Hey Sup Forums

hey Sup Forums,

Social Justice Warriors on tumblr think this woman is beautiful (100,000+ likes/notes)

what do you think?

She's pretty cute, desu.

shes just not my type

Hair isn't real
eyebrows arent real
she looks like she has fetal alcohol syndrome as well

Nose is too big and nigger like
Eyes are WAY too far apart. She looks like Admiral Akbar almost
black skin is almost universally a 2 point reduction automatically

5/10 at best

she'd look alright if she got a nose job

Would make her role play as a redguard and me as a nord pounding her arse.

she looks like an alien

I can never tell with black women. Plus they usually have black nips too which is gross


Very good looking for a black woman, but definetly not my type.

She's pretty aight

she's ugly

i think her nose is way too wide and she has frog eyes but other than that i guess

A sexy alien... I'd still prefer a white girl, obviously.

The nose... Jesus Christ... Filth.

She looks hot to me, but I do have a nigress fetish so my bias may be blinding me.

>frog eyes
kek's reincarnation comfirmed

I'd hit it

Non racists have the worst taste in Negresses 2bh

she is objectively ugly and it's not because of the color of her skin

>mfw people in the thread are saying she's sexy, hot, pretty, and fuckable

I hope you guys are trolling. Here's what a pretty girl looks like, for comparison

It's the nose man.
I can't handle the nose.

Not to mention this is clearly one of the cases where it's all makeup.
Take away makeup and hair do and she looks like an animal.

I don't even understand why people put up with the whole "am I beautiful" when their entire face and hair is just paint.
How can I tell if a person looks pretty underneath all that crap?

there are plenty of beautiful black women but not her

>FAS eyes
>wide nose
>nappy hair


Also the stench, the fucking stench.
I guarantee you she smells a mix cocoa butter and Fritos cornchips

>bestiality fetish

>The Na'vi burn victim.jpg

>what do you think

There are hot negresses.

She is not one of them.

No, this is a very good looking black woman, but the one on the op's pic is somewhere between meh and ughh.

>Take away makeup and hair do

Black women with a shaved head and no makeup are indistinguishable from black men, from the neck up.
It's more common than not, and it's really bizarre.

she is cute but those earrings are slutty, eyebrow is fake and it looks shit and that hair must be fucking dirty. otherwise butifel

That's a nigger, and niggers aren't human, therefore to want to put your dick in that is beastiality

She looks like a dude I used to know, so that's a resounding no.

she looks strange to me, beautiful no, passable after a few drinks and naughty thoughts about jungle fevah! maybe

mediocre at best

A bit too AYY LMAO for me, but she isn't ugly 2bh

This. Her eyes are fucking weird.
Anyone else here just not attracted to black people? As soon as their skin gets as dark as hers I just have no desire to have sex with them.

Disturbing as fuck eyes.


Is she one of those black Israeli Jew myths because that's one big ass nose.

What does her butthole look like?

Oh wow, I get, because she is black...right. Yeah, so witty bro, nice meme 4 sure.

as a black pussy aficionado, she's weird looking

She could be passable if she fixed her hair and lightened her skin.

it's because dark is seen as aggressive and masculine, whereas light is seen as soft and feminine.
probably because the night time is when predators would eat our monkey asses, so dark = bad.

it's based on color theory and shit. people are weird.

meh desu

Her eyes are too far apart. And her nose is too wide.

But, you know, those two facts aside she's not terrible.

>I know!
>Tell her to scowl and stare angrily!
>Then those racists will see how beautiful she is!

>she'd look alright if she got a nose job

if her nose is narrowed, her eyes will seem even further apart. are you trying to make her go full alien?

She isnt ugly and would smash



there are hot niggresses

she is not one of them

why is she wearing ropes on her head

She aight
But, if you want me to pick her apart I will
No brows, those are drawn on
Eyes to far apart ( fetal alcohol syndrome?)
Odd Jew nose( Very wide, no very long)
Too much forehead( more like 5head)
I mean, she's aight but the distance between those 2 eyes is like a mile apart, it's a deal breaker for me.

does she have a great ass and will she put out

She'd be pretty hot if her nose was normal and not a boxer's nose.


Much better

let me guess, it is not a woman?

She looks like a black Avatar alien.

Would still bang. Don't take that as a compliment or anything.

I still don't like the galaxy between her eyes

That's called being normal.

she clearly has FAS. fuck Sup Forums is blind.

>this is a very good looking black woman

got a pic where she isn't wearing clown paint?
I think you're attracted to her mask, not necessarily her face, since you have no idea what it looks like.

3/10 would not hang

It's so you can end your racist bullshit

This. She is avatar alien.

>Eyes to far apart ( fetal alcohol syndrome?)
not just me then

looks poo in loo desu

but good imo

>She looks hot to me

Cute-ish but eyes are too wide, plus makeup always lies

She is, but what is her behavior like?

I thought she was ok until this angle appeared. The makeup is definitely too much

Looks like a fucked up gorgonite figure

Too much make up.
Braided fucking hair looks like shit.
Fucking fake eyebrows.

No, and it would be no different if she was any other race.

>smaller nose
>eyes a bit closer
>top lip a little shrunk
>bottom lip a little filled out

Much better

They just don't seem human to me.

>Much better

agreed, but she still has crayon eyebrows. Why do girls pull all their hair out, so they draw it back on? Shit is crazy.

As the great philosopher-poet Andrew "Dice" Clay once said..
Black bitch
Black bitch
Eyes like a frog
Come on over
So I can fuck you
Like a dog


>drawn on eyebrows
Why do women keep doing this.

It looks horrid. Use your regular fucking eyebrows.

If I were black, I am sure I would find her attractive.

Ugly, would not call my 29 buddies to rape it.

>he actually took the time to do this

dis is the one i want user

Looks like a drag queen

Hideous. For the millionth time it's not the skin color, if anything darker skin color is nice, witness the tanning industry, it's the fact that her facial features in any color look inhuman.

Here's another pic from her instagram, looking like a man

Sideshow Bob?

She looks so much like one of my former classmate's brother it's uncanny.

This is a boy isn't it.

She is.


Looks like a fucking bluenigger



2008 Summer Olympics gymnastics brought us super qt Shawn Johnson
2012 Summer Olympics gymnastics brought us super slut McKayla Maroney
2016 Summer Olympics gymnastics will bring us this thing

It's a black hole