>Trumpfags will defend this
>inb4 pobody's nerfect
>Trumpfags will defend this
>inb4 pobody's nerfect
>implying a candidate can be 100% perfect
>Trumpfags will defend a fake tweet
will they?
If he brings up theoretical mathematics that cannot be used in the real world or repeated. We will know for SURE.
Trump BTFO
>OP will try to defend this
Damn really makes you think... that the shills are really working hard
that's as disgusting as it is funny, and it's pretty funny.
Evolution is a lie
Your parents' love too.
What exactly is wrong about this statement? Evolution is a theory not a fact.
He's right
Evolution is a lie
Humans did not come from monkeys there is no link
They believe in evolution because they're blue pilled atheists
>Fake tweet
>Literally said during a debate "I am a huge believer in genetics"
>atheists claim God isn't real because you can't see Him
>atheists also claim evolution is real even thought you can't see it
Thought that was a Swedish flag shirt.
Taking the bait, but you can see it. Study microbiology.
No you can't don't lie
>user claims to have a brain even thought you can't see it
Evolution is a lie though.
A stupid position, but I don't see how this impacts the main policies he is campaigning on.
the real perplexing mental constraint
Are you sure you are not a american?
I did not come from primordial ooze and I didn't evolve from a monkey.
Checkmate fgt
Scientific theories are called theories because you must accept induction a priori to accept the logical validity of the scientific method. Scientific theories have an enormous amount of evidence backing them which is how they get elevated from being hypotheses and conjectures.
We aren't the only creationists.
Yeah but the global flood fits a lot better with the observable data.
How the fuck are you posting from NK?
Nice proxy
(that is newfag backwards)
You should've used a much earlier date.
Stop banning me you cunt
Hi best Korea
How about you kill yourself science faggot. God is the only way. Tomorrow is Sunday why not do yourself a favor and head to church. Tell them Tommy sent you.
Say newfag, you fag.
>>Trumpfags will defend this
There is nothing to defend. Trump cannot be stumped, and therefore, he receives a free pass on whatever he says.
There are no exceptions to this rule. Deal with it.
Nobody is perfect. Fortunately, evolution is well beyond the scope of what the president can legislate for. I don't care if he thinks we evolved from dragons, it's not like he can make any meaningful change along those lines.