If Trump gets elected we all know that we'll need right wing death squads to help handle the backlash?
How should they look?
I'm thinking of something similar to pic related.
If Trump gets elected we all know that we'll need right wing death squads to help handle the backlash?
How should they look?
I'm thinking of something similar to pic related.
Other urls found in this thread:
No we'll need right wing sex squads to fertilise all the dusty arid SJW puss
Get russian gas masks and go full fucking Combine
Im really fucking down for this idea
>Wanting to continue infecting the gene pool with liberalism.
This is the only choice
Seems like a fun job. Probably has great work benefits.
I prefer this
Hail Zeon
>Adopting commieshit anything
Get fucked pinko and take your Kalashnikov with you
This is what our masks will look like and nothing more
Sup Forums shitposts about Turkey, but their Grey Wolves are an ultranationalist death squad that has both effectiveness and political support.
Those aren't /fa/ enough.
Those aren't masks you idiot
They're kebab, it doesn't matter what they do kill 'em all
just imagine the terror this would create
They may be kebab, but they're really the model for this sort of thing. They kill so quickly and mercilessly for their pan-Turkist causes that everyone's afraid of them. Not like those clown Oathkeepers and sovereign citizens who are just a Gawker punchline.
thats bad ass
This is some heretics of the void dragon. Purge.
I fucking love it, do they have their shoulders strapped up with their helmets? That's such a cool idea.
Like this.
Needs more lower body protection.
nothing will happen. You think that you'll do it, but you won't. You didn't do anything during this admin, you won't do anything then.
They should look like ordinary people who were minding their own business when the dindu chimped out.
You hearin' this, Sweden and Germany? No uniforms, just readiness.
Did someone say RWDS?
>>Wanting to continue infecting the gene pool with liberalism.
>implying that leftism is genetic
How about this?
Give them armor like in Jin-Roh. It's the only way.
>implying I'm not waiting for a chance to put my life on the line taking out the liberal suckers
>just to see stupid faces they make when they remember they told me I wouldn't do anything
>actually assuming burgerbro Sup Forumslacks would hesitate to do the same
I say we go for the sci-fi look
something like this works just fine
then your mask will be totally cucked.
latex masks, laser micro-perforations for ears, eyes, nose and mouth, go full COBRA
Yeah, I remember how many of you went to support the bundys with your guns during the ranch stand off. Or when you and yours showed up during that siege earlier this year, or the revolution that ensued after obama was elected, or after he passed the aca, or if he didn't show his birth certificate......See where this is going?
8 years of jack shit.
really nigga
Was going to post this
How many people talking about makes have spent hours in MOPP 4 in 100 degree weather? I'm inclined to believe if you have, you would realize the drawbacks of conducting operations in a gas mask, or any mask, far outweigh the aesthetics.
>See where this is going?
A worldwide authoritarian federation like in my favorite sci-fi novel Starship Troopers?
These guys wore masks in hot ass weather
it ruins the effect when you realize all of these guys are 4 feet tall
You mean fabric coverings to keep desert dust out
Oy vey
Pic related, it's my binoculars
A balaclava's a totally different story. It doesn't inhibit your ability to see or get a good cheek weld on your weapon. I was referring more to the gas masks and ballistic masks that have been posted.
flat black skintight latex, you basketballer
>We should kill people who disagree with us
This is why Trump will never win. He and his supporters are fucking dangerous psychopaths.
Kill yourselves.
>people who disagree with me should kill themselves
Here's you (You)
It's unfortunate when we give liberals free speech they use it to restrict ours.
What's Calvin Kline doing these days?
you and yours aren't smart enough to maintain it. It'll just crumble, and we will revert back to where we were.
I'm thinking something like this
>People who disagree with me
No, not "people who disagree with me." More like "People who want to violently repress opposing viewpoints through paramilitary death squads". Fucking retard.
I don't see any liberals calling for death squads. Do you, asshole?
>seeing anything ever
Yes I have. They want communism and gulag again.
They're called Antifa, they're just too pussy to actually do shit.
>beta sperg rage intensifies
So angry, this child.
>They want communism and gulag again.
Bull fucking shit. Believe it or not, just because you say it, doesn't make it true - You delusional, paranoid fuck. End yourself.
>They're called Antifa
People have the right to come together and protest. Nobody is calling for murder or the formation of a paramilitary unit under the President with the stated intention of violent repressing opposing views. You people are fucking morons.
You don't know how happy it makes me that I'm going to be given the order to come purge your neighborhood once Trump becomes my new Commander in Chief.
>End yourself
See this is what I'm talking about
Keep dreaming, kiddo.
you are disgusting. this is the worst idea to ever come out of Sup Forums, and that's saying something.
>implying dreams don't come true
*That one is wearing a Burka!*
Masks are a necessity. People are more willing to commit atrocities when they are anonymous, and it limits eye contact. It also looks badass.
It is a shemagh, not a mask or a balaclava.
There will definitely be backlash, but we must maintain law and order. None of that backing down shit like they did in Ferguson. The police and National Guard essentially got out of the way and let people set fires and destroy property at will. Under Trump, that will not happen.
/fa/ + gas mask
Where can I enlist?
nah just use the army and nazi death camps
Send Ed 209 at them.
Tenno, your Warframe looks so... slippery.
I'm hoping for a big demonstration, then an order just to mow them down when they don't disperse.
like the Comedian in the Watchmen, or that wasting of Arabs in Rules of Engagement
bring in the judge system
You faggot nerds are so cringeworthy
Let me know, I will gladly help out on the purge
Pretty much this.
Degeneracy must burn.
Realistically the NCR ranger getup would be ideal
those are comfy as fuck though.
what do you mean need? we already have them.
No. They do media shaming, call for firing you, getting your info all over the place and harassing you and your family members.
A smart strategist uses his enemies most effective tactics
Praise KEK
>People are more willing to commit atrocities when they are anonymous
This should be our motto.
The irony lies in that those are Mexican soldiers.
>faggy colored smoke
>gimp suit mask for fags
Literally couldn't be gayer. Your latent homosexuality is showing Sup Forums.
Pol is the new order
My vote is for the Taiwanese Special Forces look.
Bring back the Freikorps!
I can never take that fucking gas mask seriously
looks like gondola