Earth heading for 'mini ice age' within 15 years

>Earth heading for 'mini ice age' within 15 years

>Research has predicted a new solar 'Maunder minimum' in the 2030s

Why amerifats still wants to push so much this 'global warming' bullshit?

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Because this has noting to do with muh gas

It's a periodical thing, last time it happened was like in 1800 something, the canals in paris froze during july or something.

Don't you have someone to lynch or torture or a shitty UFO video to make?

The world is slowly turning into Canada.

Will shitposting intensify?

One can only hope so, it will raise the general IQ above room temperature.

Wew lad

climate change, not global warming


You mean green energy kikes

So climate change is real after all... it's just that the world's getting colder instead of warmer.



You literal jungle monkey

where is my conplementary dick sucking now?

''Oooga Booga imma shoot a kid and steal a mopet''

-President Brazil

>mfw climate change can mean literally anything
>mfw unless everything remains static forever climate change is inevitable

so you agree it exists, that's the first step

Humans as a whole will fare much worse under an ice age than a slightly warmer world. I don't know why people are so worried about global warming. It's warmed since the 1800s,, the economy and the world have benefited from that warmth. With no repercussions.

You're right. I better donate my life savings to Bernie so we can stop climate change and save Christmas.


We have a expert leaf here! Explain all Al-Gore lies.

it actually means ww3 will happen in 15 years. nobody wants to fight in cold

>You mean green energy kikes

Denmark is making good money on green energy :^)

>inb4 muh co2 cancels out the affect

literally go get yourself stabbed in the favela

Water exists, too, so . . . give me your money.


niggers hate cold

>Maunder Minimum

1632 told me all about that. Won't it massively fuck up communications?

>Sun becoming weaker

>Bless this white skin

Now we can't invade Russia :(

that's how it always happens

Global warming spike,
melts the poles
oceans rise
less land mass warming
albedo falls enormously
sudden glacial age triggered.




Do libs piss their pants when they hear stories about how the 1930s were fucking hot as hell? Way warmer than anything we've experienced today in America?


Just as well we will mostly be fighting in South-East Asia and the eastern Mediterranean.

Its climate change now you fucking racist piece of shit.

Global warming causes ice ages when the earths ocean currents heat up to much they stop flowing causing the the polar currents to stand still and freeze triggering an extreme cold front and there you have it ice age

Thank fuck. I hate the heat and would love if where I lived was like 5-10 degrees colder. Snow and cold air are brilliant

Crops will freeze good prices will sore and idiots will starve off and die

I knew this would happen
I'm going to build some mechs for the upcoming akrid invasion.

>post yfw your were born in December or any other Cold month and you love Winter and Cold temps


I should have been more specific:

You mean green energy kikes who push "OIL BAD! COAL BAD! GAS BAD!" in the media, push government regulations to strangle non-green energy, and get millions and sometimes billions of shrekles in government subsidies that curiously end up in private bank accounts.

just about everyone used to consider themselves an environmentalist. Even Republicans. That is before the environmentalist movement became a corrupt commie group of thugs who use trees as a weapon against productive people.