Why are SJWs so obsessed with Soviet Union flag...

Why are SJWs so obsessed with Soviet Union flag? I have a friend of mine that was studying in Sweden (SJW: The country) and he told me that they unironically use that flag. Yet they despise people from exUSSR.

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Liberals idolize communism. Some openly, some not

Question for my ex-USSR friends: just how prevalent was SJW-brand cultural marxism in the USSR?
These SJW types became very prevalent in the USA in the 60s-70s (see: hippies) when Soviet agents were able to subvert American universities with the help of Jewish-Marxist professors and organizations. Yet I'm under the impression that the Soviet Union only used these "useful idiots" as a way to try to destabilize the USA, and that even they wouldn't want these lunatics in the USSR. Is this a correct assumption, or would have the USSR welcomed these SJWs with open arms?

There's a small group of communist LARPers at my university who do this shit. They unironically believe that Stalin and Mao dindu nuffin complete with the propaganda to prove it. They're also into gay rights, native shit, trans shit, whatever. Their accomplishments include harassing pro-life groups and begging for free services. It's honestly a little sad.

Liberalism is the complete opposite of communism.


>muh communism hasnt really been tried

leftists are fucking subhuman mongoloid garbage

>Just how prevalent was SJW-brand cultural marxism in the USSR?
You can be fined for dyed hair, you can be fired (and jailed up to 5 years) from a job for being gay.
The USSR didn't have any of these sjw freaks, also USSR wasn't a hippie shit, it was a militarized state.
Cultural marxism didn't exist in the USSR aside from gl*balism, s*cialism and c*smopolitanism ofc.

By "Liberals" I do not mean actual Liberals. I mean modern """""liberals"""""" who are actually just degenerate communists.

but why Soviet Union? It's not known for being very good at freedom of speech and freedom of the press that Liberals value so much (at least in theory)

that's a difficult question I sadly cant answer. honestly I don't really know what hippies believed in but i dont think they shared the same views as Soviets.

USSR was favorable towards gays in pre WWII era tho

Original communism had homo rights, free love and that hippie shit. USSR was the first state to legalize homosexuality.

The SJWs are real communists who kept their original ideology while Russia changed it.

>be a Western gommie
>idolize the worst fucking strain of gommunism.
If anything, Leninists and Stalinists detroyed the world's opinion of Communism.

yes but very few people associate Soviet Union with what it was at the begining. Most people associate it with Stalin's Dictatorship and Cold War.

So why do SJWs in the first world use SU flag? Shouldn't it trigger most people there?

>Shouldn't it trigger most people there?

Mostly older people, yes. Not so much for younger people. The generation that was born after the Cold War often romanticizes Communist symbols and use them quite frequently but most don't know anything about the Soviet Union or what Communism has done.

Well if you ask Finnish gommies they of course blame Russians and think that the fall of the USSR is a good opportunity to take the glorious gommunist symbols away from Russians. There's nothing gommies love more than erasing history and at the rate they're going I'm pretty sure in 20 years the gommies will have rewritten history so that everyone thinks Russia was always a right-wing Nazi state founded by Putler.

Our gommies don't tend to wave Soviet flags though, they wave their old Red flag from the Civil War.

In the further West they seem to have some ridiculous idea that Trotsky was a good guy and that gommunism would have been amazing with him in charge.

> would have the USSR welcomed these SJWs with open arms?

who would want shitty workers

but why, it's like the opposite of liberalism in every way, well at least the stalinist soviet union was

> It's not known for being very good at freedom of speech and freedom of the press that Liberals value so much
SJWs aren't liberals

Funny thing is that you smuggled your hippy culture here and young people of 70-80 were already heavily infected with this long time before the collapse, 90 was just a year when weed have finally broken through the asphalt.

USSR and its ideology wasn't that different from Nazi's one.
The only difference was that in USSR they murder people of particular class (educated elite, middle class and upper class), not of particular ethnicity (only at first, at the end of Stalin's rule they started eliminate Jewish intellectuals)
USSR was tolerated by world only cuz it was on a winning side in WW2.
the USSR flag should be banned everywhere the same as Nazis's flag does.

>SJW-brand cultural marxism
You'll have to define that.

SJW to me is people whining on the internet about how they think the world should be run, usually in disproportionate response to some perceived wrong.

In totalitarian country on the other hand the state makes forceful effort to ensure that the elites promote its ideology, the masses conform to it and the dissenters are suppressed.
Nature of suppression will range from denying the non-conformists positions in upper echelons of society such as management and influential positions in state institutions, denying them access to education, keeping them away from eye of public. If they are seen as sufficiently threatening, they can get imprisoned, locked up in mental asylum; intimidating and punishing family members is another favoured tactics. If none of this is enough, torture and murder is available.

Note that none of this above is linked to a specific ideology. I suppose you could imagine a totalitarian dystopia revolving around "SJW", Islam, alt-right or what have you, but the root of the problem is in denying freedom of independent thought.

lol fuck this country


Just imagine if Stalin never came to power. This is what a Soviet Victory Day parade would have looked like.

>free markets

>state-controlled markets

Liberalism and communism are two completely different things

I'd take faggotry parades and muh degeneracy over ideological purges, murder and torture of innocent people and corrupt autocracy, thank you very much

In America "liberal" basically means a socialist. Communism and socialism became curse words there so socialists started hiding among liberals and eventually all the right-wing people fled from the label "liberal".

We are all Americans now so liberalism basically means socialism.

never seen that shit. you see Sup Forums too much. go back to the cesspool

This is way better than what is going on in Russia every Victory Day.

different people understand those terms differently.

some see it as laissez faire, as in "freedom from state intervention, freedom to choose", others (notably american modern liberals) see the idea as equal rights for citizens, including right to education, healthcare.
The way the label is used is seldom conducive to beneficial civil discourse.

this can be seen in the west as ideology where everyone shares everything and everyone is happy together, or as a system that caused soviet bloc to economically implode and turn its constituents into corrupt shitholes.
In the afflicted countries it can then be seen as either the good old time where everyone had a job and there were no homeless, or period of state oppression that rivalled or even exceeded fascism in terms of evil.

It's sad to see people who would otherwise have agreed on many issues, some of them fundamental, hate and despise each other because they can't get past tribalistic label slapping.

Thats immposibru. Communism it s totalitarism.

I think this confusion comes from american politics
European liberal = American libertarian
European socialist = American liberal

Americans don't like world "socialist" because that's just one step from "communist" (they are right), so the socialists there call themselves liberals

>Communism it s totalitarism
Stateless society cannot be totalitarian.


Stateless society cannot be, full stop.
Unless you brainwash/remodel people into a hivemind, they will always develop a hierarchy and form some semblance of a state.

That's not entirely inaccurate but still an oversimplification, and one of reason why partisan politics in democracies deteriorate.

>pro soviet union
b-but muh homophobia
Tell me something else that never happened OP

>first state to legalise homosexuality
No it wasn't, oddly it was the Ottomans who were among the first to legalise it in 1858

>implying ancaps aren't actually fascists

After playing EVE for several years I can honestly say this is true

>Stateless society cannot be
But there was stateless societies. I'm not saying we all should go full red because of that.

Actual commi symbols are only used by kurds and a few fringe lunatics. Our leftist normies usually know better then being sovietcucks at least.

You are from a vastly different cultural enviroment were people -if they are politically retarded- are so in a different way.

nah im talking about american politics. who wears a soviet t-shirt. some antifa lads might but such cunts are a super minority who noone ever knows of unless you are a polack and check those news 24/7

sex pistols wore jackets and shirts printed mao and marx figures. guevara seems to have been still popular. there're such fashions traditionally and internationally, but uslr tee? holy kek, it must be hardcore antifas or lefty polacks or something like such Sup Forums garbage.

American liberals are not socialist, or just a few like Sanders

>guevara seems to have been still popular.
They don't know who he is desu

I once read something in this reservation of idiots that made me laugh and cry at the same time.
Guy said "[someone] were commies, therefore pro-gay".

american influence
they mixing it with their shit to scum ideas of class fight

Communism(socialism) is ultimately a progressive ideology in the sense that it seeks radical deep social and economic change.
SJW are also obsessed with altering the status quo radically and want complete abandonment of traditional structures in favor of whateverthefuck.

SJWs are liberals
Liberals believe that capitalism fixes problems because muh liberty
Liberals think that making more black and gay millionaires is a good thing. Communists do not.

liberal is somebody who values personal freedom as the end goal of society
SJWs value social equality as the end goal of society
when you ask an SJW if they would infringe on freedom to ensure equality, they will say yes
they aren't liberals unless you view it from a social equality = freedom angle

You completely missed my argument

> when Soviet agents were able to subvert American universities with the help of Jewish-Marxist professors

I think it's time to take off your tinfoil hat, user

I lived in a leftie college for 3 years, hung around with Marxists and literally have never in my life seen anyone use this fucking flag.

Have you guys met an actual leftist?

I have no idea why they like soviet unions low pay and ban of unions with an omnipotent state

Marxist here
Most Marxists you'll meet at universities are Trotskyists, who hated the USSR

mental illness

You move from usa to ussr only difference is pay that is extremely lower in ussr

Again, I'm just finding it really fucking weird that you guys don't know this......90% of Marxists hate the USSR and see Stalinism as fascist.

Why would you be Marxist in australia you guys are paid already very well, you a chink?
Simply advocate for rent control and thats it.

Housing price control, rent price control, thats it mang.

I never claimed to be one. Marxists are good for discussions on automation, environmentalism and globalization. The well-read ones are chill to hang around and you'll usually leave the conversation having learned something.

Only reason I commented here is because I find this Liberal = Leftist = Haves Wet Dreams About Stalin/USSR equivalence shockingly stupid. Sup Forums ought to open a book eventually

I didn't, commies believe in a different economical model than SJWs.
But that has nothing to do with abstract concepts, it has to do with the evidence available that socialism does bot work, that you need capitalist elements.
Economic systems are the tools to achieve the ideological goal, not the ideological goal it self.

Most of the West had huge shitfights within the Left over the USSR and the pro-USSR ones lost because they were a bunch of heroin-addicted commie shitwits.
The most popular remnant of junkie commie shitwits are the Trots, who through an accident of history hate Stalin's guts

ahhh I wondered why I was being called a Marxist

I'll let you take the discussion lol

>using a personal anecdote as an argument
Not an argument

I left the thread, my bad
Because I know that the capitalist system is doomed to collapse, it's inevitable. I'd rather advocate a better system than watch fascism break out.
>socialism does not work, it needs capitalist elements
This is like saying that being pregnant doesn't work, you need non-pregnant elements. It makes no sense.
And economic systems are intrinsically linked to society. Go read up on base and superstructure.

surprising there still are ones seriously learning that ancient marxshit as theory

im liberal and was reading a lot of such books but would say its by far more useless than postmodernism trash tho its "historically" worth learning. ussr is a mere laughing stock, a lost cause. nothing other than a dead movement

Im socialist but who believes in private property, heirarchy, and the peoples rights to their own labor trades and exchanges.
Marxism is enslavement of the world, you can progress and have more of what you produce with a non marxist socialist system.

not really. todays problem is that capitalism doenst work properly anymore. riches are too rich, poor people are too poor. being competitive and conflicting with someone else are somewhat important cause without it, people would just be lazy and not willingly go see the outside of where you live.

a more effective measure to your view in the modern world is to kill riches by imposing heavy taxes on them. you can just snipe at such enemies without reforming the current social system. politicians who oppose this shit are no doubt scum who sides with riches. the enemy, the evil is just the rich.