Looks like Greg Cook from Boston, MA is a real jerk to this nice Trump supporter.
Took his hat and threw it before calling him a racist. This behavior is very rude.
Figured you guys should know.
Looks like Greg Cook from Boston, MA is a real jerk to this nice Trump supporter.
Took his hat and threw it before calling him a racist. This behavior is very rude.
Figured you guys should know.
He's tall and strong and alpha though. How can weak Trump fuccboiss even compete?
try that shit in the south and you will be shot
TFW you wear your Trump shirt in public places and no one ever fucks with you
>covered in tattoos
>flipping people off with a selfie
I'm sure this upstanding person is going places in life
for you.
I'll get this fucker, give me as much of his data as possible and I'll make his life hell.
i work in the hood at a city pool in the south and i've actually seen blacks with trump stickers. they're the only political stickers i see except for my white female coworkers who have bernie stickers
I like how the guy starts walking away when someone intervenes, fucking pussy.
I wish I could have a Trump hat tbqh
b-but user, you have to be the bigger person here!
The trump supporter wasn't even white too
lol is he already apologizing?
what a fgt, nobody even said anything yet.
blocked and comments deleted lmao
he's joking you fucking dummy
where's the foreskin?
I would've pulled my cc on him. That's assault
very sarcastic apology i don't think i accept
I'm just imagining pulling a gun on this faggot and making him lay down on the ground while i citizens arrest the cunt for assault. siton his back till a cop comes and hauls his cryng ass away
wish that hat guy had a gun
pretending to be a tough guy when you pick on an obvious weak target is what triggers me about this.
What a fucking edgelord. nice Tats bud have fun getting a job after this!
No, he's doubling down on stupid. I looked through his twitter account. He think the NFL should allow women because his personal experience told him that little girls are just as good as the little boys.
No balls.
>those hips
Cuccboi looks like he's already halfway through his transition
so he's from MA, under 21, works at 2 jobs
also he looked like a faggot and prob still does
find his employers if you wanna make him hurt desu senpai
Fuck this guy. What a serious piece of shit.
Really makes you wonder.
I won't get the sticker because I live outside of Boston in a neighborhood with a lot of 'minorities' and work in Boston in the same area this video took place in, lots of faggot college kids around and i'm really not looking to get my vehicle damaged.
I'm also 6'feet 220 pounds and in very good shape so I'm not surprised I don't get fucked with when I have the shirt on. I just kind of wish I would get assaulted so I could knock the fucking teeth down one of these degenerate's throats in self defense.
Maybe I should get a "Feel the Bern" shirt and just make fun of people who try to be friends with me?
>This numale faggot
Of course he only picked on the autistic kike.
Try that shit on John Smith he'd be yelling help in no time.
What a pathetic weakling.
Fuck him up Sup Forums
>that disappointed father
that was a coward move
the trump supporter was just minding his own business
At least we know his father feels the same about him as we do.
I suppose if I were 5'3" like you and pressed my semi-hard dick against the lens it would look big too
i hope based trump supporter finds his way to this thread
Okay let's see how much I can say before the FBI shows up
Give me his address
portrait of a cuck
I am MAD. Why is nobody else shitposting his accounts
Honestly looks fake to me.
fuck off, greg
shit looks fake as fuck desu senpai
the dude's reaction to the questions sounds like a 3rd grader trying to act in his school play
What's wrong with people nowadays..
Why don't we all comment "BALDYCOOT" on his instagram profile! baldycoots hate that!
>personal army request
You should be fucking ashamed of yourself. This is the kind of coward shit Trump supporters pull?
This seems to be the website of his shitty band he participates in.
Here come the shills, what did I say about working on the timing so it's not so obvious?
Kill yourself
I intentionally wear my trump shit to see what happens.
>A few thumbs up
>a few "oh my gosh"
>a couple "look at this guy" in which case I usually say what the fuck did you say? And they're quiet.
>usually pissy niggers at convenience stores act less than thrilled, and I love the fact they cant say shit, or I'll get them fired.
>I'm waiting for that berner that does it. I really *really* want to beat the shit out of someone.
Don't you have a truck to be driving, cleetus?
im 6'1, feels good but secretly I wish I were taller. keep that between us papa user.
>newfag supreme
If you want to doxx somebody, go to Sup Forums where that shit belongs.
God damn, that's fucking brave. Giving the finger to someone who can't even see you.
fuck off
Nah, kill yourself.
I did my part
the dude looked autistic desu senpai
probably browses pol too
if you're going to fake a video why fake one of such a weak target? the only reason this faggot filmed this shit is because he knew the meek looking supporter wouldn't fight back. not everything is a jedi mind trick guys.
on twitter ill up it link?
what drives you to stand in a stinking shithole in front of a smeared mirror to take an absolute irrelevant fucking picture of your ugly physique?
i'm 99% certain they put something in the food about 20 years ago to stop brains from properly delevoping in adolescence
Epic tweet FTW
I hate Trump as much as the next guy, but WHAT THE FUCK?!
Michael Waltzer made a great point when he said something to the effect of, "You can be immoral while serving a moral cause, and you can be moral while serving an immoral cause. You can fight an unjust war justly, and you can fight a just war unjustly."
Even if you think you're fighting on the side of good, this shit is horrendous.
how would you react if some random person walked up to you and did that?
idk it's not right to discard random/startled reactions of people
Everybody in Boston should get gassed from the degenerate townies to the unbearable rootless cosmopolitans that come in for school and work and the cesspool of mudshits. Just nuke the whole city.
Remember what we did to Monica Foy? We need to treat this guy a thousand times worse.
>pedicab driver
Haha wow, he's got a gook-tier job.
FBI is always here user. But we know from this thread that the offender is in Boston, he is in an local band (which would give you more info on schedules and locations fyi), he is open to assault non-whites if they alone in the open, and we know he is easily intimidated by strong looking men.
Fuck that pisses me off. Even if it was a Bernout or Shillbot walking around I wouldn't mess with them.
wait...is trump having a rally right now? haven't been on /tg/ for a few hours
ok greg cook
That is one disgusting penis
t. Gay man
now on youtube youtube.com
Why does balding prematurely always turn someone into a cuck?
Why do trump supporters always look so beta?
sign of low testosterone m8
he looks like he caught hiv at last years pride festival, and it's turning to aids this pride festival
He isn't even white. What a prick.
the question is.. what is Sup Forums going to do to this guy?
Been wearing my MAGA hat every day since I got it in Nov.
Portland bars are fun. Faggot ass Burnouts are pussies
What a pathetic weakling.
I predict his address will be found in about 20 minutes.
haha, nu-male will literally never recover from that one
that guy walking toward him in the end beat his ass after that you know
>you will never beat up a leftie faggot for picking on an autist trump supporter
Why even live?
I just sent him a message on instagram telling him that I donated $20 to Trump because of him (which I did)
whoops, fixed
No, this video was shot in proximity to the "Boston Calling" event which is like some gay fucking concert with hipster bands that plays over in Govt Center in Boston. They do it twice every year i believe.
video got taken down lol good job lads
Such a punchable face.
These are not male hips.
Are you sure this is a dude?
does this kid has a job ? i shouldn't say kid he's probably like 35
does this man-child work ?
way ahead of you
This is what happens, when your head and news source is daily show shit and MSM.
You become a violent biggot, when it is accepted.
High test = premature balding.
Anyways, he's not premature balding he just has a reciding hairline and a terrible haircut.
Someome get this on that donald reddit group.