>walk into wally world in 2016
>see this
what do?
>walk into wally world in 2016
>see this
what do?
Other urls found in this thread:
>thinking a Red Ryder can do anything but pester people and put eyes out
>being a retarded leafposter
get the first post best post
Warn the kid buying it he'll shoot his eyes out
Don't buy one, you'll shoot your eye out
Threaten John Candy with it to get on all the rides
Not shitposting but
.. You realize that's not a gun, right?
Didn't the police kill some nigger that was running around a Walmart with one of those bb guns fucking with kids?
Go easy on him. He probably never has seen a gun in his life.
you got a license for that dangerous weapon?
Maybe you'll get it for Christmas if you drink your Ovaltine.
>americans take pride in genociding the injuns
Savages. You "Cowboys" make me sick.
Calm your titties, First Leaf.
Have another sip.
Yup. Store camera footage was hilarious. Nigger wouldn't put it down so they shot his ass.
My friends and I used to shoot each other with those. They're harmless at like 25 feet.
>canadians take pride in genociding the trees
Savages. You "lumberjacks" make me sick.
Buy one
Go shoot my eye out
It's a fucking BB gun
Why did you make this thread?
I was at wally world a few months ago when some germans walked into sporting goods and saw the guns in their display case. They pointed, spoke some gibberish and acted surprised that there were guns for sale. Germacucks are pathetic.
He's being a smartass
There are anti gun threads on here lately
It's the Maryjoanna of guns, the children start on these and within weeks they're busting caps into each other with AR15's an shit.
Buy one and give it to my kid for Christmas.
my dad gave me his .22 when i was ~8
i loved growing up away from faggy cities
Looks like I'm going to be dropping $30 to relive childhood memories. Maybe I'll go to the park and kill some squirrels to feed to my dog.
I bought my nephew a bb rifle for his 5th birthday.
I regularly take him to the range with me and had him be a crazy gun safety nut by 6.
Promised him a 410 when he turns 10 and he's all for it
I'm a spic and the cycle of l"a raza" ended with me and will not be perpetuated by him, fuck that fuck aztlan and fuck my liberal family
Ship maplenigger, what would you do if you ever walked into a cabella's?
If I had a son I would buy one for him. But these are just cheap toy bb guns. Theres nothing to be worried about my foreign friend.
Finally stop Black Bart.
You'll shoot your eye out.
>few years ago
>.22lr gets hella expensive
>people on /k/ buying BB guns
>decide to buy one
>take it out innawoods
>shoot shit
>it's fun as fuck
buy an sks for 120$ and then buy a whet stone to sharpen the bayonet because it's illegal to sell sharp bayonets in this faggy country.
we have cabelas here.
No mom it was an Icicle it fell off the house and hit me in the eye.
My Grandma got me one of those when I was like 10.
Buy it
Me and my friend bought one on a road trip and shot birds and scared niggers at the motels with it
mine broke within five minutes of unboxing...fuck you red ryder
>Illegal to sell sharp bayonets
Top fucking kek
If they don't stop, they won't be able to make all the tampons that fit in your vagina
If you didn't get one for christmas as a kid, your parents already hated you.
Suspect, because a gun like that here would coat at least 15.000 bucks
>tfw I have never seen that movie
>Everybody rages on me
Sorry Twilight Zone marathon was far more entertaining on Syfy than watching an old movie
You'll shoot your eye out kid
>You can buy a gun for fifteen dollars in Hueland
Are they made from bamboo?
I know!
I mean, this totally not a kid's slingshot dressed up to look like a cowboy rifle totally shouldn't be sold to kids!
It should require a license to own!
(Yes, it requires a license to own in Oz. The law treats it the same as a fucking .22LR or 12 gauge.)
it's a bb gun, brazil
Skrælings aren't people.
It's a BB gun OP don't be a such a pussy - btw how's Toronto treating you?
Hey, if we don't take the trees out first they'll take us instead, pic related, it's them or us
The movie is complete shit. You are fortunate
>Tried to genocide the natives twice
>Pretend they didn't
Fucking leafs.
>The law treats it the same as a fucking .22LR or 12 gauge.)
Shotguns (Pump action only) are separated into a different license class (C if I recall).
Bitch I bought one.
You never know when Black Bart is going to show up.
Break, bolt and lever shotguns are Cat.A
Which includes rimfire and air rifles (BB included).
Single mother raised bastard detected
Don't be jelly we spent time bonding with our families during Christmas while your mom sucked off niggers for microwave dinner money.
Had one of these as a kid. Dad would drink beer and give me empty cans to shoot.
>leafniggers will never understand this incredible feel
Build it puta
Are you fucking retarded or something
>>leafniggers will never understand this incredible feel
Just the liberal city fags
Head out of the cities and you're set - Blasting coons and squirrels from your living room window with the .22 is still done here quite often thankfully
do open carry with that and see what the cops do.
You'll shoot your eye out, kid
I've had mine for 15 years, why would I buy another?
Draw a pirate patch on the happy face to warn parents.
I had one of these sitting on my porch. The first cop that drove by got out of his car, took it from me to see if it had BB's in it and told me to take it inside or I would get a ticket.
Cops love to harass 11 year olds apparently.
Actually i did get hit in the eye with one of those as a kid, the doc said i scratched the outer layer and i had to wear an eye patch for a week. All the kids on the block used safety glasses after that.
>open carry an M16
WHY IN THE FUCK DO YOU NEED TO DISPLAY YOUR WEAPON!? this is nothing but similar to those weeboos walking around with body pillows, you know how big of an oxymoron this is? I get it you can carry your weapon but the last thing anyone with a gun wants to do is display it, I mean how fucking dumb are you?
>WHY IN THE FUCK DO YOU NEED TO DISPLAY YOUR WEAPON!? this is nothing but similar to those weeboos walking around with body pillows, you know how big of an oxymoron this is? I get it you can carry your weapon but the last thing anyone with a gun wants to do is display it, I mean how fucking dumb are you?
Whats worse is they open carry with a magazine in the weapon. Even off-duty IDF don't do that in Israel and they're surrounded by pissed off arabs whose land got stolen by the jews.
Buy it for my nephew, it's clearly a toy.
>60+ posts
Disappointing Sup Forums
>1 post by this I'd
I cop saw me and my friends playing with BB guns and shot some cans with us with said bb guns
the cops in my city are cool though
>TFW you realize an entire generation of Millenials can't relate to A Christmas Story because of their irreversibly broken families
They should kill themselves instantly if I'm being honest.
This will be a massive problem, a bigger one than it is now, in 5-10 years
>what do?
take pride, it's a Daisy
we also like to genocide baby seals
>high in salt
We are our own police. Get over it. And it's an AR-15. Not M-16
I'd buy one at that price. Looks like it could be fun.
open carry is for fedora fags
cc is where its at
Canada has Walmarts I though Canadian tire was walmart
I grew up with one of these. Shot myself in the forehead shooting at ants on the sidewalk. God I was a dumb kid. I told my dad and he just laughed because he knew he didn't have to tell me to be careful. I wore eye protection from then on.
I'm 23 and no joke i was the only one in my graduating class the had both original parents and all siblings fully related. Also my folks were married 3 years before they had there first child. In junior high i had a consular explain to me how rare that was when i said i was unlucky. It was a surreal moment.
Do you have a link to the video?
A practice rifle for toddlers.
I learned how to shoot with a pellet gun. Every boy should have one. Mine was a christmas gift when i was 10. I think everyone should have to put at least 10k rounds through a pellet gun before they are ever handed anything more powerful. It strips away the "sex appeal" of firearms and teaches responsibility.
Walk away, that thing is an absolute piece of shit
These can be converted to fire shot gun shells
Fucking this desu. All open carry fags are either "Lel fuck the authority" or "Look at how gruff and tough I am carrying this gun into a restaurant" pieces of shit. News flash, if a shooter was going to shoot up the place they'd target these "brave amendment exercising American citizens" first.
I had one of the higher FPS ones as a kid, I had a ND one into my shoe but it hit the steel toe and bounced off leaving a dent, my older bro lit me up for that.
I was shooting suckers after halloween one year and stupidly stood them in front of metal. A BB i shot shattered the sucker then ricocheted off the metal and came back to hit me right in the forehead. I learned to fear and respect guns that day.
We all make mistakes. Thankfully for the 2 of us, those mistakes were made with a pellet gun.
>they'd target these "brave amendment exercising American citizens" first.
They can only target one of them first. The 2nd and 3rd they plan to shoot would drop them.
Why risk being the first though? If you conceal carry there is literally no downside. A trained citizen who is concealed carrying can draw their sidearm in the same time as the open carry guy. All open carry niggers do here is give guns and their owners bad names. You're asking to start shit if you do so.
Bb-gun? Really? Don't you have those in Canada?
You'll shoot your eye out kid.