what now mu?
What now mu?
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you actually took the time to fake this
Not fake :(
I still like the album but respect his views.
Should've been lower
very accurate.
Why are people shitting on this album so hard? This is honestly their best since LYSFLATH
I want politics out of music
I don't really know why people here take him so seriously or put him on a pedestal. I don't dislike him, but I also don't get the love for him and his review style.
The album has to hamfist you its ideas rather than express them with the music. the music itself is bland and it goes nowhere.
People have always said that about Godspeed.
Honestly it makes me sad for Anthony. He's said numerous times they're one of his favorite bands and his favorite album would (likely) be by them.
The music is heavier and the albums are just structured differently. Other than this they're just as good as they've always been and this is one of their top 3 best albums in my opinion
>being this pleb
>being this contrarian
I disagree with Anthony whoreheartedly
I know top one is obviously from the vinyl, because it's called "nervous, sad, poor" but is the bosses hang waveform from the vinyl as well?
Or do you not know, and you're just posting this for shits and giggles
this band has neveer released anything good. they are fake and gay
Yanqui UXO is their opus
no they have no opus they succ
who wants to bet fantano got triggered by the political aspects of this album
Anyone with any taste and sense should be triggered by it, it's frankly embarrassing. So many releases this year have been shit because every smoothbrained leftist musician has had to say "FUCK DRUMPF" in their own way and their music has suffered as a result.
This 100%
you taste bitter
remember they're just words, no need to get so triggered by them
Not bitter at all, I've enjoyed a number of releases this yeah, it's just a pattern I see in the music world right now.
i sense that you're upset
I'm really not, I'd offer that you may be projecting but I don't want you to take that as an attack or anything.
gay communist shit. B O Y C O T T E D
I honestly don't see how this argument even applies to Godspeed, and don't understand why Fantano - a fan of them - would get so triggered by the substance of this LP. It follows the basic trajectory of their career, which has had political and religious themes from pretty much day one. This is no more overt than other things they've done on an ideological level and what's really embarrassing is that any adult who has supposedly paid attention to them as a band is suddenly now seeing these things.
there seems to be a pattern to your rage
moreover the album contains zero (0) words
Fantano is a fuckin melon like usual
The issue is the lack of substance.
That's not what the post I responded to implied, but let's go with the lack of substance bit. The first track uncharacteristically starts with an abrasive, direct drone section that might be their best stab at this type of material to date. The looping is perfect in that I can suss out a very particular melody in spite of how dissonant and noisy it is; it's a tad challenging but not impenetrable. And we're progressively treated to something else uncharacteristic from them in the last few years, which is a gradual decline from the loud to the softt and melodic. Those tools are implemented well to hint at the band's optimism, which is a particular message they don't share a lot.
This is all within the first five minutes of the album, and strewn throughout are moments like that.
Perhaps they're in decline?
The album isn't even political besides the press release and liner notes. There's no field recordings to be found, and no secret Bush track either
i liked it lol
I'd say the titles are all political, but yeah
He's not wrong
If you like the album you are not allowed to like it anymore.
This band has no inspiration anymore. They're not young and pugnacious like they were from 1997-2003. They all live comfortably now, have families, and have different priorities. They're no longer getting questioned by the FBI while on tour, or listening to shortwave radio stations, or talking to deranged minds on the streets. GY!BE's return has essentially been releasing a record full of old material from 2003 (ADBA), a lightweight 40 minute record that should have been an EP (Asunder), and another shallow release that borders on self-parody (LT). They are simply cashing in now, with very little effort or ambition being deployed.
lol when did they get stopped by the fbi
t. Polcuck
Then go to a safe space cuck
The guy is an edgy memlord just like his fans
unironically this
>An extremely political band who has always been political, probably since before you were born, makes an album with political influence
Yeah. We should remove personal feelings from music. It would be so much better.
it was disappointing
Exactly and only have it be government approved!
Holy shit.
It's actually happening.
People are really unironically saying that dissent should be kept out of music.
My biggest gripe with the album is that at this point it's clear that the band is virtue signaling for the sake of virtue signaling. Protesting Trump is about as uninspired and unoriginal in 2017. If you're going to be edgy, at least go all out at this point.
I agree, im tired of all the liberal media using music to blind society. We need to ban liberals from making music
This thread is fucking hilarious.
You clowns should go back in time and make sure that punk bands don't talk shit about Reagan and Thatcher... because it's just so uncool.
this album really blew drumpf the fuck out so i don't know where we go from here
The libtards should just be happy we arent killing them. Waste of resources
Reagen was the best president besides Trump tho
Fuck white people, this was AOTY!
Wow edgy
When libtards attack us with it yes
A reality TV star who acts like a teenager is the president.
Yeah, no musicians should ever touch that. It would be, like, so lame.
09/26/17(Tue)12:23:39 No.75378330
I don't even CARE dubs and I flip over on the table I tell you I DOT. WVEN CARE hahahahaha I'm a composer you a composer trips and I'm bach
This. #dumpdrumpf
why are roaming Sup Forumsturds so much worse than regular Sup Forumsposters. Just go back to the_donald you dumb cunts
how is this shit at all political?
Theure attacking our preisdent. Jesus christ im sick of libfags like you
le smash the state gayness
Please... tell us how these "libtards" have attacked you with music.
Bonus points if you can manage to do it without memes.
By going against the proper patriotic ways of our nation.
>thought Trump-era politics would inspire great punk music like Reagan
>this happens
Well, we can't always get what we want.
This, are there lyrics I'm not hearing? Other than the titles and some bad poetry it's undetecable.
Why are you so offended by these "attacks" do they not have free speech?
there's literally no words in this album fuck off
I'm right wing/closeted alt-right, but this shit is so embarrassing. just enjoy the music and quit being a fucking baby. I wouldn't judge this album off of someone dumbass album promo
They shouldnt. Not when they attack us
Well you shouldnt be. Youre a disgrace to our country.
Even their live shows don't have the same energy as they possessed back then.
it's not like politics even matters anymore, I grew out of it as I grew. it's just something retarded leftists and cuckservatives use to feel self important. I follow it but there's no reason to hate on shit you legitimately enjoy (football, music. etc.) because they said some mean things about something about your political party, or they have certain opinion on an issue that's ultimately irrelevant.
Make politics trivial, then people like you relegate it to being trivial. Then you can do whatever the fuck you want.
there are no political implications in an instrumental album you pussy
You are a fool. You relegate politics to other people and turn a blind eye.
You are turning a blind eye to the most important things that are going on, because you would rather just kick back and feel complacent.
>not their debut
It's their only album that's worthwhile.
nice trips fellow anyomnose
we are legume never forget
>implying I'm not one of the lucky 30 people that have heard that tape
In all seriousness, I meant FA∞.
It was at a gas station during a tour in 2003 I think.
I don't remember why
Not even SRFNZK or LYSF? I can get their later work for approaching a more metal like semblance (I personally love ADBA and LT) but the previous two are just like F#A#
Imagine being this thin skinned
GARBAGE review. absolute trash
he way as well have said "well atleast TRUMP will make PUNK ROCK GOOD AGAIN like it was when BUSH was PRESIDENT" at the beginning, trying to tie the music in with his personal experience in the shallowest way possible. It's like one of those RYM reviews everyone makes fun of with three paragraphs of a guy describing a walk he went on and then he says at the end, "then I realized the music was good"
The rest of the review is basically him admitting he went in wanting it to sound a certain way because he was a fan and being disappointed it didn't sound the way he wanted it to sound before even listening to it.
I don't care if the music is good or not, even if this album was awful this review is still Not Good. Fantano flounders like a fish on a boat any time he has to describe instrumental music
Its almost as if hes not a good source for music
it's like this comment was written in a vaccum where only GYBE releases existed and Constellation records doesn't exist. You have no fucking clue what you're talking about. You're just some shlub who thinks the narrative for every rock band is the same and you're looking for confirmation of when they're officially "washed up" like you think GYBE are going to release their disco crossover any day now and then you can say well it was good while it lasted guess good music is over so you can officially become a dadrocker. It's like you're stuck in another decade honestly