Hey Sup Forums what is this? it's been here for months, and it swells if you mess with it...

hey Sup Forums what is this? it's been here for months, and it swells if you mess with it, and if i leave it alone I can make it go down, but it stays there. I can pop it like a painful zit and puss/blood will come out, but outside of that it's just been there for months. It was there before I lost my virginity so i dont think it's an STD or anything.

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Ingrown hair.

Looks like an ingrown hair or ingrown hairs
I'd suggest getting someone to remove it or maybe popping it and trying squeeze everything out and then keep it clean

Looks like an ingrown hair, but if it keeps coming back after you pop it it might be a cyst of some kind. Get that shit looked at m8

>at a hospital, not an image board

This happens to me every now and then, too.
There's nothing i can do when it happens to me. It'll just randomly erupt one day then be gone. For a while.

I thought it was an ingrown hair, but It keeps coming back and it's been here since like may and its annoying.

yeah bro, ingrown hair shit can be painful, if it keeps coming back though really do get it looked at. Since you shave though its like 99% ingrown hair.

Its a cyst, go get it lanced and removed

I get those every once in a while. It swells up like a pimple, but won’t pop. Hurts like a bitch. Finally I squeeze it till it pops and then it’s like a pimple. Keep popping it, it’ll go away.

pop it

don't be bitch

It could be a combination of ingrown hairs (I can tell you shave and that's what generally happens when you do down there of a man your stature) and infection from the hairs and possibly you fidgeting with the affected area. I recommend cleaning it, stop shaving for a little, clean your razor, try and see if you can grab an ingrown hair with tweezers. Goodluck

I actually dont shave, i trim with scissors. shaving makes ingrown hairs go every where and that's annoying AF

get something sharp and dig those hairs out like a man or go to a doctor and pay him to do it like a bitch

Well are you sure you're squeezing the living shit out of it to get all the pus out then cleaning it thoroughly

could be? I pop it until its flat and it just makes it swell. that's why its so purple looking now, when i first got it, it was a small red bump and it spread as I kept popping it

Ingrown hairs can become a cyst. I had one on my chest for years. Would squeeze and pop it every other week. Sometimes it swelled up and became too painful to touch so I had to wait it out for a few more days before I can squeeze it. Came out extra thick like rancid toothpaste whenever this happens. Got sick of it and decided to remove it permanently. My strategy was to slather antiperspirant stick to it until it swelled and festered but won't pop. Did this for 2 weeks and it looked like I had a 3rd nipple. The skin around it started getting loose and stretchy from being inflamed all the time, which is how I was able to grab it by the base and clip the whole damn thing off with a nail clipper. Yes there was blood and puss and it looked like a gunshot wound for a few days. And then it scarred over and never came back.

Well he said he doesn't even shave so i don't believe it would be an ingrown hair

Do you wash your hands well before and after popping it? Since your hands touch a lot through the day and could carry staph which if it gets in your would can do what sometimes happens when you pop zits with unclean hands. Comes back 4x it's size due to staph infection. So you probably should wash your hands pop it clean everything scrub that fucker hard with antibacterial and put some bandaging on it

try hot compresses

get some hot water, soak a rag in it, apply, repeat

keep it up until it forms a head or something

I get them. We are fat, thats the issue. Belt rubs and csuses cyst. There is a medical term for it, I forget what through. Losing weight is the solution. If you pop them they will turn into cavities and scars.

I've had a sebaceous cyst below my right shoulder blade for as long as I can remember. didn't know what it was till just recently. thankfully it doesn't get in the way of my day to day life at all. In fact, I don't even remember it's there unless I happen to look at it

Heres what some look like after popped ans healed. 6 months.

Ignore this idiot. Just rub a little bacon grease on it every other day or so. Works every time for me

looks like you a have a bunch of blackheads too. squeeze them out.

I use rubbing alcohol, or peroxide whenever i pop it and usually wash my hands afterwards because puss is gross but it doesnt work. I wrap it with Neosporin and a band aid if it gets too painful

those are ingrown hairs, stop shaving that's what's causing them

You seem to be right on the dime about it

but I already lost 90 pounds since then :(


This is the condition we have OP

that's MRSA.

you need to drain it and see a DR. Now.

See a doctor. From your description of popping it and it coming back there is infection. Keep fucking with it and you will end up with a carbuncle.

Pop it and use some tweezers to pull the hair's out.

where is this??

His pubic area

Yep, they get worse in summer months for me with jeans and belts. Sweat doesnt help either. I wear my pants around my lower waist/hips and not high like I should, so the belt is right in line with the area that they show up at. Keep it dry clean and try to drop some weight off. I lost like 30 lbs and it definitely improved. Dick looks bigger too as a bonus lol

>it swells if you mess with it, and if i leave it alone I can make it go down, but it stays there. I can pop it like a painful zit and puss/blood will come out

it's called yer penis

does it hurt?

outside of the pain, and foul odor yea. It doesnt leave a smell and it only hurts after i pop it, or it'll itch and swell if I keep fucking with it

Looks like brain tumor to me

Looks like some scarring... popping it will cause more so 1 and 1 might want to not do that. Do you clean yourself regularly? Dry skin helps fight against any sort of acne.

shower daily/bi-daily plus what I said already about what I have done to treat it

Yep. Doc should be able to prescribe cream or pills that work for this + athletes foot, same type of bacteria im told. I havent really bothered with it for a while. Hot compresses like others said, popping will make it feel better but does leave scars.

I had an ingrown hair on my cheek, it got darker at the months went by (I have dark hair) and would build up like a pimple every week but when squeezed hard orange cheese would come out and it would stink like sulfur, a quick google search said ingrown hair, had a friend cut and tweezer out 3 hairs all 2 to 3 inch long and covered in parmesan cheese, after that it never came back.

You're probably needing to lose more weight. P(l)uss I would recommend putting baby powder where they generally show up to keep the area dry so it's less likely any more would form

i'm not gay or bi.

Most likely an infection from exposure to foreign semen.This is why it's important to immediately clean up any cum your boyfriend may leave on you.

I'm a doctor and I see this all the time.

Agree with this - I'm poster of healed scars above

I went from 270 (around that weight when this popped up) to 180 and it just kinda fluxes from there. mostly do to unhealthy weight loss but fuck it.

Look at all those fucking blackheads. Have you tried washing yourself you disgusting fuck.

It's called hidradenitis suppurtiva

do you shave with a razor or an electric trimmer OP?

I trim my pubes and then only use a razor on my balls and around my shaft.

Can you describe the taste?

Look up hidradenitis suppurativa and see if you suffer any of the symptoms listed

I don't shave, I trim with these.

Stop being such a fucking fatass

do u get xanax for dat?

I got one pea sized lump in my armpit

aids confirmed

It's a cyst, OP. I have one on the left side of my junk.Gets big, breaks open, shit comes out and it fills up again. A dermatologist can shoot it with cortisone which will make it go away for awhile, but it will definitely return. The only way to get rid of it, is to get it cut out by a surgeon. I want to have mine cut out soon.

Sounds exactly like my case, i got hidra. Its a chronic skin disease, pretty rare and there is very little research on what causes it. The only thing that has worked so far is antibiotics, surgery in only painful and does no good because these fuckers never go away.
3 years of tremendous pain so far.

Could you give me a picture of the one in your armpit?

Even your picture is fat. Try losing weight user

180cm 70kg, try again.

Am i supposed to know what that means?

try to inject peroxide in the swelling and see if it bursts - do it and take a pic

Yeah, you are.

well i can't believe i am saying this, but thanks for the advice Sup Forums

>and that's how op got herpies

sebaceous cyst that's infected.

its gone now, i feel a lump every few months or so

And it will keep doing that, until the lump will be there constantly but increase and decrease in size, ive had a lump the size of a ping pong ball

This. I had 2, easy surgery, pops right out


Be a man and get some of those double-edge razor blades in the shaving section of a department store or drug store, and slice that fucker open.

It's either an ingrown hair or a cyst and either way it needs to be removed.

If you aren't familiar with those blades they are sharper than anything you have touched. Sharper than a scalpel. If you do it smoothly you literally will not feel it.

use wax/shave with razor or laser that shit off

and take a god damn shower.. pores won't be dirtied to hell if you're actually being hygienic you dirty piece of shit

keloid scar. permanent.