I'm 50 years old. Ask me anything. I've experienced all of the shit you fags are wondering about. Ask away

I'm 50 years old. Ask me anything. I've experienced all of the shit you fags are wondering about. Ask away.

50? i
n your dreams grandad

47 here

Do you think there is a meaning to life?
Are you married?
Are you happy?

Thoughts on law enforcement?

How do I beat suicidal thoughts?
Or if you can't answer that, best way to do it?


what would you say was a pivotal moment that sent your life in the downward spiral to land you on Sup Forums, on a friday, as a grown ass man...?

Yes I believe in God.

Yes I am married.

Not really happy. I find joy where I can. Marriage is hard. Being a parent is hard. But having money is cool.


How come every pair of work gloves I buy rip so fast am I working to hard or the gloves cheap

What was the best year of your life?

What went so wrong in your life that lead you to being on Sup Forums when ur 50 fucking years old.

It's a harder job than anyone realizes. A friend was a state trooper for a few years. He had his issues going into it but the job wore him out. He blew his brains out a few months ago.

Worst crime you were ever convicted for?
Worst crime you ever got away with?

why is someone in the kitchen with Dina?

Can you put your two pointerfingers together and proceed to draw a circle with each finger, both going clockwise?

Was your wife the best sex you ever had?

How many kids do you have? Do they consume your life?

Best decade out of the 1980s, 1990s, and 2000s?

Hard to answer as I've never been suicidal. But I can tell you that your life will absolutely change if you give it time. When I was 16, I felt hopeless that anyone would ever like me or I'd ever kiss a girl. Just a few years later I was fucking two separate bitches on the same day.

31 year old vet here, how about war old man, you ever lived that? I've done 2 deployments

What was the best thing to do when you were a teenager? Would you say life back then as a teen is better than now as a teen?


i'm 54. want to know what the next four years are going to be like?

> you really don't.

Video game you played the most?

ITT: Imminent death.

nobody makes good work gloves. there are the crappy chinese ones that, as you've found, rip after two shifts. there isn't a market for actual good work gloves, because people who need them are all blue collar stiffs. no yuppie wannabes ever get their hands that dirty.

Probably 33/34 years old. Finally stopped giving a fuck. Realized that most bitches would fuck you if you just tried. Started fucking trannies, had some awesome experiences.

did you know?

it's possible to get past fifty without having committed a crime?

Not even close. Fucked a gorgeous tranny in a park one summer night. That was the best.

Two. Not really consume, but hard to do much without them. They are still young, 11 and 9. They are cool, I enjoy them.


what is your fucking deal, dude?

What's it like taking it up the ass?

Curious, You think the ink makes you look like a bad ass, or was it done to hide the fact your a punk, and are trying to get over

So then you've always driven under the speed limit, right? Dumbass.

Early 2000s were great. Music was awesome, movies were awesome, web started getting really good.

Is pic what you actually look like?
Because if so you are a massive faggot.

Should I rebuild the engine in my car to a stock 289 or a 302?

Generally not a crime, just a traffic violation. Breaking the law doesn't automatically mean w/e you did is criminal.

Loved watching TV. David letterman was my hero. A lot of boredom though and major sexual frustration. My best friend in high school moved away, we used to mail each other pictures from penthouse magazine. Now you can see porn all day every day.

Get away from from mustangs you faggot

so you routinely drive OVER the speed limit?

dumbass. also teenager.

What's it like to actually be 16?

Ha I have a pretty good idea.

When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
What did you end up becoming?

Does AARP allow faggots like yourself into their mists?

How long have you been religious? How do you maintain faith?

How long for? Are you happy or do you regret getting married?

Breakout on atari in the late 70s.


Never did it. Almost let a tranny do it but she had a beer can cock.

What made you stay in your marriage? I married a few years ago (30 now) and now the difference in our libido is becoming an issue.

Not me

Yes or No, Do you still beat your wife?

is heroin actually worth trying once?

Writer. I have a boring office job that I hate but I've made good money. But definitely should have pursued writing. Always pursue what interests you most as a young person

I'm pretty sure you've poopsmoked your fair share of butthash strains and all but i was just wondering if an old timer like you could give a rookie like me some pointers to produce the most potent butthash that get high as shit nigger the most

I'm a nazi how do you feel about that

What's your trick to overcoming procrastination?

If you could give two top tips for every young what would those tips be?

I was an atheist till I had kids. Started reflecting a lot on how my life had progressed from no meaning to suddenly creating life. I don't regret getting married, just regret who I married. Although I don't think it matters, marriage is impossible.

Hey op I'm 23 and I work full time as a butcher and do some trading, flipping and investing on the side.
I wanted to know if you had any good tips or advice on investing.

If not, it's cool.
You seem like a rad Sup Forumsro.

I legit lol'd

Stayed together for the kids. Plus divorce is impossible for men. You lose everything. Better to just deal with it and get a bitch on the side.

By the time you are about 18, you'll have a decent idea of what it is you enjoy most in life. What makes you happiest, what you enjoy doing. Find a way to take whatever that is and make a living at it. Don't listen to what anyone says, just do it. Also, don't be intimidated by girls. Every single one of them is insecure. Every single one.

How has being a faggot for 5 decades worked out?

Kunz my man. Tough as shit gloves. Can't pick up washers or coins from a floor or anything but tough fucking gloves. I have a worn out pair a friend's dad gave me one day when I was making the same complaint. That was like, 5 or 6 years ago. I still use them sometimes.

I've done really well with simple stock index funds. I have over 500k saved and growing. If you want to buy stocks, look for any that pay a 3%+ dividend and have a PE of 20 or less. AT&T or Verizon are great buys right now.

Also vet here, 10 years in Army but got out, 2 Iraq deployments.
33 now

>I've experienced all of the shit you fags are wondering about.

when you suck a dick, do you swallow the cum right away or show it to your boyfriend first?


Kill yourself

Does OP's kids know he's a giant faggot?


Thanks man.
Right now I have about 3k in the acorns app and another 4k in betterment.
I'm struggling on whether or not to invest through an app on credit.
I have a killer score and could easily invest 30k on my credit line but I'm worried I'll fail and lose big...

>invest through an app on credit
>on credit

Im 51

Just be patient. Pay off all your debt. Getting rich is slow and steady and usually not exciting.

What kind of music do you like?

What are three things you'd warn us young people about life ahead?

Also, what's the wisest lesson you've learned?

I'm 23 and want to invest money on anything really, but I don't know if it is a good idea or if it would be better to save up money in a sabing account. How do I manage my finances oh wise one?

what's it like to get shot?

Early 2000 alternative. Strokes, white stripes, interpol, yeah yeah yeahs, pixies /frank black.

>Marriage is hard

Menopause suxor

Don't rush into marriage. Live with the person for at least 2 years. Get to know their family especially their mother. Women always become their mothers. Also don't let insecurity stop you from doing anything. EVERYONE is insecure. Some just hide it better

Just to take your bait it's not a horrible idea or unheard of.
You still have to cut your loses when you use your vested money to pay off your credit line but you keep your profits.
Plenty of credit companies give you a year of 0% apr and interest.
You just have to make sure you're investing in the right places and you definitely pay out at the end of your year.

Invest for sure if you don't have debt or don't need the money for anything in the short term. Just keep it simple, invest in an S&p 500 fund and leave it there

Does OP have any daughters? If so, when did you start fucking them?


Heroin and cocaine are shit tier crummy drugs.


They work really well actually


nazis make you think of gay sex?

How do you inspire yourself to get out of bed on days you don't want to?

that's what drugs are for

All the early Nazi's were gay fascists.

And you're not even the oldest one here.

old farts arguing on Sup Forums

welcome 2018

I'm 55. It sure as fuck doesn't get better. I'm just about ready to go.

Nope. 64 ford falcon.