ITT: Guilty Pleasures


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why did you post a retard?


sometimes I like to pretend France is still France

Piazolla, Hawley, and Hannon needs to be more famous to bring back crooning where it belongs.

None of them are really known for crooning tho

Completely silly and pleb trash but keeps finding its way into my playlists.

Fuck off Ariel Pink no one cares about you anymore

Green Day in general

only plebs care if other anons judge their taste

I love this goofy nigga

Harry Styles

I think guilty pleasure just means somebody enjoys a song or album and cannot explain why and know its not well made.

Came here to post this aswell, i sing basket case in my car on my way to college.

If you have guilty pleasures your life is a guilty pleasure.

modern baseball and the front bottoms are the only bands i am ashamed to like

then why not just call it a song you dont understand, you can be aware that a song isnt well made but why go the extra mile to call it guilt

I think just because I grew up associating nine inch nails with school shootings and the fact that my mom told me I wasted my money buying the vinyl when it came out

Idk, its just "slang" i dont think people actually feel guilty listening to music since they would be enjoying it if it was a pleasure.

it doesn't mean that at all, it means you know it's not really good art but you enjoy it

eh, i just dont like the idea of feeling of guilty for liking something, even if its just slang
>inb4 homosexual

Nothing guilty man. He still has the best jangle pop record of the decade.


first album was unironically patrician and AM had a couple few songs bogged down by filler

is it bad to unironically like this? I still listen to their first album every now and then. (are they working on anything? AM has been out for a while now.)

Literally any Grimes.

First album is patrician. All downhill from there.


And I'd add in A Rush of Blood to the Head. X&Y and beyond is unlistenable

Pretty much all the music on youtube with an anime image: killedmyself, lil peep, nothing.nowhere, lofi hiphop, etc.
Also, kidcrash's first album because the vocals aren't screaming unlike their other "harder" albums.

Black metal

This and his newest is major guilty pleasure
Not that his albums are bad,
just don't know why I like em

why feel guilty? he's the greatest guitarist of the 21st century so far

I never dipped into Tyler before. Fell in love with Flower Boy. What's the general reception for it because it seems like Tyler fans consider it a huge departure from what I can tell.

I feel you senpai

Their bassist recently announced that they are in the studio right now in a secret location working on the new album

Why would you feel guilty about liking Robyn? She's pretty much the only popstar worth listening to that actually creates good music.