>applauded by the left for roasting trump
>turns around and beats the living shit out of his wife
The fuck is wrong with these people?
>applauded by the left for roasting trump
>turns around and beats the living shit out of his wife
The fuck is wrong with these people?
Other urls found in this thread:
Elaborate please.
johnny depp idiot
>implying his wife isn't making this ruse up to get jack sparrow's doubloons
The left has serious mental issues, celebrity's like depp especially, actors tend to be psycopaths.
>Having any form of logic behind their reasoning
Pick one
Not everyone follows retarded celebrity """"News™""""
>implying that movie wasn't actually a conglomerate of reasons to support Trump
Im no Depp fan but that bitch barely had a mark on her face.
$400 million would turn almost any woman into a golddigging shit bag
i know. i am a bit ashamed to know this tbqh.
the only reason i found out was because it was trending on twitter
but yes, i dont give a shit about entertainment gossip
my bad
>Believing in professional liars claims of social sanctity
its called method acting
Congrats, you fuck. I spit my beer all over the screen. Are you happy now?!
I don't get it, depp owns part of a firearms company, yet he is against trump. Getting his strings pulled?
Yay, I was such an ass to my husband I got him to hurt me slightly.
I can finally get 100% of my husbands money now!
I'm a feminist!
that's not how alimony works, cuck.
Gun sale will sky rocket even higher than they are now if Crooked Hillary takes office. She is running her campaign with a point of enacting very strict gun control. HEs just lookin out for his money senpai.
Did he actually beat her though?
Or is it just the eternal puss striking again?
yet another curse of kek
Here is the thing about the left, they think they have the moral high ground. Talking to most leftist they think that they know that they are better people than anyone that has a right wing view point. Thinking that you are better gives you the self appointed authority to tell others how o think, live, and how they are bad people for not doing it that way.
But here is the reality, a lot of leftist are just really fucked. Look at what they glorify drug use, abortion, and mental illness. It isn't surprising to me that Johnny Depp can't control himself enough to not hit his gold digging whore of a wife. Liberalism is a mental disorder.
is that way leaf
He couldn't handle Barnaby's bants so he beat his wife. Poor bloke.
How long till Ms. Heard is riding Barnaby's big Aussie uncut cock?
come to think of it lemmy was vocal against trump and he died a painful death...
nice thread bro
Doesnt matter.
Either he got cucked by a gold digging whore and will change his views on things or he did indeed beat her and is immeadiately discredited.
Win win.
That's always how it's worked
They don't give a shit about men and circumstances, it's all about the stronk independent womyn
I don't visit that shit site, get fucked burger.
Look what Big Balls Barnaby made him do.
>Australians are unique, both warm and erect.
No wonder the chap was so angry.
they don't care that women are getting hurt unless it can be used to attack fucking white males. If they gave even the tiniest shit about women's safety they would be tossing refugees back into the water the moment they arrive.
>applauded by the right for roasting neglectful fathers of non-white races
>neglects his children and beats his wife
The fuck is wrong with these people?
he beaned her with a cell phone.
weren't they together without getting married for years and years? funny how this scary alcoholic drug addict, as she describes him, never did anything until two days after his mother dies.
>after being introduced to the works of Ayn Rand by her then-boyfriend.[9] She has said of Rand, "I've read all of her books. Ever since then, I have been obsessed with her ideals. All I've ever needed is myself
sounds about right
he beat and raped her
I had no idea he'd roasted the Don, link?
It isn't just lefty celebrities though, see e.g. . Seems like something about celebrity makes people more likely to be cunts, or maybe cunts are more likely to become celebrities, I dunno
>drug use
Yeah, that's bad. Drug users are scum. Nothing glorious about it.
Nothing wrong with abortion and planned parenthood you dumb virgin.
>mental illness
Who the fuck glorifies it? It's still one of the biggest stigmas in society. And those people don't need prejudice, they need help and guidence you month-breather.
1/3, try again.
Fuck me she's so hot though, goddamn.
Captain Jack should have killed that gold digging cunt t b h.
Why do busy millionaires enter into serious relationships? What is even the point?
>all I've ever needed is myself and and entire society of men laboring to support my standard of living
fixed that for you
A proof that the liberal scene
is ridden with fake liberals.
Anti-liberals must love them.
>/r/eddit is that way leaf
Sorry, man. I’m from StackExchange.
>not eating burgers
What are you, Slavic?
>Who the fuck glorifies it?
Mate BBB wouldn't waste his time with that mongrel dog.
Depp is so fucking butthurt right now it's fantastic. I don't care what he did to Amber, after that dog incident he deserves it.
This is what happens when you marry a lesbian.
They are habitual liars and experts at manipulating the legal system.