Asia guy donating plasma anything

Asia guy donating plasma anything

Why do you have such a shitty tattoo?

I like it

Last return

Are you surrounded my niggers?

you getting paid ?


That's the only reason I do it bro

What are you donating?

why do you go to an illegal clinic?
how much do they pay?

i mean, tattoos and donation, that just doesn't go.
or is hepatitis no concern?

kinda scummy, fair enough tho.
how much?

You can't donate if you have had a tattoo within 12 months... Science bro.... Don't you think they test every collection?

That explains the niggers. Money for laying around.


What do you spend the money on?

my sides

Dude what. You are allowed to donate if you have a tattoo. This isn't the middle ages. They test every sample.

They DO ask that you don't if the tattoo is super recent because it won't show up on the tests as well. But that is pure self report.

I'm getting $60 today
Nice trips.

They didn't wrap me up good enough...

not bad money, fucking niggers am i right?

I'm saving this money for Friday. Gonna go watch star wars on release night.

That's only if it was at a non-state regulated tattoo shop. If it was regulated, you can donate right away.

They didn't really ask for details... They just took my word for it. They just ask if you have had a tattoo or piercing. People lie a lot I'm sure.

Tattoo or piercing RECENTLY

It's possible they have slightly different regulations in a different state come to think of it, not sure if it's federally mandated. I know my state just says if it is regulated it is fine.

Also completely possible your blood center doesnt give a fuck and just defers anyone they want.

Yeah I'm sure they are all different. The levels of give a fuck differ from state to state