I'm leaving Sup Forums for good

Fuck it, I'm tired of seeing how shittier this board is becoming day after day. The few decent threads are sliding in a matter of minutes, while this kind of cancer appears in every other thread:
>really makes you think
>Trump BTFO
>I'm a cruzmissile now
>I'm with her
>how will Sup Forums recover?
>'sup wage cucks
>Milo is based
>how can white men compete
And don't even start with the "muh hugbox" bullshit. These threads are neither funny, nor smart, nor capable of holding any discussions, they're just Canadian-level shitposting and underpaid shilling; the general quality of "normal" posts has also dropped dramatically. Is it because Sup Forums is going mainstream? Is it because of Redditors? Is it because summer is getting close? I don't care, what matters is that mods aren't doing shit and I've had enough. See you in real life happenings, faggots.



Dont forget the Mexican threads. Jesus is like pol is obsessed with black people and mexicans.

good lord, how did she go from 10/10 to 2/10
doesn't even look the same person

bla bla bla see you tomorrow fag

K keep me posted OP.

lol those threads are all literally made by paid shills and trolls.

> leaving Sup Forums because of jewish tricks

See you tomorrow

Give me examples of what you think are good threads

This really makes you think


> 10/10

Niga you need to get laid pronto

>I'm leaving Sup Forums for good
What does he mean by this?

Aw that's too bad. The cruzmissile posts are kinda funny now that he's out

/r/the_donald attracted a bunch of meme-spewing faggots from Reddit. If you see someone say shit like "racism is low energy", you know where they're from

Probably got married.

>I'm a cruzmissile now
>Look at the flag

Your opinion doesn't matter m8

Hmm, really makes you think.

See you tomorrow, faggot.

>I'm leaving Sup Forums
>Implying you have an identity on a chan board

Kek summerfags get funnier every year

Wow! Sup Forums just got BTFO. How will it ever recover?

wtf I hate Sup Forums now !

piss off wop, you won't be missed

It's because Sup Forums went mainstream, yes. The influx of redditors didn't help either.

Those who pretend to be retards will quickly find themselves joined by actual retards who believe they're in good company.

lel frocio

Cya tommorow

>can't weather one shitstorm

kek, weak noodle.

OP doesn't know about the wordfilters!

Look, ever since last June, there have been wordfilters:

trump filters to cuck
cuck filters to trump

You're an idiot. Sup Forums operates in cycles. It's like you don't even know about the battle of Brit/pol/. Quite frankly you don't belong. Fuck off.

>paid shills
shill already means youre being paid, saying paid shills is redundant to say the least

>battle of Brit/pol/

no one cares or knows about that. Brits are irrelevant cucks

>New shillposting technique - the post
>Dear Diary! the post
>What is filtering? the post

What's with all these S4P and Sup Forums nigger faggots on Sup Forums? Do you faggots not have Overwatch to jerk off to or some shit? Maybe finish your middle school poster projects?

Also, friendly reminder:

>bernie & his cucks throw all their eggs in one basket
>rely on Trump to give them exposure
>waste their time and effort
>they wanted Romney or Cruz to moderate
>rules exist that bars this debate from even happening
>bernie got cucked again

Who needed this debate, exactly?

>needs to make a big important blog post on an anonymous image board to make himself feel validated

muh hugbox

I'm starting to feel like I'm outgrowing Sup Forums

Started on Sup Forums and quickly outgrew that and moved on to Sup Forums and then Sup Forums. What's the next logical board for personal growth?

>newfag outs itself

You must be jew here


Spend your time in reality.

I'm trying to do the same too, but all the lefties that I'm cool with/surrounded by makes it difficult.

Sup Forums is a little too racist and anti-Semitic for my taste too, so I guess compromises have to be made

>getting trolled off Sup Forums
Good riddance.

We get raided heavily on occasion, and only the strong survive.

the Hue hue monkey is right
C U on the morrow faggot

>Mexican intellectual

>Sup Forums
>personal growt

Dude WTF

>fat on face

dangit if you're going to be fat pls make sure to see that wont happen poyy

He's right, the shilling's off the charts today


you think you have it bad with befriending people irl? try to find sane not 70+ conservative friends in germany. it's easier to win the lottery

You'll be back.

I make tons of "really makes you think" and "TRUMP BTFO" threads.

It's not shilling. It's getting Sup Forums to react against liberals.
It's always a retarded argument, and I want you guys to agree with me that they're retarded. This is the way I get Sup Forums to get together in anger against liberals.

>liberal argument
>caption "hmm.. really makes you think"
>subsequent threads about how retarded libcucks are

Wow that fpbp really made me think, Trump truly is BTFO and I'm a #CruzMissile now. I was listening to based Milo the other day, thinking about his coal burning and how white men can't even compete, I guess I'm now #WithHer.

How will Sup Forums recover?

Sup Forums is always right!


What did OP mean by this?

We've survived wave after wave of summerfags.

if this is what made you leave then you weren't really around for long any way

ur a trump

Holy shit, you're right.

this is an endless cycle