Why is the Boston accent so fucking annoying?

Why is the Boston accent so fucking annoying?

Any regional accent is annoying. Only the dumbest of society have heavy regional accents. Smart people tend not to have them despite being surrounded by it.

Which Boston accent? We have like three. I can probably answer if you're a little more specific.

Shut the fuck up and get in the cah

Boston accent > Southern trash accent

I moved to Boston from NJ and I hate the way people talk here and they always make fun of how I pronounce words like dog and water

So faggots like you won't stay long.

At least y'all can understand a southern accent.

all accents sound like shit

you sound wickid fuckin gay right now kid

Because they are all soyboys so they sound squeaky because of all the estrogen they're getting from the soy.

Bostonians are faggots tbh, wannabe New Yorkers

Because its like a joo york accent.

At all times Bostonians pronounce everything as though they've got a dick in their mouths. This is because Bostonians frequently have got someone's dick in their mouths, so it's basically force of habit.

you wicked queer

a cute girl could make me love the southern accent. A cute girl could never make me love the boston accent, new jersey accent, or whatever that accent is in Fargo, where everyone says "yah? yaaahhh. Don't YAH-knooowww"

Accents become annoying when they fall into the uncanny valley. (Exception if you hear the accent often enough.) When it sounds to your ear almost right, but not quite. So accent reactions are very subjective.
Most mid-eastern hates Boston and midwest accent. But NY and NJ are OK with each other's accent. Americans are OK with any British accent, but within England many hate the Liverpool accent.

fuck the threads below this shit

i enjoy the accent

Everybody has an accent you goofs :D

I associate the accent with a no nonsense New Yorker so I got no beef with it