Really makes you think.
Bernie was right after all
Really makes you think
Really makes you think
No it doesnt
>now a black science guy meme thread
>nikola tesla
another victory of the Jews of Wall Street (the joker argument of Bern)
Are you gonna defend some other ideology or is this just an example of the nirvana fallacy?
he was much greater than Edison, he was a myth. apologize
It sucks. But those kind of innovations are at least somewhat allowed to happen in capitalist nations (even though they threaten the status quo) even eventually everybody can benefit from them.
There are infinite ways to regulate capitalism (and syndicates) to make it better for workers and small businesses, etc, and even consumers, but /pol gets triggered by the notion because they fell for the lolbertarian memes and refuse to consider how to improve the current system instead rambling about an ill-conceived revolution.
Just because socialism is better, doesn't mean that "THIS BRAND OF NEO MARXIST SOCIALISM" is better.
t. National Socialist
That's racist!
Post more!
One of her family members fulfilled the needs of others ( hotels) and they choose to give him money. He choose to give his children the money and one of them choose to give it to her.
Tesla should have tried to market his ideas, look at Edison.
Tesla turned down the proceeds of some of his AC inventions to help his friend Westinghouse. Stuff that would heave made his a multimillionaire. Tesla really didn't care that much for riches.
Tesla was actually pretty wealthy and sold out lectures throughout the country
First post, best post.
capitalism offers or provides no guarantees of success. it merely allows someone to come from nothing and achieve wealth.
the pet rock.
Not that Brazilian, but anyway...
Any form of socialism, from basic health/unemployment support through to full on communism is better than unchecked capitalism.
>pic related: unchecked dubs are bad - just like unchecked capitalism
Hilton did not become rich nor is she successful. Tesla did work that, at the time, had little value.
Perhaps someone out there is doing Tesla like work, but we won't appreciate it for a hundred years. How are we to know?
Tesla was just a neurotic piece of shit, who sure had wealth in some parts of his life.
He just had no idea how to keep it, Paris Hilton on the other hand, has her own personal finance army, managing all that shit.
Really just makes you think
He is more important than your basement dwelling ass will ever be.
Thats not an arguement. Tesla died poor because he didnt cared for the money and gave it to other people.
In essence, he was poor and in debt because he took care of money in Socialist spirit.
You're clearly never seen the Tesla documentary: The Prestige.
Every day I feel more embarrassed for my country
But the pic wasn't saying unrestricted capitalism, just capitalism. Aka the stuff we got even here in social democratic Sweden.
Tesla voluntarily tore up a contract that would have made him the richest man in the world.
Stop blaming abstract ideas like capitalism and admit that it's the democratic consensus of the lowest common denominator and their demand for certain media
And this is exactly why we don't want those same people to decide how money gets distributed
Entertainers make many millions of people who consume their entertainment very happy; that's why they demand a high wage on the market. There is nothing wrong with that
He didn't fucking sell anything
Check then the /br reddit. It's a world to be studied.
Do they support your current president or what?
It has to be somewhat related to real societal contribution in general, otherwise it's no better than a (mostly rigged) lottery.
I think you have mistaken my pictorial reference. I was referring to my own Bateman - not OP's image macro.
As for your argument, you seem to be confusing 'social democratic Sweden' for 'social undemocratic USA', which is what the original poster was referring to.
Tesla was so comically bad with his money, dude rented a room in a fucking luxury hotel and was waited on hand and foot for much of his life, for example.
If he had an ounce of common sense when it came to finances and business, he wouldn't have died destitute.
>the heiress to the Hilton hotel fortune
>a mildly insane slav with terrible business sense
Hmm, really makes you think huh
Tesla is an awful example because he could've been rich as fuck and he almost literally refused to.
It is hard to believe that there are still people who support Dilma or Bolivarianism in 2016, but there are. I study at a university and I'm all day surrounded by these young people with revolutionary spirit who fill the ranks of Reddit. It works the same way that there are people in your country who open their arms to Syrian sweaty. You can not understand.
>Tesla is an awful example because he could've been rich as fuck and he almost literally refused to
Alternatively, Tesla is an excellent example, because he prized discovery and innovation over material wealth. Imagine how advanced an entire society based on that principle might be. And then imagine a society whose supreme overlord is Paris Hilton.
Really makes you think Really makes you think Really makes you think Really makes you think Really makes you think Really makes you think Really makes you think Really makes you think Really makes you think Really makes you think Really makes you think Really makes you think Really makes you think Really makes you think Really makes you think Really makes you think Really makes you think Really makes you think Really makes you think Really makes you think Really makes you think Really makes you think Really makes you think Really makes you think Really makes you think Really makes you think Really makes you think Really makes you think Really makes you think Really makes you think Really makes you think Really makes you think Really makes you think Really makes you think Really makes you think Really makes you think Really makes you think Really makes you think Really makes you think Really makes you think Really makes you think Really makes you think Really makes you think Really makes you think Really makes you think Really makes you think Really makes you think Really makes you think Really makes you think Really makes you think Really makes you think Really makes you think Really makes you think Really makes you think Really makes you think Really makes you think Really makes you think Really makes you think Really makes you think Really makes you think Really makes you think Really makes you think Really makes you think Really makes you think Really makes you think Really makes you think Really makes you think Really makes you think Really makes you think Really makes you think Really makes you think Really makes you think Really makes you think Really makes you think Really makes you think Really makes you think Really makes you think
You'll never completely eliminate luck, dicklips.
Though the USA isn't completely capitalist, they got things like welfare and stuff. You may say it isn't enough, but not unchecked capitalism.
And I assumed you were trying to defend his point, sorry-
It was the entrepreneurs who valued material wealth like Westinghouse, though, that had the capital to fund Tesla's research and implement his innovations on a large scale.
You need both.
And doesn't change the fact that Tesla was not screwed by the system, but rather by his own naivete when it came to finances. Guy was a brilliant engineer, but a dunce when it came to business.
>daughter of rich parents who was raised rich and stayed rich
>vs guy who didn't want to be rich
wow so sad
this is already in the Know Your Meme or we will have to work harder at it?
He also fell in love with a gerbil.
Tesla could have been an extremely rich man but he was also very altruistic and naive.
Even if he was handed government money he would have just handed it to the first person that asked him for it.
Leading cause of bankruptcy in the US is medical expenses. Get back to me when they sort that out.
unclear, confusing claims. you don't have to like someone personally to like what they can and will do.
>an autistic virgin who cared about innovation instead of business made less money than a hotel heiress
Real good point you fucking jungle nigger, please get Zika so your potential offspring all die.
Today I wake up to shitpost
tesla was an autistic croat, so who cares
Yeah, you know what, EVERYONE should be fucking broke. We gotta make sure people don't get lucky ever again!!!!111
The fire rises
That's only because you can't file for bankruptcy based on student loans.
Have we started the fire?
>It was the entrepreneurs who valued material wealth like Westinghouse, though, that had the capital to fund Tesla's research
>You need both.
Do you, though? Is entirely necessary for scientific advancement that the opportunity for funding such advances is controlled by a small cabal of trust fund idiots?
Liberals actually complain about celebrities now?
Now they just need to go after athletes
Except that it isnt her money its her (grand)daddy's who actually worked in his life
tesla did not patent any of his inventions
its hard to make money when you think about humanity instead of yourself
>stole land
>stole people
>murdered millions
>murder millions again
>stole oil
And they say crime doesn't pay...
Every time there's a massive failure of a left-populist country (which happens all the fucking time), they blame "corruption". It's literally unbelievable that they can't see the link
I see what you did there.
Prepare for shitstorm.
brazilian tree monkeys are unqualified to speak on the matter
Tesla was in that? I thought it was Batman vs Wolverine: Battle of the Magi
because being rich is somehow more important?
You say nikola tesla is more important for making science stuff but then somehow he's a victim because he isn't rich go home kid
I felt let down by the fact that they hired Alfred to play a completely different character. Like we wouldn't even notice.
They made a video game about him called Eternal Sonata.
Yeah but at least he was cooperating with Black Widow.
Nikola Tesla was a brilliant mathematician and engineer, but he was also pretty fucking crazy. Crazy+smart people don't often become rich, without a smart business partner that actually has their best interest in mind.
Totalitarian states are inherently corrupt, because the state fortune becomes the fortune of the dictator. As socialist states are totalitarian, so ...
But in reality if not for the Afghanistan War, the Soviet Union would be there today ... Small states like Cuba and North Korea fail, but perhaps a great empire like the Soviet Union survive ... Well, but that is now history alternative. The reality is that we had an opportunity of socialism flow in the twenty-first century, was in South America, and what happened?
> Venezuela broke completely
> Cuba, hungry as ever
> Bolivia has improved the indices but is breaking
> Brazil, the biggest corruption scandal in modern history (there is talk in trillions that Lula and Dilma stole)
> Argentina please ...
Uruguay until she well as became a Sweden in the middle of it all.
The XXI Century Socialism failed, let's see how Fascism twenty-first century will work (Europe as from 2020 hehehe)
What part of this aren't you getting? Crazy+smart people can enrich:
a) society
b) 1 greedy fuck who recognises the potential to make money and has the morals of a toadstool
that's what you get for doing business with edison
>Tesla died poor
>tesla did not patent any of his inventions
Tesla was a multi-millionaire in his early 30s
sounds like the dreams of jews
So you know about Bane.
everyone except jews that is
Tesla had zero business sense, Paris probably has some because she hasn't managed to go broke.
Its not about socialism or capitalism, is about getting rid of the jews.
Her and the Kardashians only got rich by being party animals who became popular and slapped their name on a bunch of products and told everybody to buy them.
We are jew's slaves at the end
It's not their fault people buy their shit.
>Paris probably has some because she hasn't managed to go broke
Truedat. Many's the time I've had to bitchslap some poor fucker who couldn't pay their rent. What about Paris, I'd say to them? She inherited barely $100 million, and she's not stiffed the rent once. Why the fuck do you make me hurt you, bitch? Be like Paris.
>paris hilton
>net worth of 100 million
How much revenue for tabloid writers and TV production crews and television advertisers did she make?
And this just lists net worth. If she started with an inheritance of 200 million and now has 100 million, then she's a shitty entrepreneur and thusly lost 100 million dollars, for example.
And if Nikola Tesla was too autistic to make a dime off his findings and inventions, then that's no one's fault but his own.
Tesla was reckless with his money, not his ideas. He favored humanity more than money. It was his own downfall but we still celebrate his contributions no matter his net worth.
We will really have to think
But the conversation should be whether you should need the business sense in order to make wealth. Morally and philosophically