Libertarianism does not equal anarchocapitalism.
There is a small role for the state in a libertarian country.
There we go
Muh roads problem solved.
>small role
what does this mean? the majority of the public likes the idea of a social safety net, do we have to obey the libertarian minority and forgo it?
What about eugenic and national health programs?
Are we allowed any regulation at all?
In general, Libertarians would say no. Of course it's such a vague word that even Bill Maher has called himself a Libertarian.
>Muh roads problem solved.
Hover boards
Minarchism has already failed. The USA started with the smallest government and now has one of the world's largest. Ancap is the only path to true freedom and equality of opportunity.
True, but AnCap are a disease that constantly tries to push Libertarianism into exactly that hole.
Until the Libertarianism movement can sanitize itself it will be rightfully be seen as a bunch of corporate-aristocratic shills.
I'm right there with ya, OP. The Constitution outlines some government responsibilities
There is no problem in libertarianism or anarchocapitalism with respect to roads.
It's a meme.
Libertarianism and anarcho-capitalism are interchangeable with one another. Murray Rothbard wrote the libertarian manifesto and he is an anarcho-capitalist.
Who's to stop me from driving around the pike and using it for free?
There was never a road problem in the first place.
Of the potential issue(s) with libertarianism I don't know why people pick this one.
I don't know what libertarians would say as I'm not one, I just hate people making this mistake.
Whatever libertarian views I hold are essentially from a utilitarian pov so some social safety net is accepted by me. Places where markets don't work best ought to be publicly funded (e.g healthcare). Some regulations are justified to me as people aren't entirely rational. That said I sympathise with libertarians about freedom but I see it as the way to allow people to fulfill their wants, not as a god given right.
Anarchocapitalism devolves into a minarchist state anyway, see Nozick.
Okay now explain muh borders
this fucking thread again
In an international ancap society, borders wouldn't be a problem.
Your situated between Sweden and Russia
Wouldnt need them. People wouldn't travel all that way if they were just going to be taken advantage of because of their low intelligence, if they weren't going to be given every public assistance and shortcut, weren't going to be taken seriously playing the victim and would have to work fair in an equal market.
They would just end up in jail. Especially seen as security would be more focused around those who would be targets.
So eventually they'll just stay in fuckheadistan.
You need to be clearer, Swedes can just come here because of Schengen but you can't just cross the East border since you need visa.
Same thing that prevents you from avoiding the toll booths on current toll roads.
The inconvenience and damage to your car from off road driving.
Anarchism and capitalism are mutually exclusive; AnCap is an oxymoron.
Always a fucking leaf
>This thread