Sup Forums, what is the best camera to leave in someone's house for creepshots?

Sup Forums, what is the best camera to leave in someone's house for creepshots?

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WOAH. Nice!



You mean like permanently? The biggest problems are battery life and how to get the data.

Theoretically... the camera would be accessed one every week or two.


Pretty tricky. You can buy and build small IP cameras. Or you can get ones that record to SD card with motion detection.

Getting decent audio and video out of an IP cam can be quite challenging, but obviously you wouldn't have to swap SD cards.

Both will draw 200-300 mA, so a single 18650 battery will get you around 10-15 hours of run time.

Obviously the perfect solution is a mains-powered IP cam that can be accessed via the internet and that can also record to SD card, but those are really, really tough to get working properly, because you also have to worry about stuff like forwarding ports on the router.

Let's imagine that you are in the same network. What model would you use for a small bathroom?

i found this...

amazon dot

Which seems to be perfect for our imaginary situation. I think this would be perfect for use inside a wall vent witch just the lense poking out through the vent slats.

The camera would alledly be on another network that I have have already brute forced into.

For an IP-based one I'd build one myself using a RPi Zero W, a camera module and RPi Cam Control.

Most IP cams don't have pinhole lenses and the image sensors are mounted somewhere in the center of a large PCB, so they're no good for hiding.

You can get little chinese IP cams with pinhole lenses and wired image sensors, but I've had nothing but bad luck with those, so that's why I would much prefer the RPi solution.

Good work, user. Is it for a friend, or a friend's daughter?

if it works, it's probably a good option. i've tried two different ones and they were complete garbage. unstable wifi, lost settings, crashes, and they both died randomly within a few days. ymmv.

/r/ing the one with anne and her little jew cock in the background

If you have an old Android phone you can use that. Plenty of apps out there to use with them. Either save to local storage or use software on a computer


All the Chinese made stuff is Shit. Instructions in pidgin English. Where to get a good one? I suppose the more you're prepared to spend, the better the quality. But it's a lottery.

Sup Forums literally just banned my pc with my celeb pics for copy right infringment? wtf

I like this idea, If I were to do something like this, I would use this video for referance.


Anons post your results.

Mini DV recorder.

I will, it will be some time before I have the camera built and etc. keep an eye out for the post ;)

My mom

this is officially a OC creep shot thread, gogogo!

Nice and checked

you will need direct power access or a rather large batterypack. If you can have access to the persons home when they are no there you could probably install something with direct power access. You will also need for it to be motion activated if you only plan on emptying it out every 1-2 weeks. Another option is an IP camera which you put on the persons wifi and send data all the time.

Wireless cam recording from back in 2006 when i started :)
... much have happened since then in regards to cameras...

Please explain to this newfag what an IP camera is!

it is a camera you can access over network, like the internet, or local wifi depending on how you set it up

I plan on placing the device in a vent, so I wont be able to get direct power.

Can you link us to an example of a IP camera that isnt a chinese POS?

wow we need more of this set.


Makes it easy when they keep a messy room



thread dead?
