How does it make you feel that this 16yr old African American is more successful than you'll ever be and has so many...

How does it make you feel that this 16yr old African American is more successful than you'll ever be and has so many people who love and support him.

Don't know anything about him, but seems like a decent enough kid...more power to him. Getting in is just half the battle though.

well you should know him, he's the future president.

And? Atleast I'm not a nigger

whats story ?

accepted to harvard at 16

nigger in university ? NO FUKIN WAY !!!

16 year old kid from Louisiana gets accepted to Harvard. Video of his reaction got popular

Please grow up

OP, the only one salty here is you. Nice bait though.

please stop being jealous

Harvard sucks compared to my school (engineering). Harvard is only good for law and medicine.

Question is was be accepted for academics or for athletics?

they have to accept a number of minorities every year otherwise they're racist discriminators

his brother got accepted to stanford, i highly doubt you go to a better school. the acceptance rate at harvard is like 5% you couldnt get in if you tried

yeah but can he LARP as a millionaire online convincingly? didnt think so
and I'm not a nigger
I win

he grew up poor and he had perfect academics, he wants to major in math and computer science.

Please stop bragging and promoting your race niggerlips.

I got accepted into Stanford but I choose Georgia Tech because I'm an instate student who gets a full ride there. Georgia Tech's ME degree is second only to MIT.

please suck my enormous dick cracker

given the odds youre probably LARPing but good for you if true, otherwise pathetic.

Minority Quotas because of Affirmative Action? Why would anyone care? It's a cheaters way to get into anything and you can't feel good about last place.

what's your measure of success?

he grew up poor and he was in the top percent of his class, i doubt it would have mattered if he was white.

Nah, just finished my last final yesterday. I'm duel majoring in ME + CmPe. Took ECE 4180, ECE 4100, ECE 3600, and ECE 4755 this semester.

and two hours of research.


why tf r u on 4chin? dual* btw

Good for him. I wish him continued success.

You're right. I feel like I just lost a Duel after taking all of my finals. It's been a rough week for me. Why not be on 4chin or eightchin?


I actually live about 10 minuets away from him. Glad to see him doing something and getting out the shit hole town.

we wuz tho, tf u sayin boi

You're worse.

Im white, hes black, i win

you have some very hurt feelings and you aren't hiding it very well

being the line cook at wendy's isn't winning, kid

not surprised, did he become a empty seat yet ?


Good, nobody gives a shit about whites anyway

What will you do when they stop your welfare?

>my feewings are hurt!
I'll continue to be wealthy.

Yes you are, a White nigger.

I think it's great, good for him

being born at a disadvantage doesnt help, blacks have to put in way more effort than whites to get the same amount of results.

good for him, i dont care

If I were racist I would be fucking pissed. But I'm not so, good for him.

Are you sure?

and while you're at it, I'll take a frosty


Why would you be pissed if you were racist ?

Racism: the recognizing of the inherent differences among the various human racial groups which determine cultural or individual achievement

It's OK. I'm white.

Looks like an octaroon that came from a two parent house. I bet those 200 pts helped his scores. Let's see how long it takes before he is kicked out for raping a white woman. Go diversity!

How does it feel knowing that Sup Forums doesn't care about niggers playing Jungle Ball

>He'll blow out his knee in a year anyway

Poor choices lead to poor results, but I am sure she blamed the white guy for actually reading the signs instead of just walking on the first path she encountered.

>being born at a disadvantage doesnt help, blacks have to put in way more effort than whites to get the same amount of results.
Because blacks are sub-human

I'm sorry you break a sweat doing basic arithmetic, but that's not WHITEY'S fault

Black kid gets into Harvard, the whole world cheers him on. Opens doors, pats on the back, answers supplied for all questions. Probably a strong candidate to be President one day.

Asian kid gets into Harvard. "Haha nerd". Social ostracization. Isolation. Forever a wage slave. Glorified calculator.

A high rank military navy seal said training is being lowered so CERTAIN people get in a 3rd or 4th time they test where in times past they wouldnt make the cut and wouldnt get in. This reminds me of that, cherry pick smore because you have about a million thugs to account for so thats 1,000,000 to 1

Poor schools are easy af.

Meanwhile, Asian girl sweeps the Ivy's and nothing. lmao.

You're obviously insecure about your low intelligence.


meh, good for him


I'm glad he's doing good, but I don't know who he is. Why does it matter that he is african? Well it depends on how you measure succes. I am glad people love and support him, everyone deserves that.

Hope the next questions will be harder, this was pretty easy. :)

he got into a private school with a scholarship, try again

they are not human at all, they are beast of the land. human is not a bioLOGical term, get cultured

take out all the tumblr terminology. i've never unironically used any of that shit.


don't own a blog, and fuck niggers -- absolute free speech or death

affirmative action is really getting out of hand


greg sounds like a faggot

jews are a minority but they dont get affirmative action, cause theyre much more privileged

>MOST forms of free speech?

What's the speech he doesn't agree with? Things he disagrees with perhaps?


meh, good for you

greg is a raging faggot funneling multiple cocks in his face and asshole. he'll just laugh it off if you call him a faggot though since he's a good guy, doesnt really afraid of anything

Accepted to overrated university as a negro "victim", so what?

CP and death threats should be legal

Are your parents old money? You do realize that’s why those programs are so competitive. The Trumps of the world pay to get in them.

>meh, good for you

aww thanks, you're sweet

I don't really value getting into a good school as "successful" not until you complete your time at that school and make your riches.

I got accepted into one of the best culinary schools in the world, then became the head chef of a cruise line/hotel in NA and earned 7 figures at that job. Now I teach high-school and middle-school students how to cook, and I love my job.

Greg sounds Swedish

the trumps of the world are black?

White the the Hispanic is asian or white? Asian seems to be put at a disadvantage. Best course of action is be asian from Brazil or Peru.

He tried harder in school. There's a lot of people like him out there. I played Diablo, Diablo 2, Counterstrike back when it was in beta, Starcraft, Half Life Team Fortress Classic etc all throughout high school. It was an OK life, studied for exams generally the days leading up to them, got my 2nd choice university, got a job, played World of Warcraft too much, will forever underachieve, I'm ok with my chosen path.

>Implying I want to go to an ivy league cuckfest

If he's smart, fair, and not corrupt, why not? And I lean republican.

just pencil BLM in there and i think it will be alright

what the fuck does his race have to do with anything? why would i give a fuck about anyone who isn't me, period?

>African American

Racism: the recognizing of the inherent differences among the various human racial groups which determine cultural or individual achievement

Lmao he looks so embarrassed


If only lefties would use that definition

He'll do fine until someone feeds him after midnight.

Being a 36 year old neet, i dont really give a toss. This nigger/ future wage cuck will be paying for my new games in a few years.

no I want to be more successful than him

your games are shit

So suddenly I'm supposed to care about the approval of others??? Didn't realize I'm supposed to win against absolutely everone oh wow.


Had to work 1/2 as hard to be given a token from the pinnacle of white power in America.

I think I'll see how this whole being white thing pans out instead.

One of his jealous "Brothas" will end up killing him before he does anything

good for him, dude. another person i'll never have anything to do with.
well, that was a great question.

You act like he's the first colored kid to get moved up to fries.