Why is United States worse off now than in 2008?
Why is United States worse off now than in 2008?
Yes. Much worse.
It isn't in most respects.
The national debt continues to rise and the government still has a considerable deficit. That's the biggest one I can think of off the top of my head.
>national debt doubled
>labor force participation is at an all time low
>creating jobs but they're part time shit
>cant give people more than 30 hr a week or they'll qualify for Obamacare
>can't give people overtime because now they must earn 1.5x their reg pay
>banks are still huge because they weren't allowed to fail
>jobs still shipped overseas
>single motherhood still rising
>race tensions rising
>lgbtqa whatever wasn't that big of a deal
>people now advocating for safespaces, shutting down speech
All I can think of now
He promised 2 things would be accomplished while he was running: Close Gitmo and pull troops out of the middle east.
8 years later...
- Gitmo is still open
- Troops were pulled out prematurely, causing a power vacuum, which caused the refugee crises; also troops got sent back in to try to finish what they started the first time
Let's also not forget the many times he used his executive powers to push his bullshit that nobody wanted.
And Obummercare is a complete failure to the point that every candidate who ran or is currently running is saying they're going to scrap it.
Here's what's gonna happen
>trump is elected
>fed raises interest rates after the election
>government can't afford to pay debts
>American dollar plummets
>trump is blamed for everything
>establishment sweeps in with and saves the economy from evil trump
Its all a game
If i was to say in 2008 to anyone that a mental person could win tens of thousands of dollars because someone called them by their gender, or that a black pride group very hostile to whites and a sect of the naacp had leadership which were white people who are "transrace", they'd laugh and think i was crazy... Beyond that our president has totally went off the leftie deep end pushing anti gun legislation while funding and supplying radical groups in the Middle East and mexican cartel with high caliber weaponry and apologizing for events which were not only justified, but made America seem weaker than we've been in many many decades... I voted for obama, how foolish i was to believe that he was moderate in any manor
2008 major issues:
continuation of terrorist purge in ME
create 700b treasury fund to save banks
2016 major issues:
allow muslim terrorists and welfare seekers into country
allow men with poor mental health in women's bathrooms
We were headed off a cliff in 2008. Things aren't as bad now, but working-class people are still hurting and haven't seen the same level of recovery as others.
I'm annoyed that Obama had a Dem Senate/House, yet didn't enact the progressive reforms that people were clamoring for.
All sorts of progressive programs and policies were adopted the last time this country's economy was brought to it knees eighty years ago, yet none of that ever came when Obama, who was a symbol of change back then, certainly had the power to do something for the working people who voted him in in the first place.
>we will never have another Polk
Because we have a communist muslim sympathizer in charge.
>Things aren't as bad now
They're way worse. Stop believing what you hear on the mainstream media. At least we had borders in 2008.
It's not.
There was no recovery.
The crisis was confected, a planned market consolidation. Like black New Orleans neighborhoods becoming Jewish-owned after Katrina.
way more people were illegally immigrating then than now.
the issue isn't necessarily people still coming in, it's mostly the ton of people that are already here.
the economy recovered, wages didn't. pretty much all the recovery just meant the top dogs weren't taking hits with everyone else.
They claim the recession is over but I don't see any fucking improvements. It's hard as fuck to get a job, wages are low, and nobody can manage to get more than part time jobs.
Adding to this, obama has been absolutely terrible when it comes to social/economic issues. Forcing bullshit like gay and tranny acceptance down our throats. Throwing gasoline on the fire with the race-baiting and causing race relations to absolutely crumble. And the worst thing by far is his current plan to forcibly relocate dindus into white neighborhoods.
ayy dumb burgers your country is a mess, you're not the leaders of the west anymore senpai
Democrats will defend this.
nice units faggot
Because the life span of every great empire has been, on average, 250 years. The US is 240 years old. Fun times await us soon.
I am disappointed in you Sup Forums.
Niggers, we have one leading us.
Jews, niggers, SJW's, spics
please don't be silly. Macroeconomic indicators don't move 20% at once. A 4% drop in labor force participation within a 5 year time span is actually incredible and hasn't been observed since the 70's. Same argument with every other graph.
>implying we aren't a republic just now making the transition into an empire
Our reign has just begun.
What empire?
I think we are eating the age of caesar here, the american republic will undergo some major changes as the old corrupt political ruling class are either purged or absorbed into a new power structure.
Not just US. The Anglo-Judaic empire in general.
Assyria, Persia, Greece, the Roman Republic, the Roman Empire, the Mamelukes, the Ottomans, Spain, Romanov Russia, Great Britain. All these entities had golden ages of relevance and vigor that lasted approximately 200-250 years. Then they faded, sapped of all strength by their own obscene wealth, decadence, and distance from the values and attitudes of the men who first made them great - the fate of all empires.
Trudeau is a MASSIVE faggot. We are not jealous of his liberal idiocy.
>national debt
>racial tensions highest since the 60's
>credit rating downgraded
>military weakened
>tax to live
>progressivism spreading like cancer