Anti-immigrant Leftist leader hit with cake in face in Germany.
>German Opposition Leader Attacked With Cake Over Migrants
Anti-immigrant Leftist leader hit with cake in face in Germany
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Chose one, and only one very carefully, you goddamn fucking moron.
The leftshit party here is so meme, it hurts, and fuckfaces still fall for their shenanigans.
leftists are so wasteful. they could have given that cake to some nice refugees.
cake wars
>Wagenknecht has highlighted limits to Germany's ability to take in migrants, saying that "not all refugees can come to Germany."
Jesus Christ.
Read the article, desu.
>Wagenknecht has highlighted limits to Germany's ability to take in migrants, saying that "not all refugees can come to Germany." That has put her at odds with others in her party.
That's wrong.
A far left wing bitch got hit by a ANTIFA Refugees Welcome protestor with a cake in the face.
>She is not left and tolerant enough.
left side.
I don't need to read anything about Die fucking Linke, asswipe. One of their most well known members is a jew who openly celebrates the genocide of germans.
>hurr durr anti-immigrant leftists
Kill yourself. If those leftshits ever come into power, they are going to put a bullet into every remaining single native german's brain personally.
>the goyim know, shut it down
I can't fuck wait to start cracking pakis and leftists heads.
They caked her so hard she became an Indian chief
And Merkel said they all have to go back after the war, multi-culti is the biggest failure in the history of everything and that she is happy that no one comes anymore at the moment. All lies, obviously. Politicians talk bullcrap all day long, you know? Maybe you will understand once you turn 18.
This is why the left wins. They get active, they make statements and actually attack people they disagree with. While we all sit indoors and complain about how shit things are on Sup Forums.
Hast du jemals was vom Konzept des INDIVIDUUMS gehört, Schwanzlutscher? Nein? Verpiss dich zu deiner Hurenmutter, du Hurensohn.
The Left can end careers of people based solely on the use of pastries.
Did they throw the guy that threw the cake out? Fire him?
>links ist schlecht?
>das muss heißen, dass rechts gut ist!
Wegen solchen politisch komplett unsinnigen Simpelgedanken wird deine Schweiz eines schönen, nicht allzu fernen Tages eingekreist und ausgeblutet.
>natural dissenting hesitation
>cake attack
>civilized society
Ich bin kein Kommunist. Aber ihr Libertären habt hier gar nichts verloren. Macht doch euer eigenes Board auf Krüppelchan.
Jetzt verpiss dich zu deiner Hurenmutter.
The point is that antifa-ggots are so fucking insane and retarded that they've identified someone on the far left as "anti-immigrant" just for saying "we can't realistically accommodate such ridiculously high numbers".
Sarah Wagenknecht is something more like an unreconstructed Communist of the Brezhnev era.
Egal wie sehr du rumschreist und froschpostierst, Sup Forums wird immer wieder aufs Neue lernen, euch zu verabscheuen.
Deine Mutter muss eine dumme Hure sein, sonst wärst du nicht so schlecht erzogen.
stop shilling this fucking degenerate CUNT here you fucking retarded MORONS
This board got ruined today by an influx of german leftists and all of you cucks looking up to this disgusting WHORE cause she said ONE MINOR ANTI IMMIGRATION THING IN HER FUCKING LIFE
How easy are you fucking retards to bait into anything?
You fucking uninformed pieces of fucking shit.
No fucking wonder your favorite candidate speaks like a fucking 4th grader or else half of you inbred hillbillys wouldnt even understand half of what he even says.
>We can't take literally every refugee on earth
>anti immigrant
There's no hope for Germany, is there? Their entire political discussion is all refugees or most refugees, and the latter is considered radically nationalist.
As a general rule, if you're more cucked than the UK, you fucked up big time.
So is this the mash your keyboard to create random words thread? weiotu wefjs slakcnxk wejkgnsdlkvn ;,lrth;' seknsjn akjfba die tranny ausrotten
>anyone who doesn't agree with my unfeasible bullshit is a LEFTIST
This is stormweenie country, as authoritarian and statist as they come. You are not welcome here.
>Anti-immigrant Leftist
Isn't that an oxymoron? I thought all leftists were bleeding heart liberal multiculturalist faggots.
Hmmmm. Based on what you wrote, I wonder if Germany is being guilt-tripped into basically taking "all refuges" given its nationalist past. How can Germany even pretend to discuss the current migrant crisis without addressing fears of past nationalism?
why is she dark red? fucking satanic looking.
attacking people is ok if i think they're wrong
>So is this the mash your keyboard to create random words thread?
It's not random.
Google translate probably just isn't familiar with the German words for frogposting and cripplechan.
>die tranny ausrotten
maybe she shouldn't be a fascist then
Your argument would be fine if the refugee influx hadn't been caused by right-wing radical anarcho capitalists that constitute the modern German right. Old Bismarck is spinning in his grave.
I hate the left as much as the next guy, but it'll always be RIGHT-WING CAPITALIST GREEDLORD MILLIONAIRES (like Merkel) that we have immigration and multiculturalism to thank for. Not a bunch of whimsical Marxists like Wagenknecht.
Violence is ok as long as it is leftist violence.
There is no such thing as the German right, nor is there a right wing in any other European country barring a few fringe parties. Even the US has a spectrum ranging from far left to sort-of-right-ish.
What outrageous bullshit. You're either extremely naive or extremely condescending. In either case, fuck you.
>if the refugee influx hadn't been caused by right-wing radical anarcho capitalists
And here I thought it was due to ISIS and the war in Syria (and Turkey, by now).
Name a right wing German party.
It would've been as easy as flipping a switch to enact the external border lockdown that eliminated the Balkan route some 8 months after the mass migration began. The only reason why it did not happen immediately is because the German industrial elite, which is basically Ayn Rand's wet dream, wanted a cheap and dependable new class of workers, who would work menial labor for shit wages no questions asked, unlike those pesky Germans who keep claiming their worker's rights. All under the guise of humanitarianism.
The Christian Democratic Union.
Centre left, try again.
What kind of policy they have ever enacted is anywhere near the left side or even the center of the spectrum?
I just explained that was a masterstroke of laissez-faire capitalism, had nothing to do with leftist philosophy.
Seriously, tell me what makes the CDU center-left. I know every single law they've drafted in the past decade.
Left/right is about hierarchy, not fiscal policy. Belief in equality is leftist, belief in a pecking order (which can be naturally occurring in the libertarian style, or enforced like with fascism) is right wing. Egalitarianism has been written into our very laws, making a true right wing illegal in many countries.
So you kinda ignored my question.
>naturally occurring in the libertarian style
Still not sure if naive or condescending. You believe libertarians? What went so terribly wrong in your life and your political education in particular? Don't you have any idea what kind of awful people came up with that shit?
Same. Throw niggers and spics in the mix too because they are plentiful over here.
I made no statements on my own beliefs. Right wing libertarians believe in minimizing state intervention (libertarian) and allowing hierarchies to form naturally as the "better" people rise to the top (right) Whether they're correct is irrelevant.
The CDU advocate for feminism, multiculturalism, welfare, affirmative action, and other policies meant to "fix" inequality with the unspoken assumption that it's a problem. This is inherently left wing.
>The CDU advocate for feminism, multiculturalism, welfare, affirmative action, and other policies meant to "fix" inequality
They do not.
Or at least, they do about as much as the Tories do, for the sole purpose of not getting booed out of the moderate sphere. Even the Social Democrats hardly advocate for welfare and foreigner pandering. You're thinking of the Greens, a party on its last legs.
She's the only prominent Euro anti-Turkey leftist too
Being less left than the greens is not an achievement. If you asked Cameron or Merkel, to their faces "do you believe men and women are or should be equal" what do you imagine their response would be?
Oh, and by the way, libertarians are most definitely wrong.
clearly the baking and posession of cake should be a UN hate crime
Cookie-cutter reserved neutral conservative response. In fact, before all this refugee madness, when she still had a real political identity, German feminists liked to call Merkel a traitor, because she's staunchly against stuff like women's quotas in corporate leadership ranks.
>WE GUN Marie-Antoinette YOU!!!
Why are German/Austrian/Hungarian people so fucking retarded?
Does she support women's suffrage? Does she support the prosecution of so-called hate crimes? Does she support progressive tax policies which disproportionately punish the rich? Because all of these things happen unopposed in Germany as far as I'm aware.
Most sensible people that have been posting this story all day are just trying to get other anons to realize this represents not just the rise of the alt-right throughout the western world but the division in leftists parties throughout the west as well. But most infantile anons are too over zealous to realize how this can be a positive thing and taken advantage of.
its still assault and battery. you do that to a cop in the USA and you get shot in the chest.
Not in yurop. In my country for example, one of our anti-immigration party leaders back in 2002 got a pie thrown into his face 2 months before he got murdered by a leftie and they never prosecuted the pie throwers.
Well then German Industrialists are fucking retards, because Muslims dont work, and when they do, they do a very poor job.
Practically, maybe. Their theoretic design is pretty solid. Taxes are theft, there is simply no denying that, and the state will naturally become bloated and inneficient.
This. And many here are not even improving themselves. You won't change peoples opinions being a neckbeard.
>You were alive to see an Antifa supporting Globalist Communist be attacked by her own party because she is not Left enough
If it's any consolation, considering the guy himself was from Die Linke, the cake was probably Gluten Free.
Can you even be an anti-immigrant leftist in a western (read: white) country? It seems like an oxymoron.
Flooding western countries with nonwhites seems so intrinsically tied to what being "leftist" in the modern world is, that almost any value the left theoretically holds is subservient to importing more browns. I mean certainly economics takes a backseat, mass immigration and globalization have pretty much been the biggest boon to neoliberal economics and capitalist exploitation both at home and abroad in the last 100 years and theoretically Marxists should be completely against that, but if it gets rid of those dang dirty whites it's totally fine.
Do that to a politician here, you get punched in the face