Why do you have no kids Sup Forums?
Since when having no kids became "cool"?
Why do you have no kids Sup Forums?
What an adorable little Jew larvae.
Why are you so sure it's not Trump's?
Having kids is immoral.
>Why do you have no kids Sup Forums?
I'm too poor.
Really makes you think....
Because I'd be a shitty parent desu. I'd just end up raising another degenerate low life with no redeeming qualities aside from good looks.
>Because I'd be a shitty parent desu
Not an argument. If Africans in Niger can raise a child, so can you.
Can they though? Look at Nigeria...
>with no redeeming qualities aside from good looks
Eh doesn't sound so bad desu.
Damn... I am now a #ClitMissle
That kid just realized how blessed he was.
Having kids before you've built some stability and potential is a disrespectful to yourself and to your offspring.
>want to have kids because I want to continue my genetic legacy as well as install my knowledge/values into the future generations
>women are all whores brainwashed by cultural marxism and I can't find a decent 3DPD that won't just fuck me over, cuck me, and take away the kids, family dog, and alimony
Jack, listen to me. We're all born with an expiration date. No one lasts forever. Life is nothing but a grace period - for turning our genetic material into the next generation. The data of life is transferred from parent to child. That's how it works. But we have no heirs, no legacy. Cloned from our father, with the ability to reproduce conveniently engineered out. What is our legacy if we cannot pass the torch? Proof of our existence - a mark of some sort. When the torch is passed on from parent to child... it extends beyond DNA; information is imparted as well. All I want is to be remembered. By other people, by history.
If I have kids, I want to make sure I'm able to give them more than I had, My parents raised me well, but due to my own decisions and the overall shitty state of this country, I'm lagging behind where they were at my age.
I don't have the resources or even a girlfriend I'd consider to be actual wife material yet. In a few years I'll be set.
At least I moved out of my parents' home and have a decent enough job with career growth opportunities, so there's that. It's a start.
Because removing jew takes significant amounts of effort.
There are greater things in life than reproducing like an animal.
Not to say that it shouldn't be done, as every able bodied white man needs to have at least 3 kids to fix the damage the kikes have done.
But not until the kikes are dead and buried.
Says who?
Your mother?
because I don't have friends
>that baby's face
Literally wojack
Having kids is a niggish thing to do imo
>There are greater things in life than reproducing like an animal.
Name one.
Inb4 writing a fucking book.
removing jew.
world dominion.
genetic manipulation and eugenics.
Sup Forums infiltrating governments worldwide
plenty of things.
>removing jew.
Nobody will give a fuck about your theories after you die. They will also change it to fit it to their agenda.
>world dominion.
You are a nobody and will die a nobody. Don't forget about that.
having kids in the west is a super luxury. im too poor.
and your children will die nobodies, and their children will die nobodies, and their children will die nobodies.
there are nobler causes.
better to try and fail than to never try at all.
Yeah, bullshit.
How come poor people somehow find a way to raise kids on a budget? Whites sure became retarded lately.
But I do. . .
It was pretty good in high school and college when nothing mattered and you if you were attractive enough you could get away with anything. But once you enter the real world it fucking blows.
No there are not. Without children giving a fuck about your good image, memory of you will get twisted.
By the way, without kids, you will never feel truly happy. Check & Mate
>appeal to emotion
top zoz
>caring about your memory rather than your effect on the world
how very selfish.
you are either jewish, or a woman.
probably both.
I'm studying and working my ass off so I can have white kids. It's my dream. It's my mission. It will be so.
They cannot go without other luxuries like the nice car, the big house and all the stupid gadgets. They see children as a burden rather than a blessing, a blessing that no amount of material goods can equal.
But if I had a child I'd want them to live a good life. I grew up with an abusive shitty parent and that fucked me up pretty badly. I'm not mentally stable enough to raise a kid and ensure they have a good life.
What's the point of bringing a kid into this world if they're just going to be miserable? I'll pass, my little brother can carry on the bloodline.
>Be married
>Get cucked
gr8 b8 8/8
>Having kids is expensive!
>Implying children has at some point be "cheap"
Tired of this fucking new age bullshit of not being able to afford children. Children have always been expensive, that is an excuse.
>But if I had a child I'd want them to live a good life.
being alive > not being born because your father is retarded
A)Still an early twenties cunt
B)Hate kids.
C)Genes so shit that that it's best for humanity if I don't reproduce.
>how do poor people somehow find a way to raise kids on a budget
Government sponsoring their shit lives.
I'm 20, I'll have kids when I'm 30 and be a more experienced and wise person so I can be a better parent. I'll have more money while I'm young too. feels great.
Why do you feel so pressured to have kids anyway?
these threads are usually started by femanons.
Not necessarily. I would've preferred my parents had an abortion but they didn't. Besides, having a kid means you have to commit to sticking around for the rest of their life, and that's more than I'm willing to sacrifice.
>What's the point of bringing a kid into this world if they're just going to be miserable?
Ask your mother. Your assumption that a childs life will be miserable indicates that you are a harmed individual, a subhuman and that you probably shouldn't have kids. Damn, I hate fags like you so much.
>and that you probably shouldn't have kids.
See that's exactly the point I was making.
>swedish white male advocating for the destruction of his own people
jesus christ, just nuke yourselves already
Sure, fag.
People in the Middle ages living in poverty had children. People in fucking Africa have children. People in fuking ISIS country have kids.
>raising kids is expensive af
>I wouldn't be a good parent
>unless you're rich being a single parent is tough, so marriage is necessitated
>marriage is fucking awful
>I didn't fall for the "having kids is the greatest thing a person can ever do that will always bring them happiness" meme
>I would've preferred my parents had an abortion but they didn't.
Give us your money and kill yourself. Isn't this what you want?
>t. pathetic coward whose ambitions are nothing more than base instinct.
and you call other people subhumans.
you are literally no better than an animal.
>mfw her jew baby will be the first redpilled jew we actually like
>you are literally no better than an animal.
I don't give a fuck about your wacky morality. One day you will die and then only the living will be right, no matter what you said during your lifetime.
>I don't want to pass off my shitty genes
>I wouldn't want to bring a child into a society that is falling apart
OK what else?
I'm actually a trustfundfag. If I do off myself I'll be leaving everything to my niece and nephew. But I'll tell them to donate to Polish charities every now and then.
>literally said that ever able bodied white man should have kids by default but stopping there makes you nothing more than fucking pond scum
>for some reason you take issue with this.
>kill yourself
It wouldn't be right. I'm government property now.
Watching the west decay before my eyes. Women are out of control and would inevitably take the kids and half my shit anyway. What's the point? May as well spend my money on enjoying my time in the decline.
who are you quoting
>But I'll tell them to donate to Polish charities every now and then.
Bad idea. 100% of polish charities that are known in Murrica are scams.
Who are YOU quoting?
I was adding to your list of ALL THE REASONS.
My wife gave birth to a healthy boy with no physical defects a month ago. Full-blooded Chinese :^)
These things can break glass with their cries
The vast majority of people don't remember even the greatest of men from just 1000 years ago. Nobody will remember anyone a million years from now.
self-hating cucks aren't allowed to add to my list
larvae is plural stupid
Since when promotion of divorce and giving women greater alimonies became a thing along with hiking up the cost of living while not raising real wages.
Well, thanks for the heads up Polebro.
Creating a center of suffering just so other people can remember you when you are dead is not a fatherly thing to do
Daily reminder that failing to produce offspring makes you the ultimate race traitor.
Even white dudes knocking up nig nogs are doing more for our race than you dickless faggots.
Dude! I'm trying but I'm starting to feel like the 14 words aren't the best pick up line...
Yes, society's fault, nothing wrong with you.
Have you tried "You are so pretty. I would like to take you out and see if your personality is as beautiful as your appearance."?
Quit being beta and get in the game of saving the white race. Shit, even if you have to marry a shitskin to dilute the shit in the gene pool a little you are doing something worthwhile.
I'm 21, in school, and not married. Thats why.
But yeah if your married and not propagating the white race kill yourself because your resources should be going to families that will survive.
>Even white dudes knocking up nig nogs are doing more for our race than you dickless faggots.
There are NO nigs nogs in Straya otherwise that would be my preference.
>"You are so pretty. I would like to take you out and see if your personality is as beautiful as your appearance."?
Whoa user, that was great. And then the 14 words?
What about abonogs? Sure, it is borderline beastiality, but it is something..
Are you really telling me there are NO females available to date?
Keep the fourteen words to yourself for a while, alright? Save them for when she wants to wait to have kids or whatever stupid thing she says when she is already riding your cock.
Is he retarded? He has such lifeless blank eyes....
For as attractive as she is, that baby really is l fucking ugly. I know that many babies are not cute right off the bat but still that pic had to have been taken a few days after birth when the baby had time to at least cuten up a little.
This is what she gets for breeding with a goddamn ugly ass kike. What a stupid bitch. Her father will make America great again and she is cute a goddess but she wasted it all on some miserable greedy degenerate ashkenazi. Her "beautiful Jewish babies" need to be gassed
I for one hold such a view because my parents did no such thing.
I have two children .
Waiting until you're 40+ is doing your child the true disservice of having a higher chance for autism.
Because I can't into girls. Literally and figuratively.
baby is actually adorable to be honest.
It's only trendy for white people to not have kids.
It's just another way the powers that be are trying to kill us.