Last year a Danish newspaper let a Muslim guy write an editorial where he claimed that the woman is partially to blame for getting raped if she shows cleavage, belly etc.
What does Sup Forums think?
Last year a Danish newspaper let a Muslim guy write an editorial where he claimed that the woman is partially to blame for getting raped if she shows cleavage, belly etc.
What does Sup Forums think?
I personally hate anti-cleavagism.
He should be shot
with pigblood stained bullets
What's wrong. Let's them speak what they think.
The more freely they can speak, the more people will start tho hate them.
Agreeing on the condition that shitskin are partly to blame if they get lynched by nationalists because of their skin color
Based. It's fucking true.
Aussies are southern roaches.
It's true
Feminist detected
"Progressive" southern roaches.
I honestly don't care. If women won't stand up to Muslims being shit then they deserve to get raped and whatever else the Muslims want to do with them. They're overwhelmingly the reason the "refugees" are there, anyway.
It's not the white man's problem anymore.
Wow, really makes you think, huh?
>What's wrong. Let's them speak what they think.
>The more freely they can speak, the more people will start tho hate them.
Retard detected
he's admitting that the people doing the raping can't control their animal urges.
that means they are not human beings in the intellectual sense of the word but human animals.
remove them from society.
And terrs are to blame for getting potted if they show their faces.
I agree that it sends a very clear signal, which civilised men tend to not "take literally", but which men from primitive cultures cannot resist.
So yes, a muslim man is actually being "invited" to fuck her, but she doesnt understand that fact, because she doesnt get raped by Europeans.
Nah, feminists love brown people. I wouldn't be surprised if feminists tried to rewrite rape laws so only white people can do it. They actually defend Islam m8, I wish I was trolling.
Who could be behind this attitude I wonder?
>3 skeletons
This is the future you chose.
Prepare your vaginas for a real rape culture.
you know how it is
>it's only slutshaming if a white male does it
Well, yeah, that's what happens when you hang around Muslims.
His face seems too innocent for such hateful opinions. Islam is truly what turns good boys into evil men.
if you dress like a whore around mudshits and niggers don't be surprised if you get raped
it doesn't take any blame away from the rapist
its like petting a random dog and getting bitten...sure the dogs at fault but you're a fucking retarded also
He's kind of right. I still hate Moozlims tho.
Also post cleavages ITT to trigger achmeds.
You let your daughters roam the streets like bitches in heat and you are still surprised and even angry when they get fucked.
Westerners are insane. If her father's and brother's don't care where she is why do you care if she gets fucked?
Keep your whores under control you pathetic lady boys.
When are feminists/the left going to start actively speaking out against this type of shit?
They're always so busy making an enormous fuss over literally nothing...i.e. "how dare you presume that your newborn baby is a boy, you need to let xer grow up and decide what gender xhe is for ximselves! how dare you say you're not going to see the new ghostbusters movie you misogynistic pig! how dare you have sex with your wife, don't you know that all heterosexual sex is automatically rape since all womyn have been brainwashed into thinking they want sex by the patriarchy?"
If they're THAT fucking offended and there are now so many of them (and as a student at a liberal arts college, there truly are, it's not just some boogeyman) why the fuck don't I ever hear them speak up about ACTUAL oppression and rape culture and women dealing with bullshit like this? Seriously, Sup Forums sticks up for these women far more than modern feminists do.
What are you fighting us for exactly?
We want you out of white countries.
So that your women can run free, not be wives and mothers?
So that banks can run your society and through usury steal the wealth from the people?
Or is it so that faggots can parade around without shame?
White countries are not breeding, no birth rates. You are begging, no demanding that we take over.
wow, you are a badass of a troll
The Mujahideen will clean this disgusting Western 'civilization' of all of it's ills. The West is encrusted with degenerative 'values'.
Join us, we fight for you.
>What does Sup Forums think?
Agreed if she does around the rapefugees or other goat-fuckers. Common sense.
Rape is a sin. Saying that a woman was wearing revealing clothing doesn't negate the fact that you raped her.
This doesn't enrage achmed, it just gives him the self-justified urge to rape.
Show Islam, get deported.
Cucked by women.
Western men are weak and lost. You would let your daughter lied own on a bus bench naked and spread eagle and STILL claim she had no part in her sexual activities....
The West is dead and you are a corpse.
She's a kaffir, though. That makes her a prize. Piss be upon you.
If someone has cancer and you walk up to them and shoot them in the head without their consent, would that not be murder?
>The West is dead and you are a corpse.
This is a bold claim for a race that is not even able to support themselves.
You need our food aids and our medicine to survive and claim we are already death.
Please ackmed, I know the only thing you have to offer is the kuran, but we don't need it, a thank you will be enough.
They cover cleavage and Abdul and his mates will be raping women for showing bare toes or some other bullshit.
They're sick animals, brought up wrong by being mummies boys and having mutilated cocks.
He looks like Assad.
You'd think that