to the cultural tenets of bronze age shepherds.

Political correctness and factual correctness have no correlation.

sucking your moms teat

Okay, in some third world shitholes everyone believes rape and murder is fine. The majority of people used to believe that being gay was immoral, same with abortion. Now it seems we believe that those things are moral, so the majority of people was wrong. So many times the popular opinion of what is moral has been wrong or changed. So how do we ever decide what is and isn't moral, clearly appealing to popular opinion doesn't work.

user I keep telling you because it's blatant that's what you're doing. I have found my answers and verified them enough that it is no longer a question. I know we're a bunch of walking talking apes on a huge rock that is an atom in the grand scheme of things. That brings me joy, wonder and excitement if anything, not an existential crisis. You are projecting hard, and I'm definitely not the only one who sees it

Nobody here is pretending

Let us pray:

Pater noster, qui es in caelis,
sanctificetur nomen Tuum,
adveniat regnum Tuum,
fiat voluntas Tua
sicut in caelo et in terra.
Panem nostrum cotidianum da nobis hodie
et dimitte nobis debita nostra,
sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris;
et ne nos inducas in tentationem,
sed libera nos a malo.

Gloria Patri
et Filio et Spiritui Sancto,
sicut erat in principio,
et nunc et semper et in saecula saeculorum.

Sub tuum praesidium confugimus,
Sancta Dei Genetrix.
Nostras deprecationes ne despicias
in necessitatibus,
sed a periculis cunctis
libera nos semper,
Virgo gloriosa et benedicta.

Sancte Michaƫl Archangele,
defende nos in proelio;
contra nequitiam et insidias diaboli esto praesidium.
Imperet illi Deus,
supplices deprecamur: tuque,
Princeps militiae caelestis,
Satanam aliosque spiritus malignos,
qui ad perditionem animarum pervagantur in mundo,
divina virtute in infernum detrude.

Actiones nostras, quaesumus Domine, aspirando praeveni et adiuvando prosequere: ut cuncta nostra oratio et operatio a te semper incipiat, et per te coepta finiatur. Per Christum Dominum nostrum.

Who protects those scientists? Who sends their sons to war because God said it is noble to lay down one's life for their fellow people? Who allows those scientists the freedom to research whatever they wish? When did we discover the atomic bomb, before or after the rise of atheism?

The basis for atheistic morality is the Idea of intrinsic individual rights, my rights stop where they encounter your rights, this is the foundation of liberty. I cannot tell you what to do, you cannot tell me what to, any laws restricting either or all parties must be agreed upon, not enforced via strength.

Morals are subjective and they change due to context, I haven't been baffled by this since I was a kid dude, I don't know why this is so hard for you.

Because I don't want to end up like a loser atheist. I've only met a handful of atheists who aren't ugly neets living at home.

Why do you faggots care? I swear pol is just sjws of the right. People aren't doing what you want you run here and whine and bitch. Grow up pol, you guys are sad.

you all suck muslims will rule europe in 50 years

usa is already taken over by niggers and hispanic who are way easier to convert

burn in hell sinners

Because a myth from Roman era Jerusalem has all the right answers right? lmao get over yourself.

It is a FACT I am a bag of flesh bound by determinism. It is a FACT I am going to die and every trace of my existence will bleed away. It is a FACT we evolved due to an unconscious process of natural selection. It is a FACT the universe is ignorant and indifferent to our life and suffering. It is a FACT I will vanish and that I am hard-wired to not want to vanish. It is a FACT that lives survives predominantly from the death and destruction of other life.

These facts are not addressed by happy people, they are IGNORED. Bring them up at a dinner party and see the reactions you get. People don't like having their denial disturbed.

Your personal method of denial is to throw your "projection" buzzword around every time you are confronted by the truth of your existence.

Telling yourself you feel "excitement" at the prospect of being an insignificant nothing that will suffer and vanish: Denial.

So morality is ultimately an arbitrary belief. Then what gives you the right to impose your moral beliefs on someone else.

Why don't you get over yourself? So concerned with what strangers online are doing. What do you contribute to society outside of bitching on pol because people are religious.

Do you not believe in freedom?

My sides, evolution is a theory you fucking idiot.

How do you justify your morality? Why is your morality the right one?

2/10 bait

>What's the best way to fight the Jews?
>Believing a Jewish myth of course!

Yeah go ahead and kiss those nigger feet like the Pope tells you to and also isolate yourself from normal people by further digging yourself in the hole of internet reinforced anti-social behavior you idiots. Some of you are shitposting I know because I do it sometimes but there's retards here who actually fall for our shitposting and make it their lives. Absolutely hilarious.

>It is a FACT I am a bag of flesh bound by determinism. It is a FACT I am going to die and every trace of my existence will bleed away. It is a FACT we evolved due to an unconscious process of natural selection. It is a FACT the universe is ignorant and indifferent to our life and suffering. It is a FACT I will vanish and that I am hard-wired to not want to vanish. It is a FACT that lives survives predominantly from the death and destruction of other life.

Yeah I know, so?

>Bring them up at a dinner party and see the reactions you get. People don't like having their denial disturbed.

You might just give off bad vibes when you talk about this shit, maybe you present it in a pessimistic way, I've had deep existential discussions in casual contexts without people getting uncomfortable. This is another problem with YOU that YOU are PROJECTING onto other people.

If you are a bag of flesh that is a product of evolution from unintelligent natural processes, how can you even trust your own brain and know anything to be true or accurate.

I addressed that guy because he is insulting my view, why are you bitching on Sup Forums?

Did I say I'm imposing my morals on other people?

I think the real question is: Why Donald has no anus?

>>My sides, evolution is a theory you fucking idiot.
>Charles Darwin woke up one night of cold sweat
>Satan had visited Charles in his sleep and told him of the theory of evilotion
>Charles made *le happy merchant* gesture and started the Devils work immediately.