Let's laugh to these poor fuckers that live in the favela side.
Let's laugh to these poor fuckers that live in the favela side.
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You would do the same thing too, given the opportunity
Must be easy to score favela pussy.
pls don't bully the poor people senhor hue, it's mean
what in the actual fuck is going on in brasil?¿?¿?¿
I love how the productive lower colonies enjoy building walls, then whine when we threaten to build a wall ourself.
They built a wall.
And they say that building walls doesn't work!
It is, but you don't want to do it
Unless you feel like getting a bunch of STD's and then get shot by some gang niggers
they'd be the first to go in a chimp out
>what in the actual fuck is going on in brasil?¿?¿?¿
to better understand the picture, think like this
the left side is mexico
the right side is USA
and in the middle you have the wall
They do chimp out all the time, but no one hears about it since they never manage to get out in the part where humans live, they get shot by BOPE the moment they try something
The amount of privilege here is sad. Of course you all want to build a wall to continue the perpetuation of the inherent oppression, as shown in OPs picture. Disgusting.
Not worth it. Believe me.
Are those pools for individual rooms or is there one for every floor?
Individual rooms, why the heck would you share a jacuzzi
The pool for the whole building is down there
my boss is a rich brasilian and he wishes the military were still in charge
Who builds next to a favela? Shit view, shit smell, and constant threat of sub-humans trying to invade.
>tfw you will never have your own personal balcony with a fucking pool in it
Feels kind of bad, man
>Who builds next to a favela?
There are two possibilities, either the favela got built after that building, or the company got cheaper land next to the favela
That garbage on the left is a waste of space. Really disappointed in Brazil tbqh
These closed gate communities are like fortresses of human civilization after the apocalypse. Feels good living in one.
Why would one want to, though.
which side is the favela side though?
they are both filled with smelly monkeys (no offense)
>those neat-ass balconies
lit af
Both sides will be shitty soon. Take a close look at the tower, especially the hot tubs. Look at hiw many are poorly maintained. The building is filled with Nuevo rich who aren't taking care of what they have. In a few years they'll be rented out to ever lower classes of people as the maintenance continues to suffer and the new residents fuck things up.
>be rich brazil fag
>walk out on to my luxurious balcony
>look down on peasants and feel like a king
>one weeks time elapses
>novelty of being better than neighbors is gone
>now stuck with view of literal garbage for the rest of time
god damn that apt. building on the right is fucking sick. awesome architecture, christ i want to live here this must be sao paulo ?
could you snipe people from the rooftop if you managed to get some black market guns?
Go on...
Or you could just get an apartment in a good city
Granted you won't have the sensation of looking at poor people but that's life
go to hell you fucking bleeding heart, nobody believes your narrative anymore
>favela fucking shits
nobody is oppressed minha querida, the favelados have every oppurtunity to.make it out of the slums
I want to hear more.
plenty of opportunity to practice your golf swing.
max payne 3 is good
America in 20 years
nice !! if we had that here things would be much better
Oh I'm laughing OP.
I've been laughing my whole life.
Socialist utopia on the left.
Capitalist utopia on the right.
If I lived in one of those appartments with the pool balconies, I would wake up every morning, look down apon the adjacent favela and in a british accent loudly yell "GOOD MORNING PEASANTS"
yeah but argentina is full of argentines
Yeah it's SP
Do you really want to live in a building next to a favela though? Just get yourself a house in Vila Olimpia, it's also in SP, has some cool buildings and no favelas, expensive as shit though
Looks awful. Why aren't you going out at night with petrol and matches? You could clear a strip between the two and push the boundary of the slum further away from your side. Food for thought.
>expensive as shit though
How much?
Rich comic from a place where class system is real.
a thousand and one pesos
So is Brazil actually partly white? Or is it partly """white""" in that they're just mestizos with slightly paler complexions?
And there are quite a number of brazilfags on Sup Forums and I'm wondering if you guys are mostly the rare white people or mostly brownskins like the rest of the nation.
They should just paint a giant smug Pepe on the side facing the favela
This desu
Mexicans, negroes, and SJWs have ruined life here.
Class system is real everywhere, not even the Soviets could stamp it out. There is no such thing as equality.
Must suck being dependant and the building and whatever behind it to shield you from the pardo horde.
So how much does it cost to rent an apartment in one of those pool balcony places (in USD)?
The square meter is about 5k USD on average
I'm a bit confounded by that architecture, the higher your apartment on that building, the smaller your apartment would be, with the smallest apartment in the building also being the highest. That's the exact opposite of US standards.
I don't understand what the difference is?
Both are full of stinking subhuman monkeys right?
The racemixing meme is real. Most brazilians have at least a black relative lost somewhere in the bloodlines.
And Sup Forums is a board of peace and enlightment. Can't stand brazilian normies in kikebook and stuff anymore.
I'd say like 350-400 USD a month since it's so close to the favela so it's probably cheap
What happens if a poor person jumps the fence and uses the swimming pool? Killed by police?
Southern California is already there maple dick
We are from South where whites still are the majoriry.
Kek, like in 'World War Z'. The book, not the shitty movie.
They like living in the slums. No laws. No police. All the blow, prozzys, and violence you can stand.
Interesting. So do you guys deal with dindus claiming "systematic racism" or whatever and white guilt and all that bullshit or what?
Do you live in walled-off communities away from the vibrancy?
The fuck is this map
People in the Amazon are red, not black
Also there's no way the Northeast is that lightskinned
I don't even see how you could claim "muh racism" in Latin America when race mixing has been accepted for centuries.
We should actually build OVER the poors.
Lower levels are the future.
>smelly monkeys with more money than you
Sad 2bqfh senpai.
They are not enough organized to that. They just prey on pedestrian and steal things.
We do not have eugenic laws yet. The apartheid is money based only.
>Do you live in walled-off communities away from the vibrancy?
Nah dude we aren't South Africa tier just yet, everyone lives pretty much together except in some cities like Rio de Janeiro, where the south side of the city,where the surviving whites of Rio live, has a higher HDI than Norway and live pretty much isolated from the rest of the city since they don't have to go to the shitty parts to do anything
Shot by private security which most condos have nowadays. And even before that they'll need to find a way through the 8-12 thousand V electric fence.
>MFW atheists are allowed to live on the right
only Christians should rule the former Spansish Empire
negroes are poor because they Fornicate more. their lack of chastity is what punishes them.
If they cant even enter a place where MEAGER atheists live, they are weak.
Any self-respecting terrorist group could kill nightclub-goers
We have no terrorist groups here mate (except ISIS)
We do have cartels though if that's what you're talking about
fairly obvious bait, 4pts
1 extra point because it worked
''muh racism'' is a real thing, like in USA.
Brazil is not like the others latin countries where everyone is ''mestizo''.
We have a lot of whites
lot of niggers
lot of mixed
lot of asians
and lot of indians.
So, if exist a place where ''muh racism'' cry is real is in Brazil.
And what I said is so real that racism is a ''crime'' who'd put you in the jail here.
you just have to throw a lit match in the ground and the entire place catches fire
Oh! an informal adress ,how typical.
I was saying your cartels are pathetic because they cant perform simple murders.
>ISIS in Brazil
tell me more, maybe ill donate money to them
whites who are promicuous or lust after negroes will burn too
We even had that university professor who almost got arrested because of some nigger student falsely accusing him of hate crimes
I wonder, how hard would it be to make something to shoot off those balconies to set fire to that slum. Like homemade napalm rockets. If they could just get rid of those dirty swine, that could be a really beautiful area.
Really ? you must live in another Brazil then, because I personally live next to a lot of rich gated communities enclaves and they are completely separated from the outside, by gates, walls, guards, CCTV, electric fences and bulletproof SUV's.
>poorfags get mad
>bomb the entire building from below
Not gunna work.
Don't even reply to him.
He is a crazy nationalist that posts the entire in Sup Forums, trying to convince gringos that Brazil is a good place. He only keeps inventing lies.
are they Sexually Ethical?
if not;what makes them think Atheists deserve to not-be robbed??
No i just live in Brasilia
Gated communities aren't really a thing here since pretty much everyone is well off (talking about real Brasilia, not the satellite cities, fuck them
you would have to be literally retarded not to be well-off in a country as frivolous and acceptant of rumbas such as yours
The entire south region of Brazil really needs to secede.
The wall is protecting the only people making that shit hole any better.
nice fancy favela Brasil bro
That is because you are ignorant.
Latin America is more than just Mexico
What do you mean by sexual ethical Pablo ?
brasil is mostly shit except countryside of são paulo, and all south states.
Rio de Janegro should be isolated and claimed as an african enclave. what a fucking shithouse
>have to live in armed fortresses
>need to go to work by helicopter, because kidnappings on highway
>can't go outside because kidnappings for ransome
>can't go to the beach because arrastões
huehue living the dream amirite
>implying it's not the same in our border