At my local restaurant waitresses get paid 3.25 an hour...

At my local restaurant waitresses get paid 3.25 an hour, because the tips they make go towards filling the gap to minimum wage (which is 7.25 here).

Meanwhile I'm a delivery driver at the same restaurant, making 7 an hour, none of my tips go towards filling a wage gap, and I'm paid daily in cash to do a job far easier than in store servicing.

Why is America so fucked Sup Forums

No one is forcing you to work at those types of jobs.

Thread is over.

While it is fucked up, those waitresses make way more a week than you will in a month. They just spend it all on booze and xanax


Why doesn't user apply to the 50K+ per year jobs at the place next door??? Stupid. Dude should go apply to be a surgeon or systems analyst or something.

Can confirm, am a systems analyst, never worked a shitty delivery or other service industry job and had to bitch about it.

>Why is America so fucked Sup Forums

profits > workers lives

the sad reality of the unfairness of the world.

im 20y/o. I work at a fabric in Norway. Make around 28USD/hr. Super easy job, mostly consisting of watching TV and waiting until the next shift gets on.


Everyone needs to stop feeling sorry for waitresses. They're entitled talentless counts who will spit in your food for any little thing. And they make a shitload of money

Why aren't you rich if it's such an easy job and pays so well?

Cause I don't want to be a waitress

It's just that easy, folks

But you'd make shitloads of money and it takes no talent, why would you ever want a different job?

this thread is why humanity needs to be destroyed. it's all bad.


Cause I don't want to be a waitress, can't you read?

Dude should get some schooling instead of crying on Sup Forums. Nypa

>implying gas cost and wear & tear on your car doesn't exist

What reason could you possibly have though?

That I don't like it. Jesus you're dense

Cause i'm gay for your asshole, user.

It is the heart of capitalism, as Karl Polanyi said "The human work is a fictional good ... you can not apply the regular laws of capitalism to it"... In USA (NOT AMERICA) the laws of capitalism are applied to everything ... Polanyi, Marx and Hinkelammert told us about the risk of the laws of the economies of market ...


Most decent waiters actually make about 14-15$/h with tips.

The only thing doing away with tipping will do is reduce the standard of service to the lowest, as none of the waiters will have any incentive to give good service, if they don't get paid extra for it.

7 an hour, working day is like 10 hours = $70 a day/$2000 per month. Not that bad if youre living with parents and ascetic

Any waitress who doesn't make more than 4 dollars an hour on tips is a fucking retard and probably a landwhale and bitch.
A waitress at my local diner probably waits on average 8 tables an hour, and the average tip is around 5 dollars.
Perhaps a truck driver isn't an economist.

>nypa doesn't apply here, new friend

Winter break has obviously started.

More like 1120, pre tax. very few fast food joints are going to let you do more than 40 hours and be forced to pay you overtime. Especially not for 30 hours a week.

need to work on that reading comprehension kiddo

They will also make 7 an hr even if they get no tips.

Lmfao, maybe if retards like you would stop applying for that shit job, they might raise the Fucking wage

Cause min wage was meant for high school kids who don't have bills, but then america gave the middle finger to the working class and dropped the good jobs, top that with people who wont/can't retire and then you're stuck with adults well into their 40s working for min wage and bosses who think you should work your ass off for 7.25 a hour.


You need the extra money to maintain your car....they also probably make more than you

>muh every person fucks with my food
>muh thats why i dont ever tip because im paranoid and have never done their job

This young lady needs to get paid more. She's wearing a child's shirt just to save money.

>I'm poor with no skills
>I have no plans to improve my situation

Why is America so fucked Sup Forums

On what planet does any menial bullshit job work you 70 hrs a week? Holy fuck you must be like 12.

If they dont make minimum wage the employer has to subsitute the rest of their pay, so they still get minimum wage.

Lol, I'm 22 and got a 65k/yr job as an apprentice in instrumentation out of college in a poor state. Only previous work history was a few summers as a lifeguard

I have and I always tip (unless the service was abysmal)
That's why I know they do that shit. That and every waitress on the internet will admit to it with a disgustingly smug attitude

False. At the time minimum wage was meant to provide a sustainable living. Like 30k a year now.

yeah back then, but now unless you make like 20.00 a hour, the only living you'll do is in the hood. My wife and I both work and we're barely getting by. But living in Pa that's the price you pay to keep the welfare niggers living happily

Who cares about the service of the person bringing the food when i just want the damn food?

Be prepared for those 70+ hour weeks bucko cause thats exactly what controls jobs do. You fucked up. Manufacturing will never be a healthy career choice

This - it’s federal law. Employees in violation of this face huge fines, like business destroying fines for smaller businesses, so most are in compliance.
Also it is the legal responsibility of the server to submit a record of their tips to their employer to keep accurate records for federal and state taxes.
Failure to do so is also a crime - tax fraud by defrauding governments of their due taxable income.
If you say the employer would fire the server for asking to make up the difference so minimum wage is met - they should be fired. Most servers easily break the $7.25/hr federal minimum wage, and in places where it is higher by state law they also have no problem doing so. By asking to meet minimums you are showing you’re a poor server and should be in a different service based industry.

Employers* in violation...

That was sorta my point. Wages have failed to keep up. For the minimum to function as intended it has to be raised to 16.50/hr. I would argue it needs to be done away with though.

>I would argue it needs to be done away with though.
That would be the stupidest thing that could be done.

Probably because you have to pay to insure your vehicle as a delivery driver while the waitresses don't.

That would cause all goods and services to raise accordingly because employers are not going to cut their profit margins for employees, or they will fire employees and then your service will suffer for it.
Either which way - you end up paying for it one way or another.

Real answer: I'm an unlikable faggot who wouldn't last 2 days as a server. Also I'm obese and all the walking back and forth would kill me. I'll just stick to my tendies

I disagree. The minimum wage is the reason so many jobs have such shit pay and are total dead ends. Without the minimum wage employers are forced to meet you in the middle and you make more.

Which is why I oppose the minimum wage on principle. Finish reading the post.

When I was just like OP, blaming the world for my problems, I realized that I was in control of my life. I was victimizing myself. After two degrees and looking deep inside myself, I am more than capable of making my own success.

We can't stay ignorant forever. Education is key for learning how to survive in this work climate.

No they aren’t. They would find the lowest hanging fruit they could exploit. Most people are shit like that.

I don’t like it either, but I am not naive enough to think it would work out to everyone’s benefit.
Employers would exploit, there would be a lot more unemployment as a result and things would go downhill fast.
Perfect world we wouldn’t need regulations and laws - because people would be fair and not assholes to one another. That ain’t happening anytime soon though.

This is only because waiters have no fucking work ethic. I don't get paid extra for doing an above average job, but I still always try to do an excellent job because I actually care and I'm not some shitty pleb that settles for mediocre.

Display excellent work and don't be a cunt and higher paying oppurtunities literally just start falling into your lap.

Wishful thinking, min wage is designed to make you believe you're worth something, but at the same time keep you down. If places paid according to the output they produce, I'd be making like 10-12 a hour and mcdonalds would be doing like 15 a hour. But because the Gov. controls how much we're allowed to make, min wage workers are left in dust and looked at like they're worthless

Yeah, but nobody but illegals will work for $4/hr. People would start higher than 7.50. Removing the minimum puts the power back into the worker's hands.

Oh it won't benefit everyone, but thats how an actually free market works. We can't all be president. At this point the minimum benefits nobody.

And yet laws right now allow that to happen (tipped employees, underage employees, employees during 90 evaluation periods, UNPAID internships), and all ethnicities take up that very work you claim no one wants.
For the above people, federal minimum wage laws are waived (may vary by state).

jesus , 7/hr thats illegal here

That’s exactly what free market is - both parties are free to make an agreement as they see fit to gain what they wish. If an agreement is reached, both sides by default has deemed it to be of benefit to them both, if not then no agreement would be enacted.

And in almost all of those cases there are valid reasons to violate the minimum wage. Waitresses make more with tips. Probationary periods protect a company from a shitty employee, and are pretty rare, training pay is just logical, and those internships almost universally lead to very high paying careers. But they are also totally voluntary.

So, since, as a nation, we are used to such pay agreements anyway, there is no reason to believe that were minimum wage laws to be repealed that employers would not seek to exploit the worker. Nothing would stop them from say, offering a good incentive, then keeping said promise out of reach until the worker quits or gives in.
Another example would be the old “company store” route - offer credit lines the company’s store for daily necessities yet keep you in eternal debt slaving away to pay it off as a form of legal indentured servitude. Should you quit, you’ll be sued for the legal debt you owe.
This last example has happened before in our history with several industries - coal mining, logging, farming/ranching.

well you dont have boobs do you??

Your only worth more money if you have value. Most of the people crying about minimum wage wouldn't even make minimum if they were paid based on their worth.

I know, I don't mind them right now because I have a very expensive hobby and those weeks help. Where I landed has a ton of down time though, I shitpost on Sup Forums at least half the day.

Tell that to the homeless bud

1. Minimum wage laws don't prevent cpmpany stores or towns. Sure it makes wal mart pay in money, but it certainly doesn't stop them from creating a company store model. Bad press does that.
2. Companies already offer impossible incentives and hire under false pretenses. Look at literally every comission sales job on the planet. They all do it in at least some way. While your at it look up draw, which uses the minimum wage to actually enslave people.
The minimum wage doesn't prevent any of that, and keeps the low skilled worker in perpetual poverty. Removing it reintroduces competition. The minimum wage already allows companies to exploit people. In fact, it gives companies federal approval to exploit people.

that's true about 75% of the time, the other 25% are either people who can't land a good job or live in a area where there are no good jobs. Ib4 just move, moving takes money

So you're telling me that CEOs are worth every penny of their 2000 / hr salaries? Unless you're raising the dead or curing cancer with a touch nothing anybody does is worth 1000x more than what any other person does for a legitimate job.

By that logic any industry without tips has shitty service because there is "no incentive"

When is the last time you got shitty service at a gas station, bank, or supermarket?

$25 an hour to troll trumptards on Sup Forums

I get shit service at walmart, every fast food place, and anywhere else with shit pay all the time. I don't complain because lousy service is these companies getting what they paid for.

Difference is, delivery drivers have gas to pay for

I wish I was a hot 10/10 girl
imagine the tips a hot slut waitress gets

Well, by your own admission then if laws do not work then no laws will not work if under law these same situations exist.
It is naive to think that lack of regulation will bring about a better standard.
I am all for smaller government, but I know it’s not realistic.

I drive for Domino's and make $27 an hour, guess it's a good thing I don't live in a country with "tip culture."

Absolutely, a good CEO can make a company billions over a crappy CEO. Look at AMD under Dr. Lisa Su market cap of around 12 bln. Previous moron was running it into the ground, mkt. Cap was like 3 bln.

Actually my point was that not only do the laws not work, they are making the problem worse. If mashing your testicles in a vise was hurting you, would you keep tightening the vise or would you lift your nuts out of the vise? Minimum wage laws are the vise, why do you keep turning the lever?

Holy shit you really think being a fucking waiter is hard?

Pulling out of the vice would cause damage to nuts if you don't loosen it first.

Existing laws are only tightening the vise. Deregulation removes the vise.

that wage doesn't make up for the stress it puts on your car

Oh I agree, but pulling them out without loosening it first and then having a plan in place to get treatment isn’t going to make things better. You’re likely to lose your nuts that way just by cutting loose and hoping for the best.
Changes definitely need to be made, but killing all regulation would cause more problems than it solves.
The whole system needs a proper overhaul, but I honestly do not have any good ideas on what should be done or how it should be implemented.
I would argue that things like welfare should be done away with and switched over to workfare with emphasis on teaching trade skills that could allow for the private support of the individual and their family.
If there is complaints about “but they have kids and can’t work” - bullshit. People work and have families now, and do it just fine without aid.

I do believe I just witnessed a newfags very first post ever! Congratulations!

Dumbass wage slaves enabling corporate america

How about you start your own business that actually helps people out and gives you a good revenue at the same time?

Nigga said >btw im a girl lol

Stop enabling corruption so you can stop complaining on this here Sup Forumslog

if you can prove it, set up a lawsuit and make $ and possibly some tail for being a "feminist".