I have a crush on a 15 year old girl. I'm 25. Wat do Sup Forums? Pic unrelated

I have a crush on a 15 year old girl. I'm 25. Wat do Sup Forums? Pic unrelated.

Look but don't touch.
Otherwise, kys

who is china ferrarri

>Look but don't touch.
What if I can get away with it

Kill yourself faggot

Shut the fuck up you little bitch

i recommend killing yourself

Talk to her without being a fucking sperg. 15 is old enough to make informed decisions

Don't because then she'll have leverage on you when she grows up.

Done. And I swear to tacos if you say, she'll be loyal or something along those lines you're already way too deep user.

I have no issues talking to females but talking to a female that is 10 years younger than me makes me feel like a fucking rapist.

Fuck her and pay her off

>And I swear to tacos if you say, she'll be loyal or something along those lines
lol I'm not retarded, I know she's a fucking kid. More mature than pretty much anyone her age, which is probably why I can talk to her without wanting to pull my hair out, but still a kid with a kid's mind.

probably a 15 year old boy haha faggot

Wtf do you mean "wat do"?

Do you have to ask people "wat do?" when you want to rob a bank, or shoot someone in the face? If it's illegal, you don't do it or you deal with potential consequences. You're an adult, you don't need us to hold your hand.

lelele ur so kewl n funi xD

run for public office

Underrated post



Kys then turn ya self in faggot

kys immediately faggot

I would highly recommend you kill yourself.
Or convert to Islam, they tolerate all kinds of weird shit.

>feel like a fucking rapist

It's Still technically statutory rape. Even if you yell surprise.

>then turn yourself in

Amon ARoyMooreth

Wait a year until she's 16. In most states age of consent is 16.

do whatever you want, then claim your Islamic and your religion allows it. or that you don't understand English

I still remember when Sup Forums stole this from 7chan.

I have a pig-fucker holy book lying around somewhere, maybe I'll try doing this

Be friendly. Flirting is fine.

Keep in touch but DO NOT TOUCH.

Wait for legal age and THEN give Bday D.

You have a LONG life ahead.

Fucking her now will fuck YOU, long-term.


What the fuck is wrong with you? Are you a degenerate or just a fat loser that can't get any pussy his own age and has to impress literal KIDS by saying "Eyy baby I have a car and a job, want sum fuk?" That's even if you have either of those things you fucking disgrace. Kill yourself

Isn't that only if the age of the guy is within four years?


That's if the guy is 18 and the consent is parental consent. He can still be charged with rape.

Enjoy her pussy, and know that it was worth it. Life is too short to skip out on young teen pussies. Cum balls deep in her. Make her want more. You only live once. Why not enjoy the sweet pleasures that life has to offer, such as 15 year old smooth hairless tight wet pussy?

Goddamn it user I didn't say I was trying to fuck her

It's only rape if you force them to have sex, stupid fuck.

>hurr durr but big guvment saiz

Kill yourself.

I'd rather not go to jail for statutory nigger.

But you will want to eventually the more you spend time around her. The first time she accidentally bumps her tight round supple ass in jeans against your crotch, you know damn well it will cross your mind. Like I said, we all live once. Why not enjoy the things in life that we crave? I know I am ;)

What's with everyone pretending they don't want to fuck 15 year old girls now? Jesus Christ Sup Forums you used to be cool.

At least be honest with yourself if not the internet

This user gets it.

We're not all disgusting degenerates you fuckstick

Yes you are. It's physiologically impossible not to be attracted to them if you're straight.

It's like trying to say you never pick your nose or eaten one of your scabs.

Yes you have. You are disgusting just like the rest of us.

Wait a few years then run for the senate

Not everyone is wired to be a depraved sex maniac you fucking freak

Jesus christ you normie fuck

>normie because I don't find fucking children sexually attractive
I hope someone murders you.