United States of America, where you can;

United States of America, where you can;

>Drive at 15 but you have to wait until you are 18 to vote.
>Where you can only have sex at 18 and drink at 21.
>Where you carry a gun in public, but not a bottle of alcohol
>Where soldiers, that go to poor countries and do nothing, but jerk off and scare innocent people are seen as heroes and Police officers that risk their lives fighting criminals everyday are seen as pigs
>Where you have to pay alimony to your ex-wife even if you don't have kids
>Where there are more McDonald stores than Libraries
>Where there are more people on government benefits for being too fat than gym members
>Where fireworks are illegal and flamethrowers are not
>Where you can find fried butter in most restaurants, but not a salad
>Where boys can go into girls bathroom
>Where houses are built with shitty wood instead of bricks and concrete

Other urls found in this thread:


And their quality of life is still better than yours.

Fuck off. Insulting the USA won't get you out of your favela you cretin, go suck on an exhaust pipe.

>another anti-America thread made by shitskin in a poor and irrelevant country

>Brazil, where small brains aren't just caused by Microcephaly


(sorry brits, no favela monkey version)

And Canada is so irrelevant that should just be another one of their states. Still doesn't mean I can't point out their hypocrisy


brazil's only relevance is off duty cop vids on liveleak

>Be Brazilian
>Be butthurt about everything


Looks like science has gone too far

i just can't put it into words how little right you have to judge America on their shortcomings.

I however have full, white privilege to do so.

United States of America, where you can;

>Drive at 15 but you have to wait until you are 18 to vote.
>Where you can only have sex at 18 and drink at 21.
>Where you carry a gun in public, but not a bottle of alcohol
>Where soldiers, that go to poor countries and do nothing, but jerk off and scare innocent people are seen as heroes and Police officers that risk their lives fighting criminals everyday are seen as pigs
>Where you have to pay alimony to your ex-wife even if you don't have kids
>Where there are more McDonald stores than Libraries
>Where there are more people on government benefits for being too fat than gym members
>Where fireworks are illegal and flamethrowers are not
>Where you can find fried butter in most restaurants, but not a salad
>Where boys can go into girls bathroom
>Where houses are built with shitty wood instead of bricks and concrete


>>Where you can find fried butter in most restaurants, but not a salad

This one is a lie.

>>Where houses are built with shitty wood instead of bricks and concrete

You guys have concrete in Brazil?

It must be especially painful to be butthurt with a big Brazillian butt

>Where there are more McDonald stores than Libraries

Yeah, libraries are antiquated already and people don't need to consume literature to live, like cheap shitty food.

You are right. I'm sorry. Canada is very relevant in the LGBT community

You really should just stop already lol.

>>Where you can find fried butter in most restaurants, but not a salad

Is this what people actually believe?

You're all sheep being led by the nose.

every town has a library unless it's some frontier woodsy thing

>this triggers the American

isn't there a funk party you're missing, pedro

Thanks for looking out for us Bruce

>Where there are more McDonald stores than Libraries
There are actually more Libraries than McD's in the US apeboy.

Only the drinking age, public drinking, and transgender shit is retarded.

This is woman of the year in USA.

and you'd be the first to accept him


so what? how do you benefit from being in a 'relevant' country when your own government hates you

Fpbp desu senpai

Sweet Jesus is that a baked potato on a stick drizzled with melted butter?

>Drive at 15 but you have to wait until you are 18 to vote.
Coincidentally, Americans can get jobs at 16 and usually require some form of transport to get anywhere due to distances
>Where you can only have sex at 18 and drink at 21.
>Where you carry a gun in public, but not a bottle of alcohol
Seems like something that would be a law in certain cities
>Where soldiers, that go to poor countries and do nothing, but jerk off and scare innocent people are seen as heroes and Police officers that risk their lives fighting criminals everyday are seen as pigs
Only the hippies and certain liberals ever refer to police as pigs. The soldiers do perform a service, I just need to ask the globali-.
>Where you have to pay alimony to your ex-wife even if you don't have kids
All thanks to the JUSTice system payed for by the taxpayer of course.
>Where there are more McDonald stores than Libraries
Libraries are most likely run by local municipalities whereas McDonalds is a large corporation that wants to get its product out as much as possible. I'm sure an intelligent monkey like yourself could figure this one out.
>Where there are more people on government benefits for being too fat than gym members
Apathy and sloth are rampant in secular countries with a lot of shitskins, who knew?
>Where fireworks are illegal and flamethrowers are not
>Where you can find fried butter in most restaurants, but not a salad
So false you could patent it, but some chinks probably got there before you.
>Where boys can go into girls bathroom
Not in all states.
>Where houses are built with shitty wood instead of bricks and concrete
We have a large forestry industry and produce a lot of lumber as a result. Wood is actually beneficial to the environment as it is biodegradable.

its a great country man

There is a reason for all those items that you don't know or understand because you are a favela nigger.
Go steal some tourist things at the beach Paulo.

>Where you can be white regardless of your skin tone.

>Wood is actually beneficial to the environment as it is biodegradable.

I can see how this comes in handy..

Anonymous (ID: hZ4Z7MZM) 05/29/16(Sun)02:44:33 No.75405399▶

you don't have lumber frames?

Hey, how's that water you're drinking?

Completely agree with OP. Let the favela monkeys fight the Jew wars for the next 100 years and we fucking White males can play soccer and do drugs all day.

when do you enlist and when does your carrier deploy Sambo?

>>more McDonald's than libraries

14,268 McDonald's in us. (Source statist.com)
119,487 Libraries in the US (source ala.com)

Good try subhuman, but like your genetic makeup, you are just a bit off.

>lumber frames?

fuck no. that's some 3rd world tier building..

what do the swiss use?

What that retard didn't mention and what also happens to be the actual reason, is that lumber is much more flexable and allows for the ground settling and small repairs rather than "welp the wall cracked, time to rebuild"
It also allows for sufficient insulation while also allowing the house to "breathe" instead of becoming a dank cave.
If you've been in a wood house and a concrete one the difference is night and day. I'll take a wood framed house any day.

Also, posting tornado damage is hardly fair considering a concrete building would be gutted all the same. In tornados strong frames don't mean your building survive it just means the windows blow out instead and turns the building into a wind tunnel that literally hollows the building out. Believe it or not a wood house is more survivable.

Fuck you, emu. You're lucky we don't just come over there


>a race has a finish line
>the moon was the line
>the US had men reach it first
>the US win

>Multiple space agencies all at the forefront of technology
>multiple aerospace agencies assisting those space agencies, also at the forefront of their fields
>Leading the world in space travel by every single metric

>still using soviet tech while trying to shut down the ISS so they can make their own space station by reusing the old space station parts that they own

Yeah. We won.

Brazil, where you can;
>Nobody gives a fuck

there was no finish line. stay mad, Americunt

>Multiple space agencies all at the forefront of technology
>multiple aerospace agencies assisting those space agencies, also at the forefront of their fields
>Leading the world in space travel by every single metric

Spaceship Columbia

Pure gold or grandpa watches depending on how rich they are.

Isn't it almost time to pray mohammed?

>doesn't look at flag

Okay, Mahmood. Face it, the space race was about the moon. Both Russia and the US had their sights set on it. Pretty much everything was build up for a manned moon mission.

And even if I was American, why would I be mad? They won.

>Where you can find fried butter in most restaurants, but not a salad
This can't be true, can it?

that pic looks like Arab seed seeking a German egg

man somebody is pretty buttburt right now

Sorry but I don't speak monkey niggerguese

Oh ya cause Europeans have gone to the moon befor so they know rockets

>criticizing the shuttle program
>that the russians tried (and failed) to copy
>2 accidents over hundreds of missions
>they've since been shut down and we've moved forward with our technology
>meanwhile russia is still using the soyuz

Thanks for the rocket scientists schnitzelbro but you're irrelevant now.

>one crash
>doesn't list the numerous Russian disasters killing many people

It is 100% false junglebro, USA has great food and every restaurant has salad

Fuck off hue monkey

Great post mate, it really makes me think

>US invented GPS technology
>US launched GPS satellites
>US developed targeting for ballistic missile technology.
>Soviets launched first satellite, dog, man, and woman into space
>Average soviet had no food, had to wait 10 years for a car, no proper salary or healthcare
>First satellite was literally a radio and a thermometer strapped to a sphere and rocketed into orbit quickly because the Soviets wanted to be "first" and were paranoid about the Americans getting ready to launch their more advanced satellite.
>Soviet Cosmonaut program ignored human risk in an effort to "win" the space race. Suffered a much higher casualty and failure rate than NASA.
>Part of the American reason for egging the soviets into the space race was to bankrupt the fragile communist soviet economy. It worked.
>USSR collapsed by the 1990s.

Stay butthurt slav shit.

>Thanks for the rocket scientists schnitzelbro but you're irrelevant now.

Ha, that nigger Von Braun was just a midget on the shoulders of the real giant. Mah nigga R Goddard.

And your government doesn't? How did "sorry day" go for ya mate?

Dollar Primacy.

Damn this really hurt. Brazil is clearly the superior nation. I can't wait to watch the Olympics. Particularly the rowing events because it should be exciting watching those athletes row around the corpses and body parts that infect your waters.




Maybe in my country more restaurants serve "fried butter" instead of a salad, but at least we can actually drink and swim in our fucking water without getting some 19th century diseases.

It was about the space race not the moon. A former nazi have won the moon race for you.

Why you being mean Brazil? Are you jealous?

>Multiple space ships
>Hundreds of missions
>One accident

At least we have a space program and space ship. Stay mad Ahmed. Go ficki ficki yourself.

The traditional mountain Jew dwelling consists of a dank, dark cave, with a pile of gold in the center on which the mountain jew sleeps.

No but you can find fried pink slime in every restaurant but not salads.

Goddard laid the foundation (the most important part) but Von Braun did the specifics of the apollo program. They were both necessery for it to work out the way it did.
He wasn't as great as a lot of people make him out to be but he was important.

>Where there are more McDonald stores than Libraries
This one thing got me frustrated in Florida. I have the habit of buying books and reading them at bookstores, which is common here as bookstores have the whole cafeteria and relaxing areas all near the shelves. The one bookstore I found barely had any seats and the cafeteria was meh. I think New York has more bookstores though, but I didn't get the chance to visit.

Printed books don't seem to be popular in the US though. I saw very few people carrying/reading books.

>It was about the space race not the moon.

Jesus Christ, Hungary, are you that dense? The Moon was effectively the finish line of the space race. Once that was reached and the Russians' rockets kept exploding, the competition dwindled and basically died.

And if the US had listened to this beautiful bastard, they would have fucking destroyed Russia by decades.

first post = best post

>muh pink slime
Get the fuck out you faggot vegan piece of shit, salads are everywhere in the States

Phones and tablets have replaced the need for books. Plus the rise of social has eliminated the need for books.

We aren't slavs dumbass. Say thank you to hungarian jews for the atomic and hydrogen bomb, what saved your ass from the soviets after you destroyed europe. Hitler was wrong about the soviets, stalin was an antisemitic, your were and still are the real jewish state.

lemme debunk all your claims you dumb coffee nigger

>Drive at 15 but you have to wait until you are 18 to vote.
don't worry, in your favela, none of you can drive because you are all too fucking poor

>Where you can only have sex at 18 and drink at 21.
says the country with a lot of shit

>Where you carry a gun in public, but not a bottle of alcohol
a gun protects us, a bottle of alcohol, not so much.

>Where soldiers, that go to poor countries and do nothing, but jerk off and scare innocent people are seen as heroes and Police officers that risk their lives fighting criminals everyday are seen as pigs
cool, at least we have a respectable air force.

>Where you have to pay alimony to your ex-wife even if you don't have kids
at least we don't have 50 wives

>Where there are more McDonald stores than Libraries
and like you have any literate people?

>Where there are more people on government benefits for being too fat than gym members
don't worry, at least

>Where fireworks are illegal and flamethrowers are not
maybe we can use those flamethrowers to burn down your favela

>Where you can find fried butter in most restaurants, but not a salad
better than shit that you find inside a trashcan faggot.

>Where boys can go into girls bathroom
yeah, and in the favelas, you don't have a bathroom. equivalant to pajeet and the designated shitting streets.

>Where houses are built with shitty wood instead of bricks and concrete
at least ours don't get swept away every few years

go back to making coffee

>Say thank you to hungarian jews for the atomic and hydrogen bomb
>what saved your ass from the soviets after you destroyed europe
The irony is real

Where you can.............. Ummmmmm....... Have retarded babies?

I'm too busy stuffing my face with bacon cheeseburgers and cleaning my ar15 after a day of shooting shit in the back yard to give a fuck about some spider monkeys

And yet we're still less of a shithole than your sorry ass. Checkmate, Brazilcunt.

From 1945 to 1949 the usa had the chance but they didn't do anything and then the commies made their own bomb.

Rio =/= Brazil. Most people even believe Rio is the capital of Brazil. It's basically a loud toilet that's only popular because that's how it was back in the 60's, and they retained that popularity, except today it's the epitome hellhole.

Southern and center-west Brazil would be perfect to host those vents, but sports aren't remotely popular here and people wouldn't support international events regardless as they "disturb the peace" and there are enough complaints already when national football games are hosted. Rio, São Paulo and the northeast are few of the reasons we seek secession.

It's IMPOSSIBLE for me to read a book from a digital screen. It gives me headaches and also feels bland. Most people here also feel the same way and opt for the printed ones instead.


What irony? I'm not proud of the kikes who made the bomb. Since then our world's future is in the hands of the jews.

Actually, several states let you have sex at 16, including my own state of Georgia

Also, "Fireworks are illegal"? Wow, there's just a whole stockpile of bullshit coming out your mouth ain't there?


Thank you northern neigbor

>Brazil where you stay in American sweatshop 14 hours for every day of the week.


Good thing you're not everyone.
But I do agree, having something physical is much, much better than having it digital and I think people are beginning to realize that.

Based Leaf, thanks for the backup pardner

who let the monkey into the computer rooom?

Really makes you think, quality post m8



i hear a mad men, is going to make it great again

You sure you want to play this game?

you forgot

#1 united states
#2 ????? who cares

your move, attila

>so butthurt he has to insult a America that doesn't exists anymore