White people are fine with pedophilia, apparently, but black people are not

White people are fine with pedophilia, apparently, but black people are not.

That seems like a perfectly reasonable conclusion with no other factors involved.

its black vote in a southern state

nothing short of an uncle tom would waste their vote on red team

Allegations are allegations. Not proof.

I'm sure you gave Hillary the benefit of the doubt as well.

Anyway, he never denied being attracted to little girls, he just said 1) it wasn't illegal, and 2) everybody does it.


Here's the thing, in Africa niggers rape newborn babies to get rid of AIDs.

That and no, pedophilia isn't attraction to girls with tits and the ability to get pregnant. Please, my nigger, educate yourself. Education isn't just for White People - it's for niggers also.

Most white people are conservative which leads to them being Republicans nb4 some fags say bUt i'M cONserVaTIve aNd RepuBlICan

still defending a kid fucker even after he lost the election ahahaha americans are retarded

>trying to talk reason with niggers


Hillary is a pedophile and people still defend her

hahahahahahahahahahaha right

Then those africans need to be burned at the stake as well. Kid fucking is disgusting, no matter what the race. Are you dense?
>t. Nigger

White made up 65% of voters. And it was 2 white men.

>they hate competition

I wish Hillary had fucked me when I was a kid tbh.

>t. Nigger
Are you an Alabama nigger? If so, thank you and I love you.


theres more proof to her being one than most other claims

go ahead show me proof she isnt

By your logic Hilary should be in prison, Obama should have been removed from office, and bill Clinton should have been given the electric chair.

But allegations = proof when dealing with republicans and allegations = right wing conspiracy when dealing with democrats.

Actually it’s about ethics in partisan politics

What the hell are you babbling on about?

The polls show that white people overwhelmingly favored a kid-fucker, black people overwhelmingly did not.

jones is a well known pedophile im going to need proof that hes not before this conversation continues

So like. Did you know that earth might be flat?? I'd go investigate that if I were you.


You can't prove that someone is NOT a pedophile, user. But I have an ex-gf who grew up not in between Gadsden and Birmingham who was telling me years ago that he was a known creep who liked underage girls. This was way before the allegations went public. It was just well circulated whispers in that part of the state.


im going to need proof i have multiple accusations within this thread so if the system is accusation = proof then I have the proof and you dont

Sorry man, I can't prove this conversion with my ex happened. You'll just have to take my word. He lost, anyway, so we're good.

You're being silly.

Multiple women have stepped forward and named Moore as their abuser. Moore was banned from a shopping mall because he wouldn't leave the little girls in the food court alone. Moore is the one who used a Ringo Starr song as his "proof" that loving little girls is perfectly acceptable.

Only an idiot would believe that theres smoke but no fire.

sounds like the argument of a pedophile

your ex clearly condoned this and is a pedophile too

Lol not sure how this logic works out, but whatever suits you my man. #NoMoore

only an idiot would want the burden of proof that the court system holds?

i was angry about hillary being accused of all that garbage too I'm not being partisan but if you feel like this guy is unfit because x and y which are extremely illegal maybe the police should be involved

Because 2400 people out of the 1.3 million voters perfectly represents the entirety of voters.

Yep, totally love the whole 0.18% of voters representing the other 99.82%....

Also, doesn't even list which counties those 2400 were from. This is borderline propaganda....

He was unfit for a lot of other reasons. Tbh I found the pedophile shit to be the LEAST offensive thing about his candidacy.

i know little about his platform and voted dem up and through this past presidential election

you see women in the tech sector conspiring to get men of power alone so they can accuse him of things

ive worked at bars and summer camps and watched women accusing guys of rape after being caught cheating

just on my own fb wall ive seen at least 5 women who have personally assaulted or molested me in the past play victims to garner attention and free sympathy, at least one of the stories I can verify as fake

this is an epidemic and the new politics and noticing or caring shouldn't be argued against and then given up with a shrug

If we were taking Moore's freedom away and imprisoning him, then yes absolutely hold the accusations to that standard. This was a choice between two possible representatives for their state, go figure they don't want someone accused of these things (more than just accused, tbh. The thing about the mall and his defense being "oh their moms were fine with it." killed any doubt I might have had).

He's trying to draw a parallel between his wild accusations towards you and the accusations towards Moore, he's right in that they have about the same level of validity, but Moore's accusers have more weight behind them than a random image board.

well in most places that are predominantly white like certain places in Europe the age of consent is very low so It seems like pedophilia in other places but it is normal behavior for some Europeans also nice bait OP you got me

they are not fine with baby murderers

proof the US of A are still politically ruled by racism

and then they say they have good education

top lols

>I've worked at bars and summer camps and watched women accusing guys of rape
Since you are so observant how many men did you see groping drunk women or taking them home in a forceful manner?

its very rare to actually have to deal with a gropey guy and theyre 99% black men

i get groped by women multiple times a night they even get offended if you don't respond like it's a gift

black kids are ugly