My room mate has been being so fucking annoying

my room mate has been being so fucking annoying

opening my fridge, talking shit about me, touching my shit.. i had politely asked the dude to stop doing all this shit, he doesn't respond, he literally just ignores my ass.

today was the last straw. i honestly dont want to go to jail, but i told the faggot if he opened my fridge again I was gonna have to break his bones.

i was standing by it. told the faggot come down here and touch my shit again if youre so tough. keep in mind he's been talking shit for the past week hes been here and stomping and slamming things and yelling while hes on the phone and blasting his tv, on purpose. just to piss me off.

I told his ass to come touch my shit again. he didnt come, called him a bitch. he still didnt come.

i was just annoyed as fuck. so i went over to the landlord to tell her that he needs to stop or I'm gonna have to push his shit in. im not even a fighter, this dude just keeps pressing my fucking buttons.

she tells me its because when he first came into the place, I didnt shake his hand or ask him his name or anything

top kek, I'm just like "BOO HOO... is he really being a literal typical woman about this?"

i literally had to apologize to the dude for not being friendly when he first came in, not cause I give a shit, just cause its clear that's what was gonna get his dumbass to stop, and without any violence.....hes finally stopped. im glad. ive never been to jail and I'm not interested in going

dumb story lol but whatever, just felt like sharing.

Keep the fucker on a leash user, if he starts shit again you know what to do.

Your story is full of shit, literally - you said shit 8 times.

OP is a scatfag confirmed.


that's why i hate room mates. i had to share a place with some fat fuck who couldn't clean up after himself, and soap and water was a foreign concept. some people have a hard time adjusting if mommy and daddy aren't there to put up with their shit.

wait till the asshole is rent with the late, and see how much of a shit the landlord gives about his feelings. fuck that dude in the ass.

Kinda strange that their are people that do this, I make friends with my roomates imidiantly upon moving in, the point being if you don't get along with who you have to be around ALOT, life can get annoying. Though I did have one insane sjw/blacklivesmatter idiot for one once. Those were awkward times.

mustard in the shoes it its worth it.

Currently co-renting a house with my best friend whilst we're both going uni. Redpilled and doesn't take shit from people. Both getting pussy and drunk, no issues in the home, we both do our bit.

Can't relate too well to OP, but i think it would suck if i had a worthless leech instead. Get a best friend you could live with before you go to university boys, it helps a lot (If you are going to the same uni ofc.

I remember this one time I agreed to let a black dude live with me.

He lasted all of 2 months then tried to back out of the lease without telling me.

All my roommates have been total shit, not worth it. I would rather live in a tiny shit studio than share a house with anyone at this point.

Just wait for a girlfriend to move in.

i dont think a girlfriend will fuck us up, got a proper brother bond going.

Lol dude you got it easy, growsome balls and confront him. Or get fridge with a fucking lock man lol

I was unable to convince an old roommate that him and his gf count as two people, not one, and she needed to pay.

So this faggot was going through your personal things, and purposely going around and annoying the fuck out of you because you didnt formally greet him?

Did he come to you with a handshake? did he offer to go gets some drinks?


So then he didnt try either, which means he told your landlord a crock of shit.

Which also means that he and the landlord are a personal talking basis and he tells her all about you.

Which then means the landlord is on his side and not yours,

This will lead to them siding against you if they already havent.

Dont be surprised when he tried to move someone else in and the landlord tells you that you have to leave.

Iv been through this shit, NEVER GET FUCKING ROOM MATES

It never works out, even if two friends move in together you WILL ALWAYS separate as enemies.

Its too many people with their own fucking opinions and shitty attitudes living in one small space and it never fucking works.

Oh and just wait till one of them gets a free loading gf...those awkward conversations and trying to tell them she needs to pay rent, or when she tries to fuck you while her boyfriend is at work.

Just cut your losses and go back home or find a super cheap place bro.

source - 29 year old who has been through that retarded shit back in college.

oh, fuck. that reminds me of uni. living with a fat autistic neckbeard who couldn't clean up after himself, and mommy had to drive 3 hrs to clean his room and deliver more fucking chicken nuggets. seriously, the guy lived on doritos, pop, chicken nuggets, french frys, and when the fat piece of shit figured out he could be liquor, beer and cheap wine.

about 2 months in i lost my shit and kicked the fat fuck out. i would have healthy food in the fridge, and the fat autisic fuck would throw it out, so he could have room for his precious soda pop and fucking cheap shit beer.

The refrigerator is one of the biggest arguments among roommates.

I had this one roommate who had a job and made shit hours, we are talking maybe a $300 dollar check.

When he got paid he would go out to all the bars or buy super expensive bottles of booze.

Of course he would drink all of the rest of the housemates booze and eat the pizza and other food we would buy for social events.

But then he would go and get a big bottle of Grey Goose, of which he couldnt afford, and put it in the freezer.

Then he would put a sign up on the freezer

So while the rest of us are drinking reasonably priced booze, he would pour shots of Grey Goose for himself or girls he liked or just other people he liked instead of sharing with the whole house.

Mind you we always shared with him because decent people don't just have a party and single any one person out like that.

oh, this guy was a temper tantrum throwing neckbeard. mommy and daddy did everything for him his whole life and even brought him food. it was a fucking joke.

i was working, plus going to school, and the fat fuck would throw a temper tantrum and fire all my food into the trash. i got pissed off and got a small fridge and kept it in my room. when fat fuck mcgee decided he watned my fridge for his room as well, he got told to get fucked 10 ways from sunday. however, mommy bought him his own personal fridge. i kicked him out after about a month and a half because he was such a douche, and didn't pay rent. fuck that guy.

>rent with the late

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yeah, mommy gave him the rent money because she wanted him to be responsable. that didn't work because he spent it on liquor. fucker didn't have a lease, and was 'month to month'. plus, the fat fuck only paid a damage deposit of half a months rent. fucker stiffed me for a month's rent, but throwing his ass out was epic. mommy came to clean up after him, and I told her she best take fat fuck mcgoo with her. had a buddy of mine who wasn't a turbocunt move in. worst is, mother was friends with the landlord, and the landlord lost his shit with him as well.

Other dirty discusting things this fat piece of shit did, piss on the floor, not shower (in the time he was there, unless his mommy threatened to withhold his allowance and tendies), shit on the floor, mountain of garbage in his room with liquor bottles and what not.

fuck roommates. fuck them in the ass. Also, I had no pets wrote into the lease. If i have a place by myself, it's one thing, but if it's with some random room mate, i'm not dealing with someone else's pet pissing and shitting all over the place. When the shithead flipped his lid because he couldn't have a pet, it was epic. Asshole couldn't take care of himself, and expected me to allow him a fucking pet. i don't think so, i wouldn't subject an animal to that mess. Plus, he'd probably try and fuck it.

>my room mate has been being so fucking annoying
>opening my fridge, talking shit about me, touching my shit..
why didn't you flush fagot

Dude just suck his cock

kick the fucker out