Fantano general


Other urls found in this thread:

piss off

i love fantano!

who /2009fantano/ here?

wow, what a faggot

wow what a faggot

Gotcha senpai

wow wat a faggot

wha fagt a wowgot

wow waht a faggot

Most of this board is a Fantano general

he use to be a lot better when he didn't do his stupid meme shit


he was a better person back then. this was before he took the red pill. hes a freak now. make a vegan smoothy out of this ass.

>red pill
>bernie sanders supporter

redpill doesnt mean republican my boi

redditor confirmed

anthony fantano!!!

you'd be wrong

I'd respect him more if he didn't have gyno

What's the though process behind the people that make these threads dedicated to an e-celeb that reviews rap albums?


I have no problem with him, at the end of the day he gets to have his wrong opinion. My problem is with the thoughtless idiots that take the opinion of someone on the internet as "objective" and then think and act as if they were superior, when in fact they're just rehashing someone else's opinion.

Why can't certain people at least pretend like they think for themselves?

Oh, and at least he's not pitchfork and throwing us liberal california political agenda down our fucking throat.

*walks by a tree*

next meme review: road man shaq's mans not hot
drops in 15 minutes
explain this