Why aren't you an Odinist/Ásatrú/Neo-Völkish/Neo-Pagan, Sup Forums?

Why aren't you an Odinist/Ásatrú/Neo-Völkish/Neo-Pagan, Sup Forums?
>respect for culture
>belief in Westphalian sovernity
>desire to better yourself
>belief in personal responsibility
>honor above material greed
>respect for ancestors
>generally the most Alpha beliefs on the planet
You have no excuse other than Judeo-Christian brainwashing convincing you that Polacks should be Catholic, Nords should be Lutheran, and Europe needs to defend Christianity

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Because it's blatantly obvious that it can't be true to the point that it's LARPing.

>inb4 same can be said for every religion
That's why I'm an atheist.
*tips fedora*

mfw I have all these things without the need for religious bs

because they are all amphetamine using homos who sell their body for money

But I am
Just like my mother and 2/4 of my brothers (Not sure about my father)

The gods are alive today, there is no need to pretend it was yesterday


The best material that the modern germanic pagans have for their beliefs was write by a christian 200 years after the viking age, so fucking ridiculous.

Go buttfuck sheep somewhere else barbarian this is ROMAN territory

>all these spooks



Because I'm not into LARPING

>Westphalian Sovereignty
>Modernist Invention of 1648

>current year

"Modernism" didnt start until 1649/1783/1789 when some jew-loving christian-hating amerigoys and britgoys and frenchgoys decided to take the land of the people away from their wise and rightful monarchs and hand it over to greedy jewish foreign merchants bit by bit.

The concept existed before the name did: an ethnic group deserves the land that they earned (to put it simply).
Also, I did say NEO-Völkish. It's possible to be traditionalist and at the same time adopt some modern ideas.

>neo pagan
Pick one nigger

>Why aren't you an Odinist/Ásatrú/Neo-Völkish/Neo-Pagan, Sup Forums?

Because there's no evidence for it.

related thread theme:


Because for the past 1000 years my wncestors have been christian and believed in Christ honoring them by worshipping rocks is backwards. Why offer to statues that cannor see hear or walk when you can give praise to the one true God.

>going to hell for your LARP
>real pagans would probably drown you in a bog
>but there are no more real pagans because a kike on a stick BTFO them thousands of years ago
>we already have paganism, it's all fucking around you, people worshiping their Gods of money, of nature, of all sorts of shit, people giving actors and thieves heroic status

Shutup boy.

yeah you're so badass just like those actors in a jewwood movie

>Yahwehcucks thinking you need a book to worship a god

I love latsbrah