Why so much shilling today?

Is something important happening?

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Lot of shilling lately, this board is reaching critical mass, once trump is elected, Kek will make Sup Forums real

No, just bored.

Pretty much this. The reality of a Trump presidency will he hitting the nation over the next couple months. Kek has blessed us.

See, those digits just confirmed it.

because niggers

weekend. I dont know why, but the weekend is always filled with Bernie shills

probably another board, BLM or tumblr group doing it for luls

Don't forget, 3-day weekend
4 days for some folks, including me

why do people think theres payment to those who shitpost, its very dumb. are they even human?

plebbit is just having an aneurysm.

>you can see her hand reflected in her eyes
god damn

Reddit comes here for their weekly shitposting spree. This happens in almost every board, if you actually check famous generals on Sup Forums, Sup Forums and such, the quality drops so low they literally go full meme posting.

No one would waste shilling on a website with permavirgin neonazis. They'd go to Facebook or reddit instead.

No one is being paid to shill for Hillary by the way. It's a Republican-funded lie and a pathetic attempt to smear her campaign.

Let's dispell the myth.........
......that Hillary voters don't know what they're doing....

Nothing's happening and there's a lot of bait on the board, so I decided to start a movement.

Bernie automation Drumpf! YRYL but John Oliver 2016!

Do i HAVE to subscribe? I just want a few things just for me but all i see is "subscribe now" posts. They're bretty good previews tbqh sempai
Thx btw

yup, Shillary and Ruskies are getting desperate

Socialism though.

Threesome with a ginger and a nigress? Man, being a plantation owner must've been kickass.

Clinton is losing supporters rapidly for having a rapist husband, being an obvious corporate shill, and for screwing Bernie out of the nomination.

The fix is in and everyone knows it. Even Trump.

the shilling is due to the truth starting to settle on Bernie supporters, and they're lashing out. First stage denial.

It's almost June. Obama had already put Shillary away by this point in 2008.

Don't worry Bernouts-- Trump can beat her even if you can't. LEL

Reddit, breitbart, Correct the Record, random sjw readers of leftist publications (Sup Forums has actually been getting remarkable amounts of coverage lately,) and then of course shitposters shitposting.


Holy fuck I made that meme.

What's this dumb stoners name again? She's really pretty Tbh.

No free market deals with this hottie :'(

She's a kulak.

It's summer.
It happens every year when the kiddie get their break

i like it

thought I was the only one that hated that faggot level kikebook "dat boi" bullshit.

>what is applied memetics


No it's not a kike this time.

Talmudists BTFO.

Fugg it I'll still subscribe for a little while. How do you get these pics anyway?


Fuck off with this autistic buzzword

do you have that american flag icon enabled just for looks?

Fuck off shill

It's more along the lines of forum sliding

And yes it's real. I assume to turn off newfags and piss off oldfags to slow any perceived momentum in the uptick of trump supporters

hmmmm that makes sense, accuse the people calling out shills autistic. that should convinced the underaged faggots posting here