Egypt is NOT WHITE

Modern egyptian are the closest descendants to ancient egyptians.

The arabs didn't wipe out their conquered peoples like the europeaans did.

Blood typing and ancient DNA sampling on Egyptian mummies is scant; however, blood typing of dynastic mummies found ABO frequencies to be most similar to modern Egyptians,[14] and some also to northern Haratin populations. ABO blood group distribution shows that the Egyptians form a sister group to North African populations, including Berbers, Nubians and Canary Islanders.


Yes? How is that news? No one sane ever claimed that egyptians were blond haired and blue eyed. And of course arabs didn't wipe them out. Why would they kill of way more technologicaly and culturaly advanced than them? Who would do all the shit they were too dumb to do?

Anybody who claims that Eqyptians were straight up European is about as dumb as the "WE WUZ" idiots.

I see all the time threads about how stupid and pitiful niggers are for claiming egyptian civilization as their own but it is almost always followed by some neckbeard claiming that egypt and all middle eastern civilizations were white.

They don't even notice how hypocritical they sound.

The Europeans didn't wipe out people either. Only delusional American Nordiboos claim wE WUZ EGYPT. Meanwhile, niggers chimp out and force filmmakers to APOLOGIZE when they make a movie about Egypt where the actors aren't niggers.

Really makes you think.

Nordicists are mentally ill white faggots on par with WEWUZ niggers

This isn't surprising to anyone

No they don't you gypsy.

just because you're british doesnt mean you can claim roman ancestry. Only the english can at best.

In the same token the majority of western blacks cant claim descent due to the majority of them coming from western Africa. At best a small token of them could claim Ashanti, but that would be claiming descent from the empire that was built on the enslavement and conquest of other neighboring tribes.

Is that a new meme?

I agree though. I have never understood the ancient Egyptians were white meme.


really makes you think

I know this is probably a troll thread but what the hell. Nobody thinks Egyptians were white you fucking faggots. No one seriously thinks that, even with the bullshit government classifications.

They literally don't.

Fuck off


they are Egyptian on avg. like people in Egypt now, stop thinking in one dimension, its not black or white, Egyptian are caucasian skull and dental records show that.

Ask the Arabs and Africans that today

>what was ptolomaic Egypt
Euclides, Cleopatra, etc the most prominent ancient egyptians were all greek

they literally needed to wait to get assraped by greeks to become relevant
eat a dick faggot

Yeah this. OP is literally just arguing with shitposts right now.

And the Greek dynasty brought nothing good to Egypt and thanks to them it was assraped by the Romans

Read a book alberto.

Nordicists and Afrocentrists are both retarded


No one said this. We simply said they weren't niggers, which they weren't.