I will never be this cool

>i will never be this cool

Other urls found in this thread:


i dont get it why dont americans CC?

man if i was aerican id CC and if someone lays a hand of me i bust their ass. Cops show up, tell em it was self defense, its on video and plently of witnesses.

Why do Bernie supporters constantly look for an excuse to chimp out?

>Oh wow there's a trump supporter better go bully him for his political beliefs

Trump was right not to do the debate, if all of bernies supporters are a bunch of thugs and criminals that just riot and bully when they don't get their way I would be afraid to be anywhere near them, let alone debate their messiah.

He picked an obvious nerd. He knew this guy wouldn't fight back

That's why. Its a liberal shithole.

>betafag vs betafag
>hurr durr throw hat
>durr hurr das racist
>my middle finger proves my point
>Sup Forums BTFO lol im so alpha


Clearly the Trump supporter is the asshole.


don't stoop to their level leaf, hold tight. Sanders lost anyways.

Did no one notice that guy at the end walking up to confront the guy?

I wonder what happened after that.

>white guy picks on minority for having a hat
>omg such strong beliefs! FEEL THE BERN!
>cops put down arrest violent thug at Trump rally who happens to be black
>omg das raciss
I want off this ride

>cut the video when I'm about to get my ass kicked
fuck off nigger

Oh I noticed. I imagine the cameraman pussed out and ran off, but chose to cut that portion of his fun little video.

Someone actually stole mine off my head this wee at a party and weaseled away.

I never saw who took it, so they forced me to donate another $25 to the campaign.

look at his weak frame. Holly shit no wonder why he picked on that kid.

>Bernie supporter
>takes people stuff
It's like poetry.

A sanders sign in Canada? That's fucking autistic. I have a Trump hat but I don't wear it because we're in fucking Canada.

Anyways where is it? Like, what school? Better not be in Edmonton.

Man I'd destroy the person who'd do that to me.
This is why you gotta make it really tight when you go out in public, otherwise people can simply swipe it off your head.

why would you be mad about another countries politics? you sound like a complete faggot.

worry about you´re rapefugees before you worry about others problems

Help me!

When I wear my hat around Boston I only get stares around BU. Where one must go to find such a powerful young man to confront and snap in half?

Poor guy looks Jewish.

Guys, I think Greg Cook might be an anti-semite. :V

There is no turning back. It's too late desu.

I'd break that lefty cunt easy he's a drug addicted skinnyfag that stole some autistic minorities hat and threw it. That's not bravery, the guy wanted his hat so he left the cunt to go get it.



wew lad those are some tiny fingers

Love how the dude wasn't even intimidated by this cuck, just thrown off a bit. Then the cuck see's a guy his size and decides to back away. kek

tell me where it is, i'll fucking remove it

>berncuck picks on nerdy looking dude for no reason
>alpha male sees it happen and walks to confront the guy
>he backs away and quickly shuts off the camera

Holy lel there couldn't have been a better ending, it perfectly captures how weak berncucks really are.

report the video for harassment

He looked Jewish too.

Greg Cook confirmed anti-Semite.

>Don't stoop to their level
I bet that's what the Brits said when Hitler crossed code of warfare and re-introduced the flamethrower to the battlefield.

Sanders already lost anyways

lol its been removed now

>picking on a nerdy guy
>shits his pants and backs off at the end as alpha white male comes to confront him

pussy berniecucks in a nutshell

Don't worry, someone made a webm.

Wait. Are you that the who's filming?

holy fuck bastard is deleting the comments

can someone upload to jewtube and link. thanks

>deleting comments
>that damage control


He knows he dun fucked up

We need to find where he lives

let's do this

Working on it.

He think we forget if it's gone.

I'm gonna have fun with this guy for a bit.

By "bit" I mean until this November, when I just tweet "GG" and block him.


That guy is a pussy. I seriously doubt he would have done anything if it wasn't a turbo nerd wearing the hat.

I think I saw his shit band, definitely at this venue, and possibly this show.


Glad I don't subject myself to that shit anymore. It's mostly because my anxiety is too bad, but I think that they were starting to catch on to the visible disgust I felt at a lot of their politics, in addition to me being a gigantic autist and a drunk nuisance.

Please Sup Forums find this guy. I hate his stupid tattoos so much! I would say lets find his work but he won't have a job.

We should try to find based hat bro and try to make his day a little better because Sup Forums is a Christian board after all.


lets just bully this guy until he makes an apology

Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath; for it is written: “Vengeance is Mine; I will repay,saith the Lord.”

"To me belongeth vengeance and recompence; their foot shall slide in due time: for the day of their calamity is at hand, and the things that shall come upon them make haste."

" For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil."

Sup Forums is a Christian board, brother. We should turn the other cheek.

/r/ing reupload or webm or something for posterity, I love seeing cuckbois get btfo

>turn the other cheek

dumb cucks don't realize this meant something different back then

This we know so far:


Also, it looks he removed the video and his Instagram account.

Faggots band site: 1997recordings.com/info

Get the video to Trump. Tweet it to him once it is on youtube. He could take advantage of it.

What did it mean?

It's on YouTube m.youtube.com/watch?v=-IzKqyo2jLY

I don't use Twitter, and never will.

>In his books "Engaging the Powers" and "The Powers That Be," Wink argues that Jesus rejected two common ways of responding to injustice: violent resistance and passive acceptance. Instead, Jesus advocated a "third way," an assertive but non-violent form of protest.

>The key to understanding Wink's argument is rigorous attention to the social customs of the Jewish homeland in the first century and what these sayings would have meant in that context.

>To illustrate with the saying about turning the other cheek: it specifies that the person has been struck on the right cheek. How can you be struck on the right cheek? As Wink emphasizes, you have to act this out in order to get the point: you can be struck on the right cheek only by an overhand blow with the left hand, or with a backhand blow from the right hand. (Try it).

>But in that world, people did not use the left hand to strike people. It was reserved for "unseemly" uses. Thus, being struck on the right cheek meant that one had been backhanded with the right hand. Given the social customs of the day, a backhand blow was the way a superior hit an inferior, whereas one fought social equals with fists".

He already put his Twitter on private. Sup Forums NOT BTFO. Little bitch is scared already of nothing but hurtful tweets lol

He's definitely panicking. I'm just gonna continue to see how far I can push him.

>>Turning the other cheek means not to return insult for insult in retaliation, which is what most people expect and how worldly people act. Responding to hatred with love just might grab someone's attention and afford us a chance to share the gospel.


This is also his gay band