>New Orleans Pelicans guard Bryce Dejean-Jones was fatally shot after breaking down the door to a Dallas apartment early Saturday, authorities said.
>Dejean-Jones' agent, Scott Nichols, said his client died after a gunshot wound to the abdomen.
>According to Dallas police, officers responded to a call about a shooting at an apartment around 3:20 a.m. Saturday morning. The resident of the apartment said an individual had kicked open his front door and entered.
>The resident, who had been asleep, retrieved a handgun and called out to the individual, but did not receive an answer. The individual kicked the bedroom door and the resident fired his gun at the individual, who left the apartment and collapsed in the breezeway. The individual was transported to the hospital, where he died. Police at that point identified him as Dejean-Jones.
Wierd, even Fox News framed the story this way, calling it a tragedy, and giving his biography as if he wasn't shot and killed committing a crime.
Chase Williams
Being white is racist Shame on you, burger
Liam Howard
>investigation ongoing >literally no noncriminal explanation she can ever come up with, will still make it about race when the time comes >nigs are gonna nig ANALT
Jason Wood
Who cares? Niggers getting shot is a daily occurence in the US.
Josiah Cooper
Celebrities and politicians are the new nobility.
So watch your tone, peasant.
Anthony Thompson
Thanks for the new thread. Like I said before, for extra rage (those who can take it) go see the Iowa media react especially from the ISU basketball coach calling it a "senseless tragedy"
>Nigger played for ISU before missing the draft and signing with a NO team
Can find more info from kcci and whotv
Jace Gomez
>Being white is racist It really makes you think... I am now a #cruzmissile
Nicholas Hughes
Hmm, really makes you think. Am hillshill now.
Nolan Clark
nigger only knew how to count to 3 his own apartment was at 4th floor
Eli Thompson
>dude breaks into apartment >dude then invades bedroom >gets shot >"IT'S A TRAGEDY" no, it's self defense. the only thing I can possibly imagine is that Dejean-Jones was so high on drugs that he wasn't fully aware of his actions.
Asher Bailey
>"We are deeply saddened to learn the tragic news about Bryce," Hoiberg said in the press release. "I'm grateful that our paths crossed in this life. Bryce was a passionate and talented player that lived out his dream of playing in the NBA through hard work and perseverance. It's an incredibly sad day for me and all of Iowa State University. Our thoughts and prayers are with Bryce's family."
Hoidberg is former ISU coach, current Bulls coach.
>Works hard and achieves dream >Is a nigger >Pick one
Samuel Mitchell
>Hoiberg Every time
Gabriel Davis
>If you are behind two locked doors, you certainly may have something to hide.
Yeah, your family and your household property, from random niggers who think they can bust down the door at 3 in the morning.
Gavin Cook
This really doesn't make a lot of sense though. What reason would he have needed to do a home invasion? What could he possibly steal that he couldn't buy a million times over? I definitely want to hear more about this because it's weird.
Asher Thompson
>has never had to live around niggers
They do shit like that for fun. Gotta keep it street
Adrian Brown
Good riddance
Josiah Green
He was a former player at a shit-tier college in Iowa, who hadn't yet even begun a "career" with a shit-tier NBA team. I'm positive he was stealing.
It's just too bad the ISU staff here didn't consider he was a nigger before saying he was a good person and his death was senseless.
>Nigger >Good person >Senseless tragedy >Pick one
Camden Brown
what is with this "it really makes you think" forced meme?
Carson Kelly
He was probably on drugs and/or having a psychotic episode
Angel Rogers
Summer/btards invading this "newly discovered" board. It's especially bad with the Leafs. They think it's a clever troll, neverminding the rest of Sup Forums just thinking they're retarded
Blake Perez
Why not just hijack it with redpill statistic images with "really makes you think" as a caption?
Hunter Wright
Does he have a prior record for this? If he does, case closed its just who he is, but if not then which in a way makes it kind of sad
Leo Reyes
They don't know what half of the words you just used means. That's why. You could tell them the sky is blue and they'd respond hmm really makes you think
Carson Diaz
>I am now a #cruzmissile I love how far this meme has gone.
Hunter Flores
>After a season beset by injuries, then this. The Pelicans need to catch a break not a bullet.
Jaxon Reed
If he's some dindu on drugs, it's not sad. I've gotten drunk when I was his age and driven home at 6 am to my old apartment. But I just laughed, and drove to my exes place. I didn't kick down a fucking door because I'm not a nig
And really the latter point suggests either hard ass drugs, or a forced robbery. I feel sorry for neither. One less black to worry about
Hunter Howard
We're making fun of all the shills that follow the "I supported/loved Trump, but [...]. I'm voting for Hillary now" formula. Its been constant the last few days.
Joseph Robinson
Huh really makes you meme. I'm a meme missile now.
Jayden Smith
>“It is with deep sadness that the Pelicans organization acknowledges the sudden passing of Bryce Dejean-Jones," the Pelicans said in a statement Saturday afternoon. "We are devastated at the loss of this young man’s life who had such a promising future ahead of him. Our thoughts and prayers are with Bryce’s family during this difficult time.”
Kayden Reyes
>Drunk driving
You're as bad as he is.
Ethan Richardson
>no one knows what happened >investigation is ongoing
fucking hypocritical bitch, i'm pretty sure she's one of those idiots who quickly jump and blame while people for every ongoing shooting.
Aaron Parker
I quit that shit after I lost a friend who wrapped his car around a tree. That and I only drink at home now, which feels less degenerate than bars full of college kids in one of the worst college towns ever
Christopher Watson
It is known
Luis Ross
He wuz a good boy
Ryder Evans
Needs a bright orange EBT eligible sticker
Justin Myers
"He breaks into a mans apartment after he kicks down the door. Than [sic] he kicks down the bedroom door". Now let's hear Dejean-Jones side of the story. Convenient.
Ryder Reed
Believe he was trying to break into his girlfriends apartment, but picked the wrong apartment and got shot. Don't think he was looking to steal.
Thomas Scott
Pretty sure even with the current retardation of American cops thst they can still recognize a forced entry
Also, it's middle of the night New Orleans. And it's a nigger. Not like he was going around preaching the Mormon faith?
Andrew Hernandez
>he was trying to break into his girlfriends apartment
its the go to phrase for people who have nothing funny to say or dont know how to start a thread but have a news story to show
Cameron Bennett
>Knock on door to check on child who is celebrating birthday >Crazed redneck sees someone of a different skin complexion standing outside the door >Crazed redneck uses this opportunity open the door, invite Dejean inside, and then shoot him in coldblood
>AmeriKKKans will defend this
Brayden Nguyen
Your source, against the NOPD, and all other news outlets, and the briefs from his former and current teams, Is a self-described "trilingual basketball reporter" on twitter. Thanks for confirming what I thought about leafs.
I just wanted a weekend on Sup Forums without shit posts
Justin Howard
A complete bs excuse. Breaking shit down like that many he was up to no good. Just look at the record of nigger sports starts who beat and rape their women.
Anthony Roberts
Nig was trash anyway. Basketball ain't gonna miss him.
James Flores
>i don't think we need sherlock holmes
Liam King
>>Crazed redneck uses this opportunity open the door, invite Dejean inside, and then shoot him in coldblood >Doors have boot impressions on the outside of it >Forced entry is now a inviting gesture And you wonder why niggers such as yourself never evolved further than mud huts ans spears
Justin Gonzalez
Dat freed salary cap space doe, senpai
Oliver Rivera
Nig is "visiting his gf and child" (but comes home past 3 AM). Can't count (high or not), so wrong floor. GF doesn't open immediately, so uses nig logic, breaks it down. Reasonable person is like WTF. Calls out, and Nig who can't count thinks man who calls out is bangin his gf, so breaks down another door. Nig shot dead. An untold number of wrongs, and then, at last, a right.
Matthew Jenkins
Maybe he was lost in the dark and wanted to knock to ask for directions, but his foot got stuck under the door, so it looked like he kicked it down and he also was mute and that's why didn't respond.
Carson Allen
Liam Cooper
This is disgusting and unfortunately true. They need to keep their nigga cred. They made a culture of being delinquents.
Parker Hughes
Is this what you actually think happened? Fucking really? I'm pretty sure it was break and enter, maybe he had the wrong apartment who knows but ffs its definitely not this
Isaiah Thomas
>ESPN reported that the acquaintance was the mother of Dejean-Jones’ child. Nichols told CNN in a statement that the NBA player was in Dallas to visit his girlfriend for his daughter’s first birthday. He said Dejean-Jones was visiting her new apartment for the first time and, when he came back to the apartment later that night, he went to the unit directly below hers. crimeblog.dallasnews.com/2016/05/nba-player-bryce-dejean-jones-dies-in-dallas-county-at-age-23.html/
Mason Price
Kek I bet he said bruh at least 3 times before he died, considering he had time to think about his failure of a life while he bled out through his abdomen
Isaac Rivera
Oh look another leaf trying to troll. THAT sure isnt getting old
Cameron Peterson
Surprisingly not Jewish
Dominic Baker
Surprisingly not Jewish
Owen King
just a reminder the jidf are here on the sole purpose to engage troll and shill ignore them
Leo Barnes
A tragic mistake, but the shooter did nothing wrong. He was defending his home from a potential murderer, burglar or psychopath, and the fact he called out but received no answer meant he had a right to potentially defend himself.
The guy shouldn't have been so reckless, he knowingly went into a situation where he could have been shot.
Michael Reed
Doesn't excuse nig behavior because he kicked down the door because the girlfriend or ex or whatever told him to go get fucked. Don't defend their behavior. We're literally months away from a federal repeal of "stand your ground laws" and implementation of racial quotas in prison.
But thanks for an informative and sourced post. A lot better than combing through Canadian shit posting
Brandon Lopez
>Can't even spell >Calls others unevolved
This is like Trayvon Martin. There are two sides to every tragedy. In these case it is the black side that is silenced because of lax gun laws in states like Texas. Dejean would still be here if the apartment tenant did not own a gun.
Luis Ross
The only thing you could ascertain from that investigation is the motive. > Which is the most retarded thing about BLM They jump to the conclusion that it was down to racist rage. They never go: > Why DID that officer kill that person/GANG MEMBER? > Are they being bribed by other interests? > Did the victim know something they shouldn't? That shit does happen.
That Mexican cartel that wanted to ethnically cleans parts of L.A of black people could have one hell of a time both getting rid of competition AND tying up the police/restricting their powers.
Thats how "woke" these people are.
Juan Barnes
Are people seriously defending this basketball American? He broke into someone's apartment, roundhouse kicking down 2 sets of doors at 3AM. Even if the excuse is "he thought it was his baby mama's apartment" this shit is still fucked up
Jeremiah Gonzalez
I uh, don't see what you think in my post is trolling? The guy was claiming that the person invited him in to murder him and I said that was a fucking stupid notion/idea..
unless that was you, in which case no I wasn't trolling you and just because I am opposing the statement you made doesn't mean I am trolling
Owen Parker
If guns are banned then how will Americans open their Doritos? How will they weigh down their gas pedals after loosing their feet ro diabeetus? How will they flip their pancakes? How will they calculate their taxes? Think before you post commie.
Ryan Richardson
What the fuck is racial quotas in prison? Round up some innocent whites just to balance out the niggers?
Noah Adams
>Don't defend their behavior. I never said it excused his behavior. And I'm not defending it. You asked for evidence to another user's statement and I gave it in the form of a news article. That is all.
Leo Davis
Fuck off.
Blake Barnes
How is this even controversial? Guy broke into an apartment, was warned, broke into a bedroom, got shot, ended up in dead nigger storage. His NBA salary should be garnished to pay to clean up any mess.
Alexander Taylor
Was the shooter white? If so, that was pretty racist of him, the black guy probably just got mixed up about which apartment he was entering.
Aaron Powell
You know what. I don't have much going for me this weekend. Not even grilling out because its raining and I lost my job to outsourcing last month. So I'm no officially going to ignore any post with a Canadian flag. You're dead to me. Congrats
I just don't see the allure of shit posting unless one is unable to have a coherent argument because they lack the intelligence. You only take that position because you know you'll get a guaranteed response. And like most leafs, can't even form a post with sufficient grammar. Goobye
Luis Bailey
Not an argument
Jacob Gomez
Or letting a nigger go for lesser crimes? Already happening. States were mandated to sign "reform" laws that reduce sentences for non violent often drug related offenses.
Now I'm not against drugs like pot but I am against niggers drug peddling, which is why they get arrested
So just wait til the above is expanded to say, the current rate of incarceration cannot exceed 49% for blacks. Or less.
Connor Ross
Jason Bell
Ok. Just checking
Blake Clark
has she even gotten another job yet?
Leo Ortiz
I think you literally just trolled yourself but okay bye. Hope you get another job. You would get a guaranteed response no matter the opinion you have on this matter, whether you are in the Dindu nuffin camp, or he deserved it camp.
Charles Hill
Still not an argument.
Carson Diaz
Is this the one who got cuffed because she didn't understand how court works?
Angel Barnes
I thought one of the problems with your justice system is the "prison industry" creating an incentive for harsh criminal punishment? Why would they let this slide, it'll hurt their bottom line?
Jayden Peterson
Hes a pro ape hoop player, why would he need to rob?
Hudson Fisher
yup the one and the same
Henry Torres
More than likely he was just doing what niggers do.
I see you're still blue pilled though and love to try and reason the actions of minorities so I'm going to leave pic related for you
Daniel Ramirez
Why am I not surprised
It's hard for me to explain because I'm so split on it. On one hand, you shouldn't have years in jail and horrible charges on your permanent record just because you lit up. A lot get harsher sentences than drug peddlers which makes zero sense.
On the other hand, it opens up the door for making stupid rulings that are aimed at combating a race issue that doesn't exist. If blacks committ the most crime, then blacks are probably gonna be the predominant race in jail. People's premise is that whites tend to go free for these lesser crimes which isn't true; most whites don't have rap sheets.
And the trend is swinging in the other direction; most prisons are overpopulated and Americans don't like their taxes increased. The courthouse in my home county is shut down on a monthly basis because of problems with gas leaks, asbestos, and prisoners escaping.
Hope this illuminates both sides a little clearer; the tl;Dr is the left wants to solve a race problem by creating more get out of jail free cards instead of addressing the fact that blacks committ the most crime
Chase Cook
Connor Miller
What did she do?
Wyatt Morales
Because it was his nature.
Joshua Sanders
Freak accident although knocking down two doors of an apartment you don't live in, better be prepped for what's coming your way. I do feel for the guy though, I mean it's a stupid thing to do. Also feel really ad for the guy who shot him, he's going to be fucked up for a long time having to live with killing the dude. He's probably just as fucked in the head having to live with this but if someone's coming thru my house at 3am you bet your ass they are getting fucked up.
Wyatt Gutierrez
Basically she tried shouting down a judge, who was trying to maintain a clear record. She wouldn't shut up even after he gave her multiple warnings. He held her in contempt but instead of jail time, he had the bailiff cuff her and sit her down for like 3 minutes.
But of course the left is in a tizzy saying "oh its because she's black" "Oh its because she's a woman" vigorously defending your client is one thing; being retarded is another
Tyler Bell
He kicked two doors down.
Parker Clark
"Sometimes it’s easy to forget just how quickly things can be taken away.
Bryce Dejean-Jones has tragically passed away. The details are not important."