How did your friends and family react when they found out about your Sup Forumsitically incorrect beliefs?
How did your friends and family react when they found out about your Sup Forumsitically incorrect beliefs?
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dyk fpbp?
Everyone I know is more Sup Forums than Sup Forums
My brother is more Sup Forums than I am, and my dad's been ranting about niggers for years. This shit's in my blood, senpai
We will see soon.
One of my friends has been pissing me off for a long time so I'm ending the friendship in a blaze of glory.
I'm fucked if he's hiding his power level like me or has a sense of humour.
oddly enough my family has known I'm racist as fuck since I was a kid. Like 1st grade.
I've changed a lot, but somehow my racism has endured.
Well, I don't hide my views. So I don't now. Maybe my far far far far far left sister would never speak to me again. But that wouldn't be that bad thought
What the fuck?
make new friends.
It takes about a year to really make a new friendship but it's better than bring around people who undermine you.
Liverpool FC curtains, wat?
>talk to dad
>he doesn't like blacks
>but he still wanted to defend "innocent Jews"
>thought Hitler was crazy
>He loves watching history documentaries
>father's day
>give him "Greatest Story Never Told"
>He is very red-pilled now
>edgy teen: The Room
My friends know, it might scare my mom. My sisters would think I've lost it if I ever told them I really can't be mad at the officer who shot father. Part of the reason why I hate BLM.
Not many people I can talk to about somethings. Is therapy good?
I don't have friends
this is the default here, the better question would be what would happen if someone found out that you're politically Correct, and the answer is that you'd be laughed upon and seen as a literal idiot
you should buy her a milo shirt for her birthday.
They can't dismiss me as a madman because i try to make my points as eloquently and coherently as possible, so they just shut up and change the subject because they don't know shit about politics.
very positive
I don't go full Stormfront on my family, but I definitely talk about anti-white/male/straight agendas in things and my general disdain for egalitarianism. Most of them don't respond well except for my grandpa, he's red-pilled as fuck.
Well, family is family. They love me even if i'm a filthy liberal.
Maybe I should give her my XXXXL make america great shirt lol. Holy shit that T-shirt is big
family doesnt care, dad is pretty redpilled (hates israel) and my mum doesnt care about politics enough to care what i think. brother also doesnt care about politics but hates political correctness and sjw faggots. if i could spend more time with him id probably be able to redpill him.
when i started becoming more conservative i lost 90% of my friends though. i also just broke up with my gf because she thought we were too politically incompatible, and now ive got practically no one to turn to.
i dont get it, these people just totally disregard friendships for political beliefs. ive been a really good mate to all of these cunts but that doesnt mean shit as soon as soon as you start questioning their lefty bullshit. i used to be a lefty too but even when my mates said conservative shit it didnt mean that i just ditched them. i stood by them regardless of what everyone thought of them because thats what real mates do.
its a sad and scary time when people have stronger ties to politics than they do to their mates.
think very carefully before being public about your beliefs, but i think in the end nothing is more important than following what you believe to be the truth.
>Made dad full on Sup Forums, now thinks Hitler did nothing wrong.
>We put pictures of both my great grandfathers with prayer candels lit on display now, with their Kriegsmarine and SS uniforms.
>Mom has forbidden me to say anything political at the diner party, but i convinced her that refugees are bad.
>little brother is Anti-Fa so he hates me with a passion now, blocked me of FB, never responds to my calls/messages, leaves the house when I come to visit.
>Made 15 year old Sister almost full on Sup Forums, made her interested in preserving her virginity, and only wants to marry a white German
>Most of my other Female relatives hate me, especially my Cousins
>One male cousin browses Sup Forums but he is kinda a mouth breather
>A few of my Uncles told me in secret that they voted for AfD
Number of people who hate me increased 10 fold when I reveled my power level, but I found quality people who made it worth it.
nobody cares, i am a little further on some issues than others i know but beyond my sister most of us have realistic ideas of the world.
cant tell it id get beheaded in a few hrs
Fake. You stole this from another thread.
>little brother is Anti-Fa so he hates me with a passion now, blocked me of FB, never responds to my calls/messages, leaves the house when I come to visit.
that's awful mate, i'm sorry that happened. family ties should NEVER be broken.
Fucking Sand-Gyppo having the same flag as the regular Gyppos
They share a lot of the same views
Mom cried, dad disowned me.
You are a credit to your nation.
Yeah it kinda hurt desu.
I'm a very lonely person, and this does not really help my situation.
But i'd rather be a lonely nobody, than a fucking cuck.
And if anything your mom is probably protecting you.
>be out on a date with a qtpi
>bring things back to my place
>unlock computer to put on some music
>Sup Forums left open on one of my monitors
>Her: "Oh you browse Sup Forums ?"
>turns out she also browsed Sup Forums and enjoys Sup Forums
they didnt because im not a flaming faggot
We were all relieved we had such similar beliefs.
This is what would happen to me, so I mostly keep schtum though they know something is up with me. I am adept at being bored or disinterested in any line of conversation which could lead toward a direction that may cause me to reveal my power level.
I come from a conservative family. They're pretty bluepilled when it comes to things like race, but I can easily drop redpills on them and they don't go full ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!? like a typical libcuck would.
I've casually brought up things like how subsaharan africans have IQs in the 60s-70s and can't pass the mirror test until age 6. And I'm a pretty smart and educated guy (pharmacist) and they trust me when it comes to matters regarding biology. Also brought up things like how minorities have overwhelming rates of CV disease, obesity, diabetes, etc etc etc.
So I drop subtle redpills from time to time, but never go full-on PULL THE TRIGGER ON EVERY NIGGER. But I'd like to eventually work my way up until I'm at that point.
we've always been raysis here, whole ætt on both sides.
Had a party here and some people I did not know had to watch non stop hitler shows.. then porn... yay.. .can't handle the alkihol, so I really don't drink.
Anyways these people reffered me to the heil dude, but things like this is a laugh here, been there a couple of times later too.
Generally people here are going 1933 mode. My mother have started to use the word degenerate, that is a bit funny. I wonder when this will spread by normies on the shitrock on kikebook... we already have a word for this in the dialect we have, usæll
I live in Sup Forums:the country
Like 6 know, 1 became one, other 3 became ok with it and other 3 became one just not admitting it.
Pretty scared at the start, they thought I was some kind of skinhead that would kill niggers in the street and go to jail quick or disappear as a girl from a know family that turned nazi, had many nazi friends, killed actual jews, went to europe illegally and lives nowadays hidden somewhere in europe in a secret neo nazi base, which I'm very curious on why Sup Forums doesn't know more about it, it's like a huge nazi organization that kills jews and has bases all over the world.
After some months and explaining they think that it's bad but at least it's a philosophy that is going to keep me away from drugs and being a faggot.
They adopted to my view as they didn't really have any strong opinions of their own. Kind of sad as they were really carefree before.
I am just subtle with my power level.
Instead of saying "all shitskins need to get out of western civilization", I say "I don't believe in immigration because it causes a massive brain drain on already struggling countries who have a large time keeping highly educated people."
They generally think I'm joking.
Fisting is... $300 bucks
Also, redpilled a shitton of neutral opinion people about immigration
this is what my dream looks like. I developed a new fetish because of Sup Forums, nationalistic girls. I always had a thing about traditional wear and shit, but this beats it
I hang out with a lot of extreme leftists, feminists, hippies, blabbity blah.
Some run away when I try to confront them others talk about it then we go on with our lives.
My family is really racist even for me.
Except against refugees I win at that.
Fuck refugees, go back to fort mac and fix your own province.
Parents dragged out my grandfather's medals and tried to guilt me.
I asked them if he fought just so his country could get overrun with Asians and Muslims
That shut 'em up quick.
same here mate. i'd rather be alone than be passively watching my country and culture being destroyed.
Most of my family are pretty moderate or right wing. My aunt especially. She's a nurse in a not so great area, so you could imagine some of the things she's had to deal with.
My mom is an admitted socialist though, and is really, really fucking into politics. That's her one hobby.
I love her to death, but things can get a little sour come the holidays.
They think it's amusing. Could have something to do with the fact that I'm not White. They think I'm being ironic.
Fuck you, leather man.
Father is dead haven't seen my mother in long time. I don't have any friends and I don't need any. One autistic fag from uni tries to be my friend and I thought he'd stop if I revealed my powerlevel but he didn't.
Man, I miss my redpilled grandpa. We got along so well, and we had so much fun talking politics. Fuck cancer.
I have the same issue. My best friends knows my power lever but is generally just fucking with me.
That's some high grade autism there
>implying Australians have ever fought for Australia
Really don't know what they were trying to prove, but based user is based
everyone I hang out with are Sup Forumsitically incorrect, even some women.
My family doesn't really know, although every once in awhile I'll reveal my power level about politics and leave them stunned. My sister is a typical college libtard who just got out of college, she believes the "Donald Trump is literally Hitler" meme and told me today that "everyone is obliged to stop Trump". My brother and his friends used to like bernie better for some reason but I convinced all of them Trump is better, even his friend who was a hardcore libtard and stoner hopped on the Trump train. They don't know me though. They think I'm just a Republican but I actually am a proffessional nigger hater among my friends.
During the Paris attack weeks they thought I was becoming racist, started lying about my beliefs , but now they've almost all become trump supporters
It was my grandma for me, we could shit on Islam so hard and it would be such a relief with the migrant thing going on. Seriously fuck cancer
"Oh that's cute"
I guess they would feel worse if I supported Liverpool.
this how its done.
though i usually equate it to colonialism.
so stealthy.
My dad and I became redpilled around the same time, although he's not fully on board with the shit about the jews yet
I can't tell with my younger brother, he never shares his opinions on this stuff, but if I had to guess I'd say he's closer to my beliefs than to the typical liberal bullshit. He'll be starting college in a couple years though and I'm afraid he'll end up indoctrinated with all the cultural Marxism
My mom thinks we're all fucking crazy
>Dad starts thinking I'm a neo-nazi
>He buys me a Luger
My family and friends all agree with me on race stuff.
>browse Sup Forums all day
>Sup Forums makes fun of Sweden and how cucked all the swedes are
>I go to the cinema with some friends
>a video about the "cinema tax" is being raised is shown
>I yell out "I wonder where those krones are gonna go"
>I get a collective Amen from the crowd
>next morning I go and have a fika with my girlfriend
>"2 nigger balls please"
>"here you go sir"
The meme about swedes loving nigger balls are true
>we walk home
>walk past some construction workers on break
>a nigger bicycles past and crashes and gets up and keeps going
>the construction workers ask his friend "hey is the nigger alright?"
>"It probably isn't his bike anyway" they say and laugh
>at party trying to contain my power level
>everyone around me blows my powerlevel out of the fucking water
>have a enjoyable discussion about the fucking niggers and muslims
mfw living in Skåne
>well, at least you don't side with Americans and Jews
Not kidding.
That's not what "reactionary" means.
My whole family's racist. I'm the least racist of them all, but that's mainly because I don't hate other races for being other races, I dislike the idea of them running the world because of genetics.
>My dad isn't bothered, laughs along when I say trannies are mentally ill. Also made a joke saying gay people probably burn violet if you set them on fire.
>Mum is fairly bluepilled and thinks I'm wrong, was fairly shocked when i revealed some power, but we're still close.
my dad pretty much redpilled me at a young age. all he would do was talk shit about natives and how they were drunks and drug users and that was reinforced with some of the interactions i've had with them. used to live in a city that was decent but still infested with natives and now it's literally a reserve there are so fucking many. all i would see when i was younger were native bums begging and one threatened to kill my mom. another time we were at the mall and these two natives came up asking where the hairspray was. this coupled with going to school everyday to hear the natives complaining about the white man and white people when no one was forcing drugs and alcohol (and hairspray lel) into their bodies except themselves.
the friends i've had were racist in private and my family are the same.
I told them that Muslim's are a threat to the west, that multicultural society doesn't work, and tried to redpill them about the immigration crisis. Most of them immediately turned on me (except those i'm very close to) and screamed that i'm a racist et cetera. My father, however, agrees with me about many things.
Both my Brother and my friends laughed about it, none of us have ever cared for political correctness. In video games with character creators we always made the most offensive racial stereotype characters. Unless they're hiding their power levels, I get the impression that they don't really care about politics beyond that.
Mother is very sheltered and like most women prefers not to think much about politics/religion/anything bad. I understand how she can find it all very confusing but even when I've tried to help explain some things she just ends up sticking her head in the sand. This probably applies to most older women in the country.
Me too. I hid my power level for two years before the Paris attacks and the migrant crisis. After that I just couldn't take it with the all terrorist apologists, border abolitionists, and not all muslims bullshit I was hearing everywhere.
Here in the south we are all red pilled
I just talk about how niggers should be fucking hanged, most people agree.
Though if i were to unleash my true power level it would probably shatter the fabric of reality or something.
I have no leftists scum friends
family kinda share my opinion, I'm european descendant and my grandgrandparents suffered from blacks stealing their hardwork here in the past, so their opinion toward black people just passed through generations to me a bit.