How do I learn to sing?
How do I learn to sing?
Other urls found in this thread:
Start by learning how to breathe
Watch YouTube videos.
Learn to breathe. That is major. Everything else will fall in place but if you can't breathe right it can hurt your throat and fuck up progress
This would be nice if most weren't shills who do small videos and make you sign up for their service
Just scream
This is the best advice in this damn thread
Only good advice. People underrate good breathing.
stick a finger in your poopoo
So what is the best way?
1. Learn to breathe
2. Avoid tension in your throat and neck
3. Keep chest up and shoulders square
4. Only focus on how your air is going through your whole body not just abs or back
5. Make sure your ribs open up for better air
6. DON'T FORCE IT. If you are forcing it then you air support is shit
7. Keep sucking and learning what helps
underrated advise
What channels are good?
Are they any good channels? Most I find are shill professional singers or complete amateurs
what are your goals? do you want to be the next John Legend, Pentatonix, Pavarotti, Jeff Mangum or Thom Yorke? if Jeff or Thom are your answers you should do what this guy said if you want to adopt a contemporary singing style like Pentatonix or a classical style like Pavarotti you should get a good vocal instructor(who specializes in one or the other) who will teach you the concept of support.
I can't stress the importance of a good instructor. shiny websites are usually a bad sign, shilling dimash or other retarded shit are bad signs too. if you think you found one, ask him who he thinks are the best contemporary singers. answers should be like mariah carey, whitney houston, beyonce etc.
so called advices in this thread are literally the most basic stuff that can be handled in one day and become a habit. you will need much more for the next day though, I really don't think youtube videos will be enough for this because you need someone to correct your slightest mistakes so you don't develop bad habits.
Where should your singing voice come from? People say you feel it in your throat but others say that will damage you. And yeah breathing and being able to master the breathing so I don't feel like I am in need to belt out
singing from throat is damaging indeed, that's what rock/metal vocals always do.
you still didn't tell me your goals, you should breathe to your diaphgram, all of your muscles( throat, neck, tongue etc.) should be completely relaxed and you need to apply an adequate air pressure to your vocal cords. it isn't that simple though, you need to work on the development of your vocal cord muscles with vocal exercises
there are 3 vocal registers: chest, mixed(also called belting), head. mixing your voice aka belting is mandatory in singing, I'm assuming you are talking about belting high but your mixed voice starts around D4(if you're tenor) which is really low desu
if you insist on learning it at home, my friend really liked a youtube channel, I just asked and she said the guy's name(nickname?) is "ahmin"
They tell you everything you really need in the free videos. There was one particular woman I used to watch, but I can't find her now. Look for worship singing videos, those people give you more for free and what they're telling you is good technical stuff, after that just adapt it to whichever genre/sound you want.
My goal is to have a nice clear singing voice with no struggle for air or having a pain the my throat. Also I am trying to find out where exactly I'm supposed to feel that I am singing right. I heard the soft palate or roof of your mouth should feel some air and vibrations
>My goal is to have a nice clear singing voice with no struggle for air or having a pain the my throat
then you should learn how to support, if you struggle with air you are letting too much air through your vocal cords(assuming you don't forget to breathe lol) which is another reason that you should learn how to support
>Also I am trying to find out where exactly I'm supposed to feel that I am singing right.
there is no such thing as feeling to sing right. you can place your voice into your nose, your head, your chest etc. depending on how you are trying to sing(if you want to produce a low note like C3 you put your voice into your chest, if you want cutesy nasal voice/whiny voice you put your voice into your nose)
>I heard
no that's bullshit. singing is not a feeling thing, it's not really different from lifting weights, you need to put in some work. do you want to sustain notes, produce a fuller sound, sing without pain, not crack or let your voice die out after a couple of seconds? then supporting is mandatory, check that youtube channel, do vocal exercises. absolutely nobody was born with good vocal technique
Yeah I am trying to make sure I practice my breathing. Idk why it just seems so difficult. And I only mentioned feeling cause I know you shouldn't feel anything within your throat.
Are there any good exercises for this?
mate just check the yt channel
Alright I'll check it
I can't find it
learn to breath and learn your range
Your speaking voice should be your vocal range
you may not like his taste and examples but vocal technique is universal, so don't worry
is that bono
Use speaking voice
why do young americans speak like fags
because he is actually a fag
Don't sing
With any kind of vocals knowing how to sing is incredibly useful and improves them tenfold, even just spoken word
If you're implying you should omit vocals from all the music you create you're a lemon
Guys I want to sing
>I wanna dance!
How do I stop hurting my throat
Sing along to songs. You'll sound like shit first but eventually you'll learn how to sing in tune. Keep at it and after a few years you'll get good. It is however something you have to keep up, if you stop singing for even like 2 weeks you won't be as good as you were beforehand. Its not like riding a bike you gotta keep practicing.
You need to push the air from your diaphragm. If you've ever blown into a trumpet/trombone you'll know how. Honestly the best way to learn this technique is by blowing into a trumpet. The air comes from your belly, no idea where you'll get access to a trumpet/trombone though.
Is humming good practice
My throat keeps hurting
A lot of good advice in this thread, but it's also important to warm up before you sing to avoid vocal damage and to stay well hydrated so your vocal chords are properly lubricated. Its amazing how much those little details help your sound and ease of singing