I am 240 lbs at 5'10". I am going vegan to lose weight and look healthier(skin wise). Convince me not to

I am 240 lbs at 5'10". I am going vegan to lose weight and look healthier(skin wise). Convince me not to.

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First world :)

It'll be good for you.

Do it, b/ro. Don't be like the rest of the neckbeard meatcucks on this board. They just don't have the guts.

eat less, run more - why go full retard?

go pescatarian if you want to lose weight best

eggs and fish are extremely good for weight loss

veganism has been shown in studies to be less healthy than regular vegetarianism but a lot of vegetarians are still fat chicks because they just live on pizza and pasta

if you own it and say ok well I'm still doing fish and eggs then you'll be good

either way good on you for wanting to lose weight and better your health and appearance

I don't want to run more. I am busy with obligations and when I do(I do hit the gym), I can only stay an hour max and 40 minutes is already dedicated to compound lifting.

just eat less you fucking faggot
going vegan is going to make you even more of a faggot than you already are

Honestly, I wouldn't even miss meat. It makes me feel like shit. It gets me bloated af also. I'm not going to lie, I am going to miss a blue steak but I'll just have to weight the consequences out and accept it.

I did this and can confirm it's great.

compound lifting is not gonna make u slim, fuckwit. Stop lifting, start running

Just because you say so but okay. It's like you have something against them for some reason? Just trying to go the HEALTHIER route. I am also feeling an early onset of dementia hence my will to change my lifestyle choices.

Dude I don't want to be skinny. Just trying to make a healthier choice. I enjoy lifting because it makes me feel good afterwards.

>lose weight
just eat less
>look healthier(skin wise)
just bathe more often

running is fine if you want skinny jeans but thats not a good look for most people

muscle burns way more calories to create and maintain as well so it'll speed weight loss

Well processed meat and red meat have been proven to cause colon cancer like cigs cause lung cancer, the WHO says so.
And there's also the saturated fat and cholesterol link to heart attacks that a fuckton of people keep denying for some reason.
On the other you don't wanna get b12 deficiency and vegans can still die of cancer (steve jobs)

well if you have dementia then not eating meat is definately the only cure

I'm losing weight no problem. I just figured I could accelerate it with a lifestyle change to benefit my mental health. That is honestly my end goal since I am starting school again and need to maintain my deteriorating brain.

you're absolutely right, these threats are by no means related to people overeating or consuming more than they should

let's ban red meat!

I come from a gene fortunate family. No diseases whatsoever but I am worried with the deficiencies of which I can obviously research alternatives. Definitely not trying to take 5 vitamin pills a day just to get my basic nutrients in though.

if you you're not willing to say the same thing about cigarettes you're a hypocrite

Nobody wants to ban shit. You're taking this way too personal meat man.

you need to take up an activity that is more cardio than weight lifting. I recommend squash, its super fun. without changing anything else but playing 3 times a week for an hour I lost 20 pounds in 2 months.

of course that's also related to oversonsumption


As long as youre doing something then you're doing fine. If you're getting a mental health boost that's even better.

peak training is for professional athletes and bodybuilders

I was just responding to the person saying to stop lifting and start running. Do what you enjoy. I was just pointing out the benefits of lifting over running.

eat whatever you want dude, if it makes you feel better
but don't blame anyone if you still die at 80 like someone who consumes normal food

Nah I can't do squash. My gym doesn't have a squash room. Just a basic gym and shower at $20 a month. I would like squash though, love the chase.

normies who make it to 80 usually don't enjoy a smooth ride

I could die at 65 yo and care less tbh. Just want to fill this void of bloating and constipation from meat.

Go keto fegit

>implying anyone cares

dude, if you go vegan you're basically only eating beans and fibres
that wont make the bloating go away
you'll be farting everywhere

I worked at taco bell for a few months, eating the food every day, stoned off my ass every day. Lost ~20lbs with no exercise. After a while, it regulates your metabolsim. If you dont want to go the drug route, just start eating smaller meals throughout the day. If you suddenly change your diet that much, your body is going to be pissed, and you'll only gain weight unless you're starving yourself, which is entirely unhealthy for even more reasons. Eat balanced, small, and often. Any physical exercise past getting up to go to the bathroom will let you drop weight once your metabolism is going. Conservation of energy, you can only gain on excess, calories in/out. As long as your body is using its muscles, it will find other energy sources (fat).
If you fall for the vegan meme because the same agency is spamming the threads on the daily, you'll have only yourself to blame. Their use of skewed stats and boogyman words are pretty obvious if you look for it.

yeah the vegans I know are the gassiest people besides one guy who has the worst diet ive ever seen

Fat and a sub 6 ft manlet. Never seen a vagina have you?

u dont want to be slim either - 100kg isnt a healthy weight when being 170cm tall
right - thats why theres a different set of exercise for weight loss than for muscle development. Use the muscles then and run

i have the exact picture of your appearance in mind

>inb4 i'm 6'4'' and fuck 10 girls a week

Vegan/vegetarian doesn't help you lose weight. You end up eating empty carbs trying to get full because you aren't getting your meat and nutrients. And your body converts it all to fat.
Just eat less of what you currently eat, and move more than you currently do.

- quit drinking alcohol/sugary drinks, drink water
- eat nutrient dense food only
- consume 500 fewer calories per day than you should for your height/sex/age
- get some exercise every day
- don't expect that shit to happen overnight

Going vegan is stupid and is of no value to your goal

cardio of some form is necessary but running is for women

do what you like not because someone else likes it

u clearly dont like cardio in any form, otherwise u wouldnt be fat, so start running, bitch

Well what im saying is find a game to play with a friend. Doesnt really matter what it is. Maybe look for a new gym?

i just find weight lifting so fucking boring, and I wasnt losing any weight doing it.

Cardio is not necessary, getting your heart rate up frequently is. Better off with some high intensity training (jog-sprint-jog-sprint-jog) or interval training a few times a week and lifting weights. Mass growth only happens when you consume more than you need and lift with that goal in mind. doing compound exercises every other day (pushup, pull up, squat, deadlift) will trigger your muscles to develop which will trigger more weight loss.

Vegans are such faggots. Every one I've ever known is either some contrarian, left-wing follower, or trying to impress some feminist. Never seen one look healthy.

I'm 5'9'' and went from 240 to 200 in about 2 months just by going to the gym

nah im good

running without purpose seems like an activity for women and idiots but I am an active person. I play basketball, volleyball, softball (depending on time of year) and do my lifting with short breaks to get a cardio element too

youre just mad that people dont want to do what you like

This. Simply this. Everyone wants a magic wand instead.

If you’re trying to just generally feel and look better, don’t go vegan or vegetarian, my mom went vegan and has a b12 deficiency, we’re omnivours for a reason, the best diet/system I ever did was just eating whatever I wanted minus 3 things, dairy in all forms, added sugar in all forms (organic, cane, corn syrup, you kno)(natural sugars are alright, like how apples are high in sugar) and alcohol, after I cut those 3, I started a workout routine for ~an hour a day (warmup and stretching included so really it’s about 10-15 minutes of intensity) after that you just start counting calories, the easiest way is with a meals on wheels, I used a local supplier to my gym that made all my meals for me, I lost 37 lbs and 8 1/2% BF in 3 months

Do it user

Former 370 pound neck beard kissless virgin here

Went vegan/made healthier choices and got down to 205 currently. I recently got to suck on my first pair of titties. Was pretty sick wood recommend

Eat meat you fucking pussy

Do it. Veganism is the healthiest diet you can have, it's only unhealthy if you don't find suitable replacements for all the nutrients your cutting out. You will need to do your homework, but if your serious about making a change, it's the best thing to do.

if u do all those things, how come u weigh 240 pounds, u fat fuck?

Go ketogenic. Cutting fats will not help you as much as cutting carbs will.

This is the sole truth. Veganism is often linked to increase of fruit consumption, which is rich in glucose.
Aim to reduce sugar above all else. Any low carb diet will do.

this. this. and more this. been there, done it.

>Veganism is often linked to increase of fruit consumption, which is rich in glucose
nigga you meant fructose, and yeah that's bad for your liver
A healthy vegan diet is a starch(glucose) based diet.

hello Sup Forums

not going to write a story, but im short for about 20 shekels to get my little bro a christmas present since i threw all my paycheck in the goddamn broken ass car


thank you a lot

if anyone is interested, im getting (or not) him this


I became vegan and lost a shit ton of weight. I get all my vitamins now as well, No more odd headaches. Heck i even shit solids now.
Do it user, for yourself and the world. Its a tough start, but when Its routine you'll love it.

Cutting out carbs and ODing on fat will fuck with your metabolism and hormone production. You'll lose some weight fast, but you'll get it all back in spades soon. Slow and steady wins every time.


You really dont have to. I make a smoothie each morning with spinach, almond milk, bananas *insert your favorite fruit* and stuff like that. Super good breakfast and depending on what vitamins i need, i shove that vegetable in there. I however have a b12 spray i take every 2nd week.

Well beans are a fart generator, but unless you over indulge i havent had that much of a gas issue lol

>getting diabetes errywhere

"Empty carbs" you have a license for that autism mate?

You do realize you get more nutrients on a vegan diet right?

Just take some natural antioxidants to gas.

Look, I went from 265 to 217 in a year and I didn't give up anything except lousy eating habits.

I used the 15-25 method.

1500 to 2500 calories a day. That's what the body needs to run at rest, so with only normal activity, you'll burn more of what your body already has in reserve.

Eat what you want, but stay in the 15-25 range.
You'll feel hungry as hell at first, but your body will adjust once it realizes you're not getting your usual food fix. No eating after 9 pm. NOTHING. I found that's when the cravings really hit. Your body is smart and knows late at night is the best time to catch your brain at its weakest.

Bread, dairy, and sugars should be at the bare minimum. More raw fruits, veggies, and greens.

Read calorie labels and up what you take in throughout the day. Also, there are plenty of calorie converters on the 'net, so you'll know how much even a strawberry is worth. (4 calories by the way).

Don't be one of those people who constantly ask 'how they look' for positive re-enforcement, it's annoying. Trust me, it feels a lot better when someone just out of nowhere asks 'Hey, you loosing weight?'

You can have a sweet drink or alcohol, but cut it back just like with the 3 food I mentioned earlier, and drink more ice water with lemon.

Not going to lie, you'll backslide every now and then. Hey, you're human.

Just tell yourself, especially when you're driving past a fast-food joint and you mouth starts watering and your stomach grumbles, that your brain is in charge of your body, not the other way around.

Your body will lie and betray you every time to get food. It 's happened to everyone, but think about it, whenever you've gone on a diet in the past, doesn't it seem like you notice every food commercial or can smell or hear food cooking in the distance more acutely?

Your body is just doing what it's been bred to do. Survive by getting as much food as it can. Problem is, it's eating itself to death.

Your brain is the check valve.

You can do this.

I definitely plan to supplement my lifestyle change with some smoothies. It helps that I bought a vitamix 3 years ago and rarely use it.

Funny that people look at us that way. Im center, have a gf and im 6'2, and a blacksmith on top of that. Im pretty fit.
Most vegan men i know (of course thats anecdotal) look like me and have the same stance on politics.

This lol. Keto faggits and their "science" and their heart problems, which is rather real.

Damn cutting back on drinking beer will be difficult, not that I drink it too often but I am a man and I do go out with my buddies. I like this 15-25 method. It's almost fool proof but I foresee a lot of prepared meals and what not which does get overwhelming at times.

2500 calories is a lot of overage, unless you're trying to build muscle or are a really big dude, in which case 1500 calories is dangerously low.

Average man needs 2000 calories to run at rest without gaining or losing weight. Cut it by 500 and you slowly drop weight, add 500 and you slowly gain. Anything beyond that and you're going to either send your body into starvation mode where your metabolism slows and you lose muscle or you will start becoming a tub of shit.

Yeah good on you man. It helped me early

how's your skin and muscle mass?

When the weed kicks in....tub of shit, here we come.

Thanks for the tip but it's time to hit the gym before the rush hour gets in. Good lifting, good lookin

I stopped drinking all together for about two months and the results were pretty astounding. Not only did I lose weight, but I also changed my attitude about alcohol. I can enjoy it much more sparingly now. I didn't realize how much I'd built up a tolerance and how habitual pounding beers had become until I stopped for a good long while. I would say anyone who's trying to lose weight should drop alcohol first before trying anything else. Having said that I could really go for a beer right now.

I'm 5'10 and 240lbs to

Don't do it. Just lose weight the normal way and stop eating shitty and move more.
Veganism is overall worse for the environment and harder to maintain from a dietary perspective.
Veganism isn't a cure-all.

Do whatever you want.

Nope, that's the beauty of it. No prepared meals. Eat what you want, but just not the same amount.

Example: Which has more calories....?
A: A double-bacon cheese burger?
B: A cheese burger of the $ menu?

And you can still drink. Just not as much.

I'm telling you, you'll find yourself subconsciously putting the constraints on yourself after awhile.

Right now, its your body calling the shots.

Put your brain back in charge.

Oh yeah, I am not addicted to drinking whatsoever. I can give it up in a jiffy. It's just that you'll be that "guy" in the group who drives everyone as the DD or the "guy" who doesn't drink but goes out to chill. But they'll accept me if they were friends in the first place. I guess I should start recording and uploading onto youtube about bar food reviews...
>"the celery for the wings were remarkably crunchy"
>"now to the wings, which I can not eat...the odor is amazing and you can definitely get the buffalo herd like smell from this vivid contrasting sauce"

That's why I say 15-25. Just stay in that range.

After awhile, the body is no longer in charge and like feeding a pet, you let your brain decide when and how much it gets. I just requires a little discipline.

My brain is in the right mindset for sure. Once the energy of my youth kicks back in from no fap, no booze, no games, and low fat lifestyle change, I'm sure I will be more motivated than I am already now, to continue with this journey.

You should keep eating some form of meat, going full vegan will have your body eat as much muscle as it eats fat.

dude this is why the shaolin monks can do those crazy ass stunts with sleeping on nails and shit. What you're saying is to rewire your brain to accept that you are in control and that physical pain has no existence on you. Very good. I like your thinking. Peace!


Never thought of it that way.

Thanks, man!