>white """"""""""""women"""""""""""""
White """"""""""""women"""""""""""""
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I'd fuck her hard. Love me some butch girls, mang.
that guy has some serious gyno
Well its official now, my penis is just for show.
white people are disgusting
I'd let her peg me tbqh.
>that hint of bush
Now that's what I call strong, independent woman. If you don't like it OP, you can suck her dick
Call me degenerate, but I wish to impregnate this women so she can give me big strong babies.
those boobs are wasted. she probably squeezes them down with a sports bra all day.
it's like a bottom gay dude with a huge dick
please, give the big titties and dicks to the people who will use them
>black """"""""""""""women"""""""""""""
That's hot as fuck. Dat bush and hairy pits. If you wouldn't fuck that your a massive basic pleb
Glorious white women are best women.
I'd fuck it
That's cool and all, but can you put the laundry away now?
I'm thinking which kinds of helicopters could take this whole dinner party on one of Pinochet's lovely tours. An Mi-17 should do the trick.
I just hope she wants to be a good wife and mother. Nothing wrong with the idea of strong women. More women should work out desu
I like my women capable, I want to work with her and I want her to be something.
One gets the partner they deserve, if your gf is a weak and pathetic Mary Sue, I already know what kind of person you are
The fuck am I looking at?
I bet she fucks like an animal.
This is the future you chose
If you want to fuck that, you are in denial about your homosexuality. This is on par with Mac fucking the Tranny in It's Always Sunny.
she looks like she gives good snu snu
Those tits are amazin
This is the future you have chosen with your inaction. Complaining on the internet changes nothing.
That person was born female, but transitioned towards becoming male. They opted not to have genital surgery, however.
Lots of ugly men playing pretend dress up. Even dare to imply that out loud, and refuse to play along, and you're the worst kind of human being. Can someone tell me how this is an effective treatment for mental illness when suicide rates for trannies are sky high?
Nothing is better than a degenerate butch white woman.
Why would you have this GIF saved??
>Big tits
>No bulge
Everything checks out. I don't know what you're getting at.
that guy needs to stop skipping leg day
>tfw you'll never piss on a trans-male getting her pussy eaten out
i guess butch women at least keep themselves physically fit. id hit that over a lot of the painted up fat slobs out there.
so unfair. my wife has arms like that... but not tits like that :(
Checks out
Shock value, come on man!
The man with a pussy
>tfw I've been shilling this girl, Zarya, and any other masculine cute girls a whole bunch
Feels fucking fantastic to see my work come to fruition, fampai. Now post more cuties!!
> tfw Hitler was right about everything
>slut shaming
fucking white male genocide when?
>Huurrrrr I'm a big scary woman
>Hear me roaaaaar
>Better show my tits for extra street cred
God damn those titties though.
That's it.
She could even protect and feed herself and the offspring without my help.
Literally a man with tits. Jesus from the thumbnail I thought it was a tranny with serious implants.
i am a real american i piss on the heads of everyman
The overwatch one!!
holy shit i want to suck her nipples and call her mom
I fucked a dyke once. She was blatantly being an asshole to me specifically. Thought the worse thing I could do to her was act like I was attracted to her. Turns out I was right... manhandled her at first, then once the clothes come off women are women. I fucked the shit out of her, she moaned like a normal girl. She still texts and calls me to this day. Also, seen my friend beat the ever loving shit out of some black dyke girl AMA.
You're doing God's work, user.
if she have vagina and no penis i would rape her hard
Go to bed Chris
>people will defend this
You mean Tumblr.
Coal burner
For you to enjoy user
Literally the worst hero
Who is she?
>be fat 19 year old virgin
>post on CL looking to get laid
>3 months of emails from dudes and spam I get a legitimate response
>lesbian with a high sex drive just wants a sex buddy
>go to her house when her partner that leaves with her is away
>she is the butch partner, short hair, toned body, c cup breasts
>she rides my cock for a half hour until she gets nervous about her girlfriend coming home and I leave
>she loved it and wants me to come and fuck in a car at one of her security job sites she work at night for
>While there I'm too fat and nervous to get it up
>never emails me again
Probably will never experience a butch lesbo again
Git gud. She's the mechanically best developed character and kicks ass if you know how to play her.
i don't mind a strong woman.
as long as i find her facially attractive and she wants to pass on some awesome genes.
Tits are pretty good desu
My dick is extremely confused.
Would tear that up.
Just needs to grow her hair out a little
I wouldn't lose faith, brah. I'm with Milo on this one: no such thing as a 100% lesbian. knows what's up, most of them are submissive as fuck and are tired of being "the guy" in their relationships.
I actually find this type of woman extremely attractive. I don;t consider myself beta male, I don't really do beta male things (besides post on 4chinz) but do I find this woman attractive because of some kind of latent bi-sexuality or perhaps a slight higher level of estrogen inside me? I am the youngest of three and my older brother is gay.
She's still a fatty. Look at those tits.
>She got tumblr haircut and ugly nose piercing
They can keep her.
Or you're like me and always fell in love with the tomboy back in school.
fuck off to Sup Forums with that cancerous game
hipster nu-male being a hipster nu-male, raising his son to be a tranny. nothing new there
>implying Strong foreign simple spoken women who is totally dedicated and in love with her small but big hearted smart man is not the truest form of love.
you don't know love
Would wrestle with/10
>ywn save a "lesbian" from being degenerate by forming a relationship with her
This has always been a fantasy of mine.
You don't "save" a lesbian, you just give her the D she secretly desires.
What a waste of perfect tits
I would.
Git gud.
Use her shield to absorb enemy damage, it charges her laser and makes it do more damage.
If she put on some makeup and got rid of her 12 year old boy haircut and let it grow out a little, she'd be a qt.
I'm not even a fan of cow tits either.
stop pushing your fetish onto things
This is why I love Sup Forums.
A classic shitpost turned into admiration for this amazon.
Those tits though.
I'd let her peg me tbqh famicon
>tfw no strong right-wing girl to slam you to the wall and fiercely take advantage of your body.
shit tier legs unfortunately
thank you for providing me 6 months of reaction images in one pic
Stop being a Bigot Sup Forums.
Seriously, it's 2016. Stop judging others, how do their decisions affect your life?
Didn't parents ever tell you, "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all?"
Still better than a nigger. I would make her submit and proceed to impregnate her.
what a waste of good tits
>Didn't parents ever tell you, "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all?"
and now look where it got us
On Facebook you can select from 56 genders.
We've lost
I'd fuck that girl. She'd probably be cute if she wasn't making that fucking weird face. I'd mess her hair up so it wasn't so dyke looking and go to town on that pussy.
>dem titties goddamn
>You mirin', Onii-chan?
she probably can't even get pregnant anymore from all the hormones she took.