Why are Americans so stupid?

Why are Americans so stupid?

European electrical plug.

Lol but true stupid no tooth havin fags.


That's just what the men are like in Europe.

Wars and genocide killed everybody that was worth a damn. Even the refugees are an improvement over native Europeans.

Come back to us when you invent something that changes how the human race does things on a daily basis

Never seen a plug like that in my life

>the internet

Because they're easily manipulated by Russian propaganda

Beer is German, source: german.

Yes, user that's my point. i'm pointing out that whatever country op comes from has not had as much of an impact on humanity as america has.

Clearly these are 220V fags

Its not plugged in and they took the pic for the lols i guess

My bad, meant the USABLE internet, www

Not a military fax machine

Abschlussparty der Berufsschule Steinfurt
Strom kam vom Generator, also isoliert, also kein Problem.
Verpiss dich mit deiner Trollscheiße

you're all wrong

try harder

>Why are Americans so stupid?

Because they lack a decent educational system. Also they voted for Trumpledorf. So... There's that.

Some of the oldest bait on this board.

You forgot to circle no electrical cord you eurofuck

Some of the worst shooping I've ever seen

op's pic clearly has schuko plugs, mostly norther europe

that's a shop

wow havent seen this troll in years

good job

they look like germans by faces