Pay up whitey. Everything you own and accomplish is at the expense of your black brothers and drenched in the blood of slaves, you colonial shitlord.
Pay up whitey. Everything you own and accomplish is at the expense of your black brothers and drenched in the blood of slaves, you colonial shitlord.
> Because everything is made out of cotton in the US and came off a plantation.
Say it with me now senpai.
I pay in lead and spent brass
Make me
You already got 40 acres and a mule. Don't like it? Go back to Africa.
Be honest, it's steel casings,
Metaphorical brass.
I just picked one of my gifs, you CAN buy brass 7.62x39
Your website is shitty and barely functions, spammer.
My family is all Jews from Syria, I can simply proclaim my superiority in guilt tripping and make the NigNog give me his shit so I can burn it.
Is this that Chris Tucker sounding nigger?
what the FUUUUUCK
Easy lads, I'm on your side. Just being honest and realistic.
>mongol empire
>ottoman empire
>ummayad caliphate
>muh imperial whitey
Goddamn I wish we left them to starve in their malaria-ridden shitholes.
Don't blame them. Their ignorance and and destroyed culture are the product of Zionist agendas. Media, police state, the war on drugs, gangs (originated in prisons), welfare state, prison economy, all have either perpetuated, or directly contributed to, the destruction of the African-American family.
You must ubderstand, that for a short time, they were able to be Americans like us. They upheld family values, and just wanted to work hard and live comfortably.
Shortly after being given the right to vote (hard earned) the campaign to subjugate them began. The war on drugs worked perfectly, to destory the family by putting young black fathers in prison. A child without a father figure, and stable family, is much more likely to have a low IQ, and other behavioral impairments. This removed their right to vote (gotcha), own firearms, and made it near impossible to find a job. So, the prison gangs were brought to the streets. Those kids who's fathers were in prison, were commonly members. African American communities were quickly turned into crime ridden ghettos.
The thing about ghettos? Terrible food, and most people drink tap water. This leads to children growing up with constant exposure to neurotoxins, further lowering health and IQ.
And that wasn't enough. Welfare was designed to encourage single mother households. Suddenly, mother's didn't even want fathers around, and the democrats just got voters for life.
The final nail in the coffin? The Jews behind media. Rap was, and is, very intentional, as were the violent, criminal themes it portrays.
You're mistaken, porch monkey. Niggers were enslaved in africa by other niggers. All whitey did was take you from slavery in that shithole to slavery in this glorious nation where you get to eat watermelon and play basketball.
You owe us big time. Pay up motherfucker.
Bump for justice
Is it true the CIA pushed crack in black communities?
You still sound like a bit of a mollycoddling liberal though. Ultimately blacks are responsible for their own decisions. Though we have that same welfare single mother problem here too.
>Not realizing that majority of Americans were poor farmers who worked their own land without slaves prior to 1900.
>Not realizing that all the food, clothing, money, and other resources were usually derived from local resources, created locally, and also sold locally without slave labor contributing to any part of this process.
>Not realizing that most white males were forbidden to vote under the newly formed United States government, unless they were rich or held land.
>Not realizing that the Arab slave trade was built on racism (Arabs hated blacks, and wrote about how they believed blacks were an inferior race that was only suited for slavery, even going so far to say that they were evil because there was "less light" in their skin).
During slavery, my ancestors were running around in Finland trying to keep the Russians at bay, or in Germany and Czechloslovakia doing who knows what.
I have no guilt for my heritage. Enjoy being a cuck
Does the rest of the world also owes Europe and America for the Scientific and Industrial revolutions?
Sure. I'll pay. In led.