
>there are "people" on Sup Forums RIGHT NOW that do not own or shoot firearms

What the actual fuck is wrong with you?

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i have a fireplace does that count?

Not at all

I love a mannlicher stock.

how about a fire guard?

m8 you got a license for dat?

I live in Jersey, I have a better chance of owning a pet giraffe than a gun.

Yes if you stick your arm in the fire

Pic with timestamp

>guarding fire

I may or may not be turning 18 in June

guess i will have to make do living in an 87% white county where guns are not yet needed

Why wont anyone make a good 5.56 rifle with a side charging handle that is NOT Belgian

whats wrong with belgian guns, faggot

My gf won't let me own guns she is afraid of them

>not wanting your young children to get burned
>the current year

Lost all mine in a boating accident.

I know you love liching men

Not true, you can own a ton, carrying is the problem but it's possible.

:^) you have no idea how close my situation is, but I still have guns

Because there's no reason to have a side charging gun over an AR style charging handle

I sold my rifle and put it towards the pickup truck I'm restoring.

If you don't hunt or have some mates to fuck around with and do target practicing together, it isn't very useful or fun.

I would definitely get a concealed carry if I lived in a cultural enrichment zone like Toronto, Chicago, Detroit, etc.


Cheeky boy

That tip looks quite pointy. I'd bin the fire guard.

Yeah, you just have to worry about getting beheaded and stabbed

>be british
>get raped and beheaded

How is a 10/22 a firearm?
I guess you could hunt some squirrels and shit.

At least get an old sks or something.

Because the AR exists

That's one sexy looking rifle, what is it?

MAGA, brother

10/22 International

Kinda hard to find in the states

Pitbulls are for niggers

>it isn't very useful or fun
>not fun



Step aside plebs.

Best 22 there is.

...I got really good at with bows...
Worst case scenario I can flee north to my parents cottage (which is stocked) and live amongst my fellow whites in Northern Ontario.

soon, soon

Ban this underage trash please.

My state has shit tier gun laws

That poll is inaccurate due to Trump's incoming nationalism and closed border policy.

Looking to pick up a 12ga to shoot skeet and hunt deer / pheasant. A friend recommended an 11-87. Not very knowledgeable on guns... any recommendations?

Mossberg 930 would probably be better because of Remingtons rather terrible reputation of poor quality.

thank you kind user