There are anti-japan activities with Japan flag by Non-Japanese in Sup Forums everyday.
Who pretends to be your country people in Sup Forums?
Sup Forums Sup Forums needs to stop to show flag.
It makes misleading.
maybe another bomb will finish this off
I think people use proxies to make your great country look bad. Its very shameful and dishonest!
Check out the new top banner. It's a chat with a map.
>that grammer is shit senpai
How should I have said it? Thanks bro.
allahu akbar, praise allah and emperor sadiq khan, inshallah, USA is the best country in the world, I'm just a stupid cuck.
Sup Forums needs to stop showing flags; it's misleading.
All "japanese" posters are not Japanese and are pathetic white roleplayers.
But then how would people know that I am a nu-male cuck?
>not 'because'
it should be said like
"anti-Japanese foreigners are using the Japanese flag on Sup Forums, everyday." I'm always here to help, japan bro.
>Swedish politicians
Whenever I see a Japanese flag, I always assume it's from a foreigner. Japs have no reasons to use Sup Forums instead of 2chan.
>by Non-Japanese
it's a t*rk in fact
Nobody. Nobody wants to be a brit, even to pretend.
It's just raw numbers. About half of all posters are American, so of course there'll be a lot of American retards. We don't hold it against the rest of you.
dont worry, jap bro. we'll always support you bros. also fuck them gook cucks
It wasn't that bad, I understood your meaning better than most American niggers. But this is correct
> tfw not relevant enough for proxy hate
Does anyone pretend to be American on Sup Forums? It would seem really pointless. I know people post like they can vote in our elections, but they never bother to change flags
America and Japan
best bros ;)
fuck muslims
Hohols and Churkas.
Don't feel bad Austria, we love you
Shintoism > Islam
Apologize for comfort women you fuck
I agree senpai.
Bless Japan
Fuck Chinks and South Korea
This. The Japanese are the elite of East Asia.
Trump must set Based Japan Free so that they can return to their old Samurai self.
they can't even have an offensive military
it's a nation of peasants now
see: We need to set them free and unleash the Japanese Samurai on ALL of East Asia.
It is rightfully theirs.
Irish nationalist cucks in NI deliberately embarrass themselves because it posts with the UK flag
>they can't even have an offensive military
You're correct. The Japanese have the Japan Self-Defense Force. They most focus on defense now, as China and Korea are on the offense.
>it's a nation of peasants now
What a load of shit. Japan has a royal family and everyone in Japan lives a comfortable life.
this guy is in your country at the moment
you know what to do user
Is the G7 meeting still going on?
After all they gave us the greatest gift ever
Political flags when?