Enter Shädman, The Misunderstood Anti PC man who gets the rep of a Pedophile when none of which is true...

Enter Shädman, The Misunderstood Anti PC man who gets the rep of a Pedophile when none of which is true. Do you honestly think a drawing is reality. the man is an artist.

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then post comics you fuck

he sounds like a cool (and edgy) dude

Pedophile you mean? Can’t convince me otherwise

what the fuck is this thread supposed to be
Is OP faggot? maybe.

what work has he done that pedophilic?

His art sucks though.

He's a well known loli artist and that's got the normies reeeing.

First post on Sup Forums tbh, Everyone was a newfag at one point

the comics are funny but the whole nazi skeleton persona is fucking cringey as shit.

Seems appropriate for an edgy anonymous artist.

I like the new women he's been drawing.

Also, I was really hoping to see the teacher with that fine ass from the school shooting getting fucked in the end.

Shad has his own discord server aswell FAsBnwP

He takes enlightenment values of free speech and individualism to the max. Take this image. Many see it as comedy, but this is more than mere humor.
>cleverly calls Hillary immature by portraying her as a child
>calls liberal philosophy libertine by making Hilloli promiscuous
>portrays deep state power by showing one CIA agent desecrating the Trump Poster, showing they fear no candidate and will eliminate anyone who stands against the deep state
>simultaneously comments on the rift im this country caused by the 2 party system by showing one CIA agent chastising the other for his actions; showing how one part of the populace has had enough of being mocked spurring them to elect the upstart Trump

This whole commentary on top of the whole comic being sexualized to not only emphasize the value of free speech, but to state that no matter who it was, everyone involved in that election cycle was going to be sodomized. Whether it be Hillary by the polls, Trump by the media, or the populace by having to choose or be chastised by both sides; nobody escaped unscathed.

td;lr Shadman is a modern day Voltaire whose astute commentaries rivals greek philosophers

^Og rare pepe no steal

To be fair you have to have a very high IQ to understand loli porn...


If this isn't pasta, I tip my hat to you as a master ruseman


To be fair you have to have a very high IQ to repost a stale meme

As Diogenes would shit in the streets to make a statement so does Shadman shitpost on these digital ones

Unfortunately it isn't. This is my life. Analyzing loli porn.
>end it now

The loli stuff he draws is fine, but he also loves nigger dicks and ruin most of his drawings for his love to them, including apeshit everytime he draws

inb4 featured on Ifunny


Close your eyes, brother.


>tfw this isnt a pasta
>tfw when this dude looks at loli porn and found hidden meaning

got any other insight to share?

>Tfw all characters are age 18 and up to to avoid being called a pedophile


Irony as a concept has been perverted to give people an excuse to act idiotic when it once meant something unexpected. Whether you analyze loli porn unironically or ironically, you have still put time and effort into analyzing it. People thus should be much more hesitant to hide behind the shield that is irony as it is becoming the new "literally"




this is the most autistic thing I've ever read on Sup Forums

>inb4 "I'm merely pretending to be retarded!"

tfw shadman's loli pron will be examined in art and political science classes in 300 years

stop shilling yourself on b shad

I accept my autism

>it's not true that a guy who craws porn of children is a pedophile


He's a big voice in some sleepycast episodes, he has a neat accent