How do I give myself Diarrhea

How do I give myself Diarrhea

it is easy for me
all I need to do is drink a lot of milk
then wait anywhere from half an hour to half a day

it's neat
even if I have solid shits forming
all the diarrhea and farts will come out first

Eat a bunch of bananas

magnesium supplement

pizza pops n whiskey
not the kind of diarrhea that feels good though

poke your index finger as far up your ass as you can reach. then lick your finger.


diarrhea happens when bacteria from the lower end of the colonic tract get into the upper part, usually because of something you've eaten. it's a reaction that tries to clear the problem away with copious shitting.

remember to drink lots of fluids unless you're trying to an hero.

Drink 16 oz. Of vegetable oil.

I remember a greentext where an user ate a whole jar of pickles. that should do it. maybe some fish and milk too.

milk + watermelon/peach

salt water cleanse

Eat a crap load of fiber

Eat a Cinco Napple

Caffeine pills in large unreccomended doses

Drink old milk.
Unrelated topic: I discovered a wondrous ailment whenever I get hard shits, squat while shitting and use your finger to press the skin below the tailbone, this works wonders and saves me from a lot of pain.

Drink a double dose of miralax Christ haven’t you watched dumb and dumber?

Eat at McDonald's, then drink a lot of booze.

White Castle Sliders.
Need I say more?


Everyone here's giving you outdated advice. The real trick is finding diarrhea or saving old diarrhea to put in your butt for future use. That way you don't have to wait for anything to go through you. You're welcome.

trips confirm

easy & effective

E-Z Kreme, by Cinco

An old girlfriend gave me some dried apricots. I never had them before and kept eating. (Bitch didn't stop me.) Eat about a cup or two.

Make sure you're wearing D Pants as well

Can't believe I haven't seen this.

Drink a small glass of water with 1-2 drops of any regular eye drops in it. Visene, etc.

Old bar trick from when I was a kid. Dad was a bartender, I grew up there while he worked. fucked with people we didnt like.

I'm a huge Tim and Eric fan and I'm pissed I didn't think of that :(

>do glute exercises
>gain full control over your ass muscles
>when the time is ripe flex super hard
>flex until the tendons start to appear and the veins start to burst
>wait until the pelvic bones crack under the sheer pressure of your butt flesh
>now push with all your might with your stomach
>run up to people with your behind and fire away
>let loose a lethal shit and blood filled projectile slushy
>turn around and watch their heads cave in from the force of your shit

No need to have, just pretend you have one, nobody will check if you are true... If you just mean having softer poop, then there are plenty of tips on the first google fucking page you can find! faggot

Eat as much as you can of sugar free gummy bears. The substance used to make the sugar sweet for those gummies is a key ingredient used in laxatives.
