Is a stateless society possible?

Is a stateless society possible?

equality does not exist, so no

If you define state appropriately, sure why not.

It just gets turned into the state by the first people that decide to form a group and take the power.

The power vacuum is not sustainable.

only if it is united by something

What does Sup Forums think of based Bill Whittle?

Is he redpilled?

I hope it is. We could finally start the race war and lynch some niggers and spics.

It happens and it always results in chaos or failure. Humans are literally wild animals that need to be controlled to some significant extent if they are to live in the millions in close proximity.

Isn't stefan a neo-fascist now or something?

But yeah, it's possible, in a literal sense. Though current society would end up in shambles if our state, or all states dissolved over night.

No, if by state you mean government.

He's high strung and acts like he's far more clever than he really is. Kind of obnoxious to watch tbqh.

With the right people yes, with diversity no.

Bill Whittle is a total badass. However, the racefags on this board will hate him.

No. Because the society with a state next door will engulf it.


more like
>historical awareness

Show me one example of millions of people living together without a state and it not descending into chaos or organizing into states. You can't, it doesn't fucking happen. Humans are literally wild animals, there was no significant genetic domestication process. Your dog is less of a wild animal than you are.

You speak the truth sir. iirc, it's called the state of nature.

Why are Soros Shills trying to promote Bill Whittle?

DA wanneer?

Oh, fuck you, faggot.

God man you don't blend in at all.

guess i'm a #whittlerifle now

Anarchism has the same problem communism/socialism has. Wont work with mankinds nature, and I don't think changing our nature is feasible/desireable necessarily either.

A Nationalist, Libertarian, Capitalist state is GOAT.

Not trying to blend in with a bunch of tinfoil hat sissies. If you're trying to tell me Bill fucking Whittle is a Soros shill, you are clearly off the deep end.

What? No dude I'm not agreeing with him, but it's very clear that you're a shill.

Yeah? Explain how, fuckwit.


>a shill wants me to help him refine his craft

I hate almost everyone on Sup Forums but I think everyone who has a job as a shill in an astroturfing campaign is a real scumbag. You'll have to learn on your own. I'll just tell you that you're obvious.

What does Sup Forums think of based Red Pill?

Is he billwhittled?