Hey, Sup Forums, how does it feel to know that in the Marvel Universe, the greatest nation on Earth is in Africa?
In Wakanda, they have the most advanced science and medicine, the most attractive people, the most natural resources, the highest GDP, the greatest free healthcare system, the happiest people, the strongest military, the only space colonies, they've never been conquered or enslaved by the whiteys, etc.
And they're all black.
Thomas Thomas
Nathan Jones
It's great fiction
Brody Thomas
Easton Jackson
Jacob Bennett
Daniel Jenkins
they also hate and look down on all the niggers around them.
Jeremiah Bennett
Hey, shill, how does it feel to know your bait, the biggest pile of shit is unoriginal?
In Sup Forums, we have the most advanced memes and shitposting, the most logical ideas, the most sick bantz, the worst mods, the greatest political ideologies, the unhappiest people, the dumbest shills, the only worthwhile board, we've always been raided by reddit or annoyed by tumblr, etc.
And Argentina's all white.
Wyatt Martin
>they've never been conquered or enslaved by the whiteys
Meanwhile in the real world equivalent
Blake Jenkins
Luis Allen
Really makes you think, huh?
Liam Flores
They Wakandan's are descendant of the ancient Pharoahs.
Leo Walker
Good job!
William Walker
Maybe they can help the other Africans?
Hunter Sullivan
Holy shit, that actually really does make you think.
Thomas Mitchell
Latveria called...
Jose Sanchez
It's important to remember it is this way because it controls a near monopoly on a specific natural resource and is surrounded by walls to keep all the rest of the Africans out with a a near-zero immigration policy and keeping itself mostly cut off from the world.
Tyler Howard
They hate foreigners
Isaiah Adams
It would have been better if it was a fictional city-state that resembled Lagos in Nigeria.
Eli Flores
That would not inspire blacks to their full potential of becoming the greatest race. They already have the biggest cocks.
Jason Anderson
>What is a power fantasy
Joseph Wilson
>fictional I can write a story about Abos who have their own space program while America, China, India and Russia are a unified landmass with a 99% female population, doesn't change the reality of how they have their real pros and cons.
Also wakanda is an isolated nation, so more likely than not eugenics took a part in it's history and thus to keep the stupid niggers out, the smart ones hid themselves away.
Zachary Phillips
At least he's got a nice rustic stool to have a guest.
Carson Myers
That pic is so fucking legit. It makes traveling to other cities stupid because there's no difference, especially in the States.
I'm glad there's at least a good amount of countryside left in North America, trips out there are so fun I wish I could go camping more often.
Jaxson Lee
>Blacks are only successful in a fantasy universe where demigods, gods, aliens, mutants, magic and superhuman powers exist. >They still rank on the bottom most echelon of powers
Connor Gutierrez
Christopher Sanchez
In my headcannon the residents of Wakanda are all pharaohs too, eat that white devils.
Hunter Butler
Can somebody tell me why I should care about this?
I'm drawing a blank here.
Bentley Watson
What about Negro Superman?
Camden Jackson
if you take 0,3-1% of world black population and execute the rest, implement eugenics, you would have an incredible race
Ian Ward
>why I should care about this? You shouldn't, op is just a fag. Don't forget to enter sage in the options field.
Carter Bell
>Hey guys how does it feel to be completely btfo by a complete work of fiction?
Eli Sanders
>We Wuz Krypton and shiettttttttttttttttttttt
Connor Sanchez
>they believed violence was the very stupidest way to overcome issues
Sounds like an exciting comic book
Wyatt Young
Hey lefty, it's a cultural thing not a skin color thing
Ian Hall
>Ikr, it even haves BBC
Justin Clark
Fictional account
Ryder Campbell
>Hey, Sup Forums, how does it feel to know that in the Marvel Universe, the greatest nation on Earth is in Africa? Funny way to spell Latveria. Wakanda got their ass tsunami'd by Namor and lost all of their vibranium, the thing that made them super rich in the first place.
Aiden Hernandez
That isn't Latveria op
Jordan Long
Anthony Baker
>Funny way to spell Latveria. /thread
Bentley Barnes
Is Doom a firm but fair ruler that inspires hope in his people or is he Generalissimo tier?
Dylan Gonzalez
>in the Marvel Universe
Thomas Walker
IIRC there was an alternate universe where they found that Doom had won and shit was fucking great yo.
But in reality, Doom is just in everything for himself. Good things came, but at the end of the day he just cares about himself.
Carter Brown
He's both. He understands the difference between personal affairs and public ones.
Nicholas Carter
That's more one dimensional than I'd like but you know >comics