Give me some positives about Net Neutrality being taken away, sense everyone only talks about the negatives

Give me some positives about Net Neutrality being taken away, sense everyone only talks about the negatives.

Being able to buy packages sounds fine. If all you do with the internet is watch Netflix, they can not offer a Netflix package where you pay much less a month but can only access Netflix.

Pro free market.

Inb4 hurr durr corporate fascism!

You dumb dicks with your retarded millenial sense of entitlement don't seem to grasp that you have no right to the services or property of another individual or business without a mutual agreement on prices and the extent of services.

Net Neutrality is like holding a gun to the head of someone and telling them that their $15 product must be sold to everyone for $5 or you'll blow their fucking head off.

It's absurd. Nobody owes you shit, and if a service provider jerks you around then you are 100% free to tell them to eat a fucking dick and go find someone who will give you what you want for the price that you want it.


Do you understand how net neutrality works?

>enjoy your 69$ access to Sup Forums

Nice to see that shills need to work at all times.

You stupid conservative fuckwits don't seem to understand that the internet isn't quite a service any longer. At this point it has transcended being a simple tool, and rather it has become an irreplaceable part of modern day 1st world life.

What you're essentially saying is that people shouldn't have rules anymore about water and that water companies should be entirely privatized and make their own rules. Yeah, that will go over well you complete moron.

You don't seem to realize that the internet has revolutionized communication, industry, and education. By allowing what is basically a corporate monopoly to do whatever they want will reduce the explosive pace our species has, and retard our growth for years to come for fucking financial gain. Shitstains like you only think about yourselves and have no regard for the future.

Go suck your corporate master's dick you stupid faggot.

jesus does no one remember how internet used to be before that nigger was president. I'm glad I'll be able to purchase faster internet and not be stuck with three isps wo only provide a standard speed. I'm glad net neutrality is killed.

It allows you to negotiate the relationship you want with your IP. I'm sure that you could probably guy yourself the equivalent of net neutrality if you wanted

But the package thing won't happen
Imagine if all of the companies instituted packages and one said "no we aren't going to do that"

Everyone would flock to that company and the other isps would lose money, so they would quickly follow suit.

if there was ANY good to be found in repealing this, then the FCC would not have had to TAKE 2 MILLION GODDAMNED IDENTITIES and make fake support for repealing it.



>implying Comcast and Time Warner threw millions of dollars at endorsing fair competition

Retard confirmed

but it wont be any faster, just the current speed branded as "faster" for "premium websites"

You're retarded if you think I can get Comcast or time warner idiot. Not everyone lives in city dumbfuck

No net neutrality means companies are free to charge whatever price they want and have whatever speed they want. If net neutrality continued, prices would gradually go up and the speed would always be the same, as with any industry the government tampers with.

>no u
good comeback, hayseed. repeating 6th grade 3 times really paid off, I see.

but internet speed has been getting better?
its not like its noncompetitive now

It's possible one company will say "no we're not going to do packages" forcing the rest of the providers to comply if they want to compete with them on the slightest

how has it gotten much better in the last two years

I'm as gay as they come.

Only works if more than one company which is not the case except for major cities

Actually literally nothing

Except for the fact that the vast majority of people in this country don't have a fucking choice when it comes to ISPs. It's an Oligopoly, if not an Monopoly.

Now you won't have to spend hours looking for great content on the internet. Your ISP's will select it for you!

A few years ago I had like 100 mbps, now I have 350 for the same price. That's obviously anecdotal, but speeds are gradually improving in most places

Using lel meme arrows. You're the bigger retard.

These posts are samefag

The thing to remember here is this: The internutz was fine until two years ago when Obozo's cronies decided to regulate the internet under the same laws that the phone companies were regulated under.

Now Trump's cronies are changing it back to pre-2015 style regulmalations. WowIt'sLiterallyFuckingNothing.png

What all happened on the internet before 2015? Oh, that's fucking right, EVERYTHING

"Now that the government has less control once again, the left wingers are shitting themselves with feigned rage."

Whenever a left-winger is mad at something, you can repeat the above, and no matter the situation, it will apply

If you don't pick your plan based on how fast the download mbs or if you're lucky gbs then you deserve to be that ignorant. I pick service based on the actually numbers by testing not just going with the button that says FASTER or AVERAGE Jesus this generation is retarded. That's like buying a car based on only faster or average instead of looking at what actual car you are getting.

You sound pretty angry man. I think you need to realize the companies will turn the free internet into a worse hell. Well maybe the only positive is nobody will pay extra to hear you complain. Faggot.

i think you might be defeating your own argument here. if they say "no we aren't going to do that", then they're already providing access to everything already. that's currently the way things are. you can't provide packages and also not provide packages.

a better argument would be: there is absolutely no reason in the world for an ISP to provide a "netflix-only" package, since netflix uses a shitload of bandwidth.

i feel like people are really not understanding how the infrastructure of the internet actually works. they're too fucking concerned about paying extra for Twitter and Facebook to learn why they would literally never find themselves in that situation. frankly it's embarassing.